Climate change

I don't listen to the liberal mainstream media only FOX news but I still feel like the opinions of 97% of the international scientific community outweighs the opinions of a few dudes from a local fishing forum. Galileo's had this theory that the earth is round and I guess that is still refutable too, but I doubt he was wrong about that. I really don't know, but I will trust the international scientific community on that one too.
oops Galileo was the guy who thought the earth revolved around the sun, not that the earth was round. Proves what an idiot I am, but I'll go with that theory too.
FOX news......hhmmmm. No comment
DrTheopolis said:
Next, the graphs Roger posted are complete garbage. It's quite well known that under the direction of the Evil One, James Hansen, NASA/NOAA went back and ALTERED OBSERVED DATA (with some lame excuse that equated to "people couldn't read a thermometer in the Old Days.")... which is pretty much the antithesis of "science." To put it in perspective -- imagine back when you were in high school (or even worse, college), and you made predictions based on how you thought an experiment would turn out. Then, when the data that you actually observed were nowhere near the numbers you expected, you figured it would be OK to go back and alter the data to make your experiment seem like not such a failure. Pretty sure if your teacher found out, you'd get an F instead of a D+.

complete garbage? interesting that other temperature data from international sources seem to match the data, but hey, don't let reality get in the way of your "beliefs"'s probably just a big international the liberal media.
GaryP1958 said:
We are at the end of a mini ice age!

but golly, it might look more like we are approaching the highest temp in 420,000 and have already exceeded the highest CO2 in that time period by 100 ppm...I suggest blaming the scientists and/or liberal media.
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I see nothing different other than your graph shows a much shorter time frame! I gave you 10 thousand years of data and you get me mid 1850s to date! I bet you voted GORE!
There is no ice core data from 400 thousand years ago you have boondoggled or lied to or just feed a load of crap sir! Dont ban me but I will stand for facts not BS!
GaryP1958 said:
I see nothing different other than your graph shows a much shorter time frame! I gave you 10 thousand years of data and you get me mid 1850s to date! I bet you voted GORE!

please check again, I just posted 420,000 years of the same data that you posted a tiny 10,000 year snippet of. 420,000 > 10,000

also, this is a warning that you have violated the forum rules.

1.2 All forms of insult are prohibited - direct ("you are xxx"), indirect ("you look like xxx"), or correspondence ("John - xxx"). It is also prohibited to respond or encourage an insult.
I never insulted you SIR I have a lot of respect for you but you got a Fox News attitute to all that dont agree with you SIR! Your graph is not based in science!
You are taking the Moderator status way too serious SIR! No wonder only half a dozen people dare post here and God forbid they disagree!:popcorn:
The problem is our government has deep pockets and is pushing the liberal agenda harder than ever. SO.... the scientific community, spoken so highly of previous to my post are a bunch of fabricators. Science died long ago. "Scientists" are no longer able to think for them selves because their government kick downs are attractive enough that the numbers the government need to see and make public are available on the cheap for our corrupt leaders. They have the agenda and will stop at nothing to keep their brothers in the chips. The automotive industry was forced years ago to switch from an air conditioning refrigerant called R-12 because it was supposedly harmful to the atmosphere. Then R-134a came around, still in use today but the government yet again is going to be changing to yet another alternative refrigerant to be announced sometime in the near future. Its all about keeping companies that make these products relevant so they can keep paying the good ol government kick backs for keeping them in the cash. Its a vicious circle and the american public for the most part is stupid enough to believe it. The ones who aren't are busy getting dumbed down by their televisions and will be the next group groomed to cooperate. Welcome to America! Isn't it beautiful!

One last thing, there no honest people left in the media. Liberal or conservative, you should not trust any of them. Use your own judgement and be careful where you get your information. You are being lied to at every turn. I don't trust FOX either. No, Im not a conspiracy theorist either.


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MrGrumpFish said:
The problem is our government has deep pockets and is pushing the liberal agenda harder than ever. SO.... the scientific community, spoken so highly of previous to my post are a bunch of fabricators. Science died long ago. "Scientists" are no longer able to think for them selves because their government kick downs are attractive enough that the numbers they need to see a available on the cheap for our corrupt leaders. They have the agenda and will stop at nothing to keep their brothers in the chips. The automotive industry was forced years ago to switch from an air conditioning refrigerant called R-12 because it was supposedly harmful to the atmosphere. Then R-134a came around, still in use today but the government yet again is going to be changing to yet another alternative refrigerant to be announced sometime in the near future. Its all about keeping companies that make these products relevant so they can keep paying the good ol government kick backs for keeping them in the cash. Its a vicious circle and the american public for the most part is stupid enough to believe it. The ones who aren't are busy getting dumbed down by their televisions and will be the next group groomed to cooperate. Welcome to America! Isn't it beautiful!

One last thing, there no honest people left in the media. Liberal or conservative, you should not trust any of them. Use your own judgement and be careful where you get your information. You are being lied to at every turn. I don't trust FOX either. No, Im not a conspiracy theorist either.



Chris- I am a scientist. You have just directed the above rant at me personally. thanks, roger
But I love you Roger!....:D I meant majority of scientists. I am generalizing, but I am not stretching the truth here when I say corruption is everywhere for the most part. Again, I am not speaking about anyone here directly.


I'm just an ignoramous with an opinion but here goes.

Since the global cooling alarm sounded, this debate has been a solution looking for a problem. Unfortunately for the alarmists, every time they find a problem it resolves itself. If they were sincere in their desire to save the human race from sure destruction this would be well received. Instead they move on to another problem. Global cooling becomes global warming becomes climate change.

Climate change is a brilliant description because regardless of what the environment does in the future, the faith can be defended. Of course it's convenient to ignore the fact that every prophecy the Eco-theologists have given us haven't transpired.

I respect the passion but I just don't have enough faith to believe it.
Global temperatures have been trending higher, glaciers are disappearing at an alarming rate. Is the earth in a 'natural' warming cycle, I don't know. With all the CO2 we're putting into the atmosphere I can't comprehend how we're NOT adding too this cycle.

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Posting a survey of public opinion says nothing about the validity of the opinion, only how widespread that opinion is held. It is a measure of how effective the messaging has been, the effectiveness of efforts to silence dissent, or even access to information. But it doesn't say anything one way or the other about the truth of the position.

Remember, Happy Days was the #1 show on TV for 4 years, and it freaking sucked.

Seems like we spend a lot more money on silencing critics than on explaining the actual science. On this topic, and many others, a lot of information is presented in scientific form, but not subjected to peer review. And really, how many of us are both qualified and have access, and time, to really form a science based conclusion ?

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