banjo minnow

As far as the Banjo Minnow goes I perfer the Zoom Super Fluke myself. The fluke has a better action.

As for this thread in general I am VERY greatfull that we had this nice talk about bass. I usually give out most of my info by PM and threads like this make it easy to decide how much info to give someone that asks for info on how to catch bass. Some of you will get much more info then others.:tongue:

Thanks again.:D
c_13_b said:
I am a pure sports fisherman. I love to trout, bass, shad, crappie, bluegill, salmon, steelhead, sturgeon fish. I only c&r (95% of time) except for legal salmon/steelhead/sturgeon. I would never throw a damn fish on the bank if I were not to eat it. That is total b.s. and I can't believe you aren't gettin an ass chewing for that comment. I know there are plenty of bass fisherman out there that would agreee with me. You need to think about that next time you catch a bass. Bass fishing is just as important to me as any other sport fishing, you will never catch me wasting a bass, let alone any other type of fish.

As for trout, salmon, steelhead runs the bass don't really effect them. The fish spawn way further up so bass shouldn't be the problem during spawn. How would you like it if I decided I didn't like salmon and just starting throwing any one I caught on the bank for a worthless reason?

I fully agree bass in ponds and reservoirs are a very important fishery they are in fact the most popular freshwater game fish in America and that is saying something. The fact that bass are in rivers does not give anyone the right to just toss them up on the bank "They are eating salmon!" Yeah right so is everything else, guess I should gun down an Osprey or an Eagle cause it is eating them as well? Otters oh man they of course need to die. The reality is bass eat less salmon and steelhead smolt than pretty much everything else. All the smolt that are actually going to survive/make it to the ocean do so well before a bass has even thought about taking its first meal in for the year.
If you keep adding predators then the runs will dwindle. Naturally salmon already have it ruff.
HaHa you are a predator, they have it harder dodging damns and thousands of hooks than they do bass