EC Sunday - in and out

Where did you learn this magic fish catching knowledge?
Process of elimination. If I put a gummy bear on the hook and fish don't even look at it, I toss that idea out the window.

EDIT: I never claimed to have magic fishing knowledge, ever. :) I learned process of elimination for other types of fishing not on EC. I have been fishing for 34 years and get a little credit for that right? :)
But the 34 years reset when I started fishing EC. :P
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:think:Huh. Thats how I did it too. Well, good on ya either way. On the way I read a few threads on here. Picked up a lot of worthwhile info. Maybe you should check it out sometime. The one thing I did not find was someone to hold my hand while I fished. Maybe the wrong site for all that though.:think:
although in this post you stated you were standing next to flymstr.... probably didn't pick anything up from him though:think: but it doesn't really matter.. cause any clean caught fish is a good fish, good job.:clap:
halibuthitman said:
although in this post you stated you were standing next to flymstr.... probably didn't pick anything up from him though:think: but it doesn't really matter.. cause any clean caught fish is a good fish, good job.:clap:

IT`S COMING! WAIT FOR IT......:shock:
Learned on your own BS!!!

Learned on your own BS!!!

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:)Good stuff. Good stuff. Whats that old saying...Dont bite the....oh whatever.

Good thing he has it figured out and all.:clap:
You havent learned much man... Just cause you caught one the other day does not mean you learned how to fish the creek.. 2 days ago you were telling people there was no fish in the creek when there were hundreds in front of your face..
I think I remember someone giving up on the creek then going back and getting one a few days later.


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Flymstr said:
You know I am not one to get mad at fisherman, I have tons of tollerance. I am a guide, and have to deal with people that don't know how to fish at all, but at the end of the day, they don't go to the lodge and tell every one that they got all their fish on their own. You truly are on idiot. I may get kicked off this site for waht I have said, but I really don't care at this point. A guy like this has to be told the truth, or he will give bad info to every one, cause he thinks he knows it all. I am done ranting now, and hope the rest of you get into all the fish you want. By the way, Troutbassier, good job on the hook ups, I did not get to fish again, after I saw you because of the amount of people, I have never seen it like that before, and it may move me to different river for the winter. So this may be the last you see or hear from me if this is the way it is going to be, with people talking crap, and others taking all the credit, and the rest jumping right in and fishing the hole your drifting through, not cool at all. So see ya.
I'm out of here.

Alls i can say is... I wish i was a 1/10th as good as flymstr.. my buddy and i were lookin for wholes yesterday and happened to look down into one hole and saw him hook 2 fish in like 3 minutes? Sorry to hear you are getting crowded out of the creek you love to fish.. Its a shame. Went there for a little today and coulda swore i counted over 25 cars
Flymstr said:
Didn't pick anything up from me huh. I went right to him, and handed over my own flies to help the guy, and told him how tho fish the hole he was in. Yeah a clean fish is a good fish, but not when you say that you did it all on your own, when that is clearly not the case. I want my flies back!!!!! I can't believe you have said this crap. Just ridiculous.

i was being saurcastic.... i think we all know how he put it all together.. the old saying 'if you want to know anything about fishing.... ask a guy who's been on one guided trip' but as a guide i would think you would be used to this kind of thankless crap:rolleyes:


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Ok one more thing

Ok one more thing

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flymstr you are the ****ing man! i dont even know you but ive seen for a matter of 5 minutes and you know your **** cause u hooked 2 fish just then and probly 20 others throughout the day. feel free to give myself and steelmonkiller20 any tips you would like to share;)
you might be a fishing god on the creek
Ok then last one

Ok then last one

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He is a Fishing God. He sees EVERYTHING! I couldent see wtf he was pointing at until I hooked it. He is a fishing god and seems like a really nice person.. He knows Every Single Eddy, Pocket, Tailout, Deep hole in the Creek.
Thank you for pointing out fish, Wish I couldve thanked you on the creek.

I WAS good when I met ya buddy. But man have you put some more fish on my families plate. It`s funny, I remember you coming down that day we actually talked for the first time(having crossed paths for years). You wanted to meet the guy that caught "almost" as many fish as you. Not as bad as I wanted to meet you though:D. I always got mine way down there, now I just get mine!! It`s time to head down for a day though, I gotta see a couple of those holes once a year. Kinda like my salt water air fix come May.:cool:
I didn't want to go and start telling everyone what I learned from you. That would have been total disrespect. So now that the cat is out of the bag. Yes. I have learned everything I know about the creek from watching you and listening to you and I owe you everything I know about EC to you. Not any posts on this board. That is what I was saying. I learned it from you on the river.

I also learned a few small things from a couple others here in private messages. Just basic stuff not secrets and I was respecting the privacy if the "private" message. :)

I was only trying to respect. That's all. I would never take what you emailed me and PM'd me and go share it. You would toss me in the river.

Now as far as the "process of elimination" statement came from what I have done in the past on other rivers (If I didn't take what I learned years ago, I would have been tossing gummy worms in the creek) I used that method and also what you and a couple of others kindly and generously shared with me in PM's to get my first fish. Even Don telling me what hole to go to. Thank you Don!

Make sense? To everyone on this thread. I have not figured out how to fish this creek yet. I am only starting to graze what the future can hold there for me. Only after 10 years of fishing it will I ever come close to be an expert and even then I won't claim it. Flymstr is and will be the only expert on this river (and a couple other guys up there).

I am not offended by the name calling, etc. I know you didn't mean it and are angry.
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