with the exemption of hunting bows flyrods are by far the most commonly owned but never used piece of equipment a sportsman owns.... 1 in 10 sportmen who start flyfishing will continue on for life, anyone who doesn't believe me can just type flyrod into the search engiene of craigslist. becoming an effective flyfisherman is one of the most difficult undertakings most sportsmen try... and if you succeed you are rewarded with special waters... not by god.. the queen, or lefty kreh... but by the state, The state, t.v, gear manufacturers, forums, art, and modern writers sell it as a better way... a more honorable or sophisticated way to poke a fish in the mouth with a hook and then lose it... Norman Mclain once wrote... " no man who does not know "how" to catch a fish should be able to insult a fish by catching it.... and I agree. In the end Im just a guy standing in a river wearing a funny hat... waving a stick, and if its flyfishing only.. then its "my" river, if I went to colbys bass pond and he said sorry, state says no flyfishing I would borrow a rod from him and move forward with my life... I would let the ditch pickles go if its what he requested and would even try not to swear if he asked me not to.... I wouldn't post later that day that bass fishermen are elitist nascar jacket wearin jerks with funny boats that look like they are half sunk... I would say, fun day.. but I don't think I will go there again becouse I don't like the rules.. reminds me of that little girl who wanted to be a cubscout, but no one told her she couldn't.. they just sued to teach her that acceptance is not something a person need to learn or have... f**** the ACLU just another example of the fact that anytime people who went to college get together in a group... someones gonna get taxed or bullied... my chicken pot pies done so I will end now-