Fly fishing only?

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Well said.

However, I use all methods on the waters that I fish...flies included. And I have been a proponent of C & R (I rarely keep any). But, I would agree that not all bait fisherpeeps are of the C & R persuasion.
bigsteel said:
heres my take on it...

I tried to think of more to say but I think you about covered it Dave!:clap:
IMO, fly fishing only water does have its place here in OR. Certainly it does fuel charges of elitism though. However, i think it is good for our fisheries. As was mentioned above, fly only waters are a lot cleaner. It is sad what our fellow fishermen leave behind on the banks.

Some people do think they own the water and that guide was probably just trying to intimidate you because you are young, Colby. However, bad behavior can be found everywhere, across all hobbies and interests.
I hate when this elitist fly fisherman crap comes up. The percentage of D-bag lure/bait guys is way higher than the percentage of D-bag fly guys. I fish quite a bit in a lot of different water easily 70% of the fly fisherman I see are friendly and helpful, at least half the lure/bait guys I see are complete D-bags with no regards for anyone but themselves. There are jerks everywhere it really makes no difference if you fly fish or if you fish bait. I see absolutely nothing wrong with setting aside sections of streams/lakes for fly fishing only.

Eastcoastborn: If you are interested PM me and I'll hook you up with somes spot that aren't fly fishing only but you'll be able to do your thing in peace and still have a good shot at a fish.
well put BigSteel...

not a fan of this topic though as it "labels" us as fisher-folk... I fish ALL methods - and hate to be stereo typed for the methods I carry. Funny though to see the look on some of the guys faces when I pass em on the river - packin two fly rods and a spinnin' settup!!

bigsteel said:
heres my take on it,go to any piece of water that is fly only,and i have many styrafoam bait containers,no wads of mono line in every tree,no lure or jig packages thrown along the ground,its the cleanest stretch of the river hands guys are just different,we dont like combat fishing we dont like standing arm to arm with everyone and there mother right below every dam in oregon.we dont fish to fill our tags,

99.9% of fly fishermen are catch and fishermen believe in native,wild fish.

That's not so much the case with large number of fly fishermen here on the north coast. Since ODFW opened the rivers for retention it's clear many in the fly fishing crowd have no concept of "limit your kill, don't kill your limit." It's not everyone, but it is certainly a sizable crowd.

using flies compared to a spinner with a huge treble hook is far more safe for a fish,and has been proven.

Just take the deschutes for instance,right now they have over 3,000 redsides per river mile,,now open that up to bait and you can kiss off that fish population.\

Hold on a second, a quick glance of the regs shows the Deschutes is largely restricts bait and allows both lure and fly. How is it then that those evil and vile lure fishermen can exist on the water and yet it's still largely clean and populated with fish? (P.S. your comments in that regard are a prime example of fly fishermen elitism. "Facts be damned, we're better than lure fishermen!")

also would like to add as far as i know fly fishermen are the only anglers who advocate catch and realease and wild fish proponents,theres several groups dedicated to this in the flyfishing community but you never hear that from gear guys.

C&R is commonly touted throughout the lure fishing community, from warm water bass to native trout, to native steelhead. But it's clear that you are ignorant of that fact. On these forums, I've seen on numerous occasions fly anglers belittling others for keeping stocked trout, calling them bucket-heads, and worse. Yet they apparently skip right over all the threads with native trout being released unharmed, and yet despite that, you still feel the need to demonize anyone who fishes with different gear from you.
beaverfan said:
The percentage of D-bag lure/bait guys is way higher than the percentage of D-bag fly guys. I fish quite a bit in a lot of different water easily 70% of the fly fisherman I see are friendly and helpful, at least half the lure/bait guys I see are complete D-bags with no regards for anyone but themselves.

What's funny is that my experience is the exact opposite here on the north coast rivers. I wouldn't be surprised if most anglers react more favorably to someone fishing the same way as them, but what I do know is that while tossing spinners and spoons I've been called a snagger an equal number of times by the bait fishermen as I have from fly fishermen.

There are jerks everywhere it really makes no difference if you fly fish or if you fish bait.

Very true indeed.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with setting aside sections of streams/lakes for fly fishing only.

