Climate change

Lol, good conversation. Anyway, the 97% of scientists statistics is very notorious for being skewed and absolutely false. The majority of climate scientists probably do believe in anthropogenic global warming, but it's definitely not 97%. In fact, in Cook's 97% study, only about a third of the papers he included even expressed an opinion on anthropogenic global warming. But yeah some people have touched on the fact that our government is pushing global warming (oh sorry, Climate Change) really strongly...not because they want to "Save the planet", because they want more control. Climate change is really mostly talked about with politics..But good discussion guys, and everyone can do research for themselves and come to their own conclusions.

It is Oregon FISHING Forum, not Oregon Political Forum, right?
Wow, some passionate opinions in this thread! All i know is politicians are full of s**t, they all lie to us, i don't trust a single one or any government studies. Liberal media...blah blah.

Global warming is for real, and anyone who does not see that is blind. Just watch film of the glaciers melting away, it's quite deprssing. Not sure why but it is happening, and you don't need science or politics to see the truth.

CRASH (sound of the mic dropping).
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No joke I am going fishing!:thumb:
hobster said:
you don't need science or politics to see the truth.

CRASH (sound of the mic dropping).

Truth spoken here.
hobster said:
...and you don't need science or politics to see the truth.

But if everyone sees things differently, who sees them as they really are? ;)
rogerdodger said:
here is another graph of ice core data, notice anything interesting?

Yes, I see something very interesting.

That increases in atmospheric CO2 FOLLOW warming trends, they don't precede them... which is what one would expect to happen as CO2 is released from solution as ice melts.
ChezJfrey said:
But if everyone sees things differently, who sees them as they really are? ;)

Thats pretty heavy, my mind is blown. Then again it could be that bowl i just smoked.
hobster said:
that bowl i just smoked.

It's carbon-neutral, you're fine.
sapo said:
Lol, good conversation. Anyway, the 97% of scientists statistics is very notorious for being skewed and absolutely false. The majority of climate scientists probably do believe in anthropogenic global warming, but it's definitely not 97%. In fact, in Cook's 97% study, only about a third of the papers he included even expressed an opinion on anthropogenic global warming. But yeah some people have touched on the fact that our government is pushing global warming (oh sorry, Climate Change) really strongly...not because they want to "Save the planet", because they want more control. Climate change is really mostly talked about with politics..But good discussion guys, and everyone can do research for themselves and come to their own conclusions.

It is Oregon FISHING Forum, not Oregon Political Forum, right?

OFF needs a "like" button. :star:
"climate change" is "fishing related" in one way or another.........
so I guess (hope) we're all cool and nobody is going to get a timeout?
DrTheopolis said:
It's carbon-neutral, you're fine.

wils said:
"climate change" is "fishing related" in one way or another.........
so I guess (hope) we're all cool and nobody is going to get a timeout?

We're cool, Barb would have chimmed in if we needed a timeout.
wils said:
OFF needs a "like" button. :star:

We have one, but you can only do it from Tapatalk, and then you're the only one who can see it.

That counts, right ?
hobster said:

We're cool, Barb would have chimmed in if we needed a timeout.
Seriously? I have given up on this one. You guys are out of control! Besides, a moderator started this one and is perfectly capable of being in control. :thumb:
Not out of control just having a semi heated debate. I think it's fun and gets the Forum going, lots of intesesting posts! And you are correct, Roger is perfectly capable and i meant no disrespect to him!
Raincatcher said:
Seriously? I have given up on this one. You guys are out of control! Besides, a moderator started this one and is perfectly capable of being in control. :thumb:

Yeah, not out of control, but some good, and for the most part intelligent, debate!
DrTheopolis said:
If anyone has time to kill, and wants to do some reading on the subject (from a passionate environmentalist), you can spend a half hour or so, or follow links and spend a day or two on it. But it might put some things in perspective (for people with an open mind, anyway).

Thanks for the link DrTheopolis.
Not sure I would have found this on my own. This is possibly the best, albeit long, information I have ever read on understanding climate change and the forces that are driving this "debate". If anyone reading this post has made up their mind about this issue; do yourself a favor and read this whole article. I have for a long time believed the forces controlling this are political and self service of their own agenda; make up your own mind who and what is right.

It is very nice to be sure (an opinion) of something (anything), but more important is to be sure and have back up information available when someone challenges your position. The old... don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up is a poor substitute for knowledge.

Thanks again Doc, this is a great read. I've saved the link for future use.

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