Are there going to be sections set aside on equally productive waters for lure fishing only, where fly fishermen, by virtue of the gear they use alone, can't go? Ie. if the weight of the line is what puts the lure in front of the fish they can't fish there, but if the weight of the lure puts the lure in front of the fish they can.
Why does everything have to be fair??? Life isn't fair get over it! I am a lure/bait guy and fish the north coast all the time and have seen the complete opposite.
I think it is cheaper and easier to learn gear fishing than the fly route, therefore there are many more novice, beginner, or part-timers that use gear methods. I think it would be correct to call this population less dedicated to the sport and or the waterways. I pretty much agree with BIGSTEEL though, the fly only rivers are much cleaner. I had not really thought about the reason(s) for that. I know that I picked up another bunch of aluminum and plastic yesterday....I think I am going to start putting a plastic grocery bag in my vest just so I can carry more junk back to my rig!! Doc
beaverfan said:
Why does everything have to be fair??? Life isn't fair get over it! I am a lure/bait guy and fish the north coast all the time and have seen the complete opposite.

The point wasn't so much about the fairness as the utter ridiculousness of it all. Which is also where the charges of elitism come from. I mean, seriously! The weight is on the line, not the lure, that's the difference!

P.S. This isn't ifish, I expected a better response than "life isn't fair"
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All I know is everywhere I go in Oregon that allows "gear guys" there is "gear guy" trash. All kinds of remains from a days fishing (i.e. bait containers, broken gear, beer bottles, food trash, tangled line). Back in the east coast it is the same... but we also had "Fly Fishing Only" streams and they were kept clean and beautiful. I know that is not the mentality of all gear guys... but it seems to be the majority. I hope you all responding here take the time to be different. As for fly fisherman...we are not elitists if we are caring about the environment where we are fishing and about giving the other fisherman of the stream room to work. I have never come across a fisherman who wasn't friendly, gear or fly, but I just don't like tripping over bait containers while snagging my rod tip in some tangled mess of 10lb mono and pushing people I don't know out of the way for some room to cast a line. I think there is just too many fisherman and we should all retire.....
Why are the gear guys getting so worked up anyways? I was just asking a simple question. I wasn't trying to say anything bad. Maybe feeling a little guilty about the gaffing holes you put into a native fish's mouth? Or that 300 yds of tangled line you left on the side of the stream last week?....... Get a fly rod and hook a fish with it.... You'll never go back.....
Holy cow man in one post you say your not an elitist and then your next post says "Why are the gear guys getting so worked up anyways? I was just asking a simple question. I wasn't trying to say anything bad. Maybe feeling a little guilty about the gaffing holes you put into a native fish's mouth? Or that 300 yds of tangled line you left on the side of the stream last week?....... Get a fly rod and hook a fish with it.... You'll never go back..... " You obviously DO think you are better than everyone else! (which since you obviously don't know is the definition of "elitist") I think the percentage of D-bag fly guys just bumped up about 10%!
Eastcoastborn said:
Why are the gear guys getting so worked up anyways? I was just asking a simple question. I wasn't trying to say anything bad. Maybe feeling a little guilty about the gaffing holes you put into a native fish's mouth? Or that 300 yds of tangled line you left on the side of the stream last week?....... Get a fly rod and hook a fish with it.... You'll never go back.....

I've hooked many fish with a fly rod, been hooking fish since you were on the east coast. I'm worked up because I want to fish my native waters with the gear I deem best for the hole.
chris61182 said:
That's not so much the case with large number of fly fishermen here on the north coast. Since ODFW opened the rivers for retention it's clear many in the fly fishing crowd have no concept of "limit your kill, don't kill your limit." It's not everyone, but it is certainly a sizable crowd.

Hold on a second, a quick glance of the regs shows the Deschutes is largely restricts bait and allows both lure and fly. How is it then that those evil and vile lure fishermen can exist on the water and yet it's still largely clean and populated with fish? (P.S. your comments in that regard are a prime example of fly fishermen elitism. "Facts be damned, we're better than lure fishermen!")

C&R is commonly touted throughout the lure fishing community, from warm water bass to native trout, to native steelhead. But it's clear that you are ignorant of that fact. On these forums, I've seen on numerous occasions fly anglers belittling others for keeping stocked trout, calling them bucket-heads, and worse. Yet they apparently skip right over all the threads with native trout being released unharmed, and yet despite that, you still feel the need to demonize anyone who fishes with different gear from you.

have u ever fished the descutes,well i have and in the whole time i have ive seen one spinner fishermen as oppposed to hundreds of fly fishermen,for the most part its kept the way it is by fly fishermen,,also i never said vile and evil lure fishermen so dont put words in my mouth..i never said anything about the deschutes being crappy because of lure guys i just oppose bait being used far my comments being prime example elitism you my friend need to get your head fixed,i fish around gear guys and fly guys,my guess is your a lure fishermen well whatever i could care less but your taking offense of something i never said,if your gonna use a spinner in native fish waters use a freakin single hook,like i said i have never heard of gear guys forming organazations to protect native trout,i mean what do you do walk in there with pink and yellow power bait and try to convince people your gonna catch and release a fish your gonna base your comparisond off a few guys from the north coast,i mean that is being pretty broad dont ya think .im sorry you take offense to people that like clean areas to fish and preserve the nature around them,but you sound like an elitist lure guy so neener neener.
bigsteel said:
have u ever fished the descutes,well i have and in the whole time i have ive seen one spinner fishermen as oppposed to hundreds of fly fishermen,for the most part its kept the way it is by fly fishermen,,also i never said vile and evil lure fishermen so dont put words in my mouth..i never said anything about the deschutes being crappy because of lure guys i just oppose bait being used far my comments being prime example elitism you my friend need to get your head fixed,i fish around gear guys and fly guys,my guess is your a lure fishermen well whatever i could care less but your taking offense of something i never said,if your gonna use a spinner in native fish waters use a freakin single hook,like i said i have never heard of gear guys forming organazations to protect native trout,i mean what do you do walk in there with pink and yellow power bait and try to convince people your gonna catch and release a fish your gonna base your comparisond off a few guys from the north coast,i mean that is being pretty broad dont ya think .im sorry you take offense to people that like clean areas to fish and preserve the nature around them,but you sound like an elitist lure guy so neener neener.

i agree there is no doubt in my mind that most conventional lure/live bait what ever fisherman are almost always more careless, not all but a good chunk of these type of fisherman are this way i dont remember seeing a fly fishing only stretch of river ever being noticably more littered or enough to make me go hmmmm.... like i do on stretches open to the general public its pretty sickening to see how careless some people are. Aloha Bigsteel your right fly fishing is way more pure if you will, most "gear" guys dont even use proper tackle theyre either way to light and make a mess of theyre broken line or way to heavy and litter the area with thick mono, and im not even a fly fisherman it is true though, there is some major differences in the two types of fishing and i wouldnt say that one type of fishing is any better than the other if done right but i would say in general the two types of anglers that do each type of fishing vary a lot.
bigsteel said:
also i never said vile and evil lure fishermen so dont put words in my mouth..i never said anything about the deschutes being crappy because of lure guys i just oppose bait being used there..

But you did call them vile and evil by insinuation, you in the same breath talk about how clean and great the deschutes is because "they" aren't allowed there but then covered your ass by claiming to be talking about bait, it's the same bs insinuation that Eastcoastborn is making, and you even do again in your post I'm responding to with the power bait reference.

It's B.S. elitism because instead of talking about difference in mortality between bait v. artificial, barbed v. non-barbed, treble v. single hook, or circle hook v. ???, you have to use lies and insinuation to demonize a group who fishes differently from you. Speaking of which, I still can't figure out how the position of the weight in reference to the lure v. line has an impact on mortality, or how using a spinning reel and casting float with a fly is some how causes greater mortality than using the weight of the line to fling the same fly out does.

Unfortunately any such discussions don't seem to fit with your desire to blame anyone who fishes differently from you as the cause of all littering and the demise of fish populations; and that is the textbook definition of elitism.
Like has been said quite a few times on this forum, to each his own.

Fly fishermen and spin fishermen can all be the same, just because they fish a different way doesn't mean no one can relate to each other.

The guys who leave the trash on the bank are just the guys who want meat to take home, they pay no attention to anything but catching a fish, all the trash is just part of nature to them. You cannot classify them as just spin fishermen, a good chunk of spin fishermen are people who just enjoy getting out there rather than feeling incomplete for walking out with no fish, these are usually the people who wouldn't even bother getting on this forum, they are the ones who only seem to get dumber after each trip and seem to never gain experience because they are too ignorant to pay attention to what works and what doesn't work each time they hit the water, also, they are the people who would try fishing for Steelhead in Little North Fork in the summer while using 40lb Maxima as leader.
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Very well said Drew, and I apologize for my part in derailing the thread.

It just chaps my nuts to see divisive insinuations trying knock other styles of fishing down.
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chris61182 said:
Very well said Drew, and I apologize for my part in derailing the thread.

more pure* not most pure...... in my opinion over all compared to bait fishing, lure fishing etc....
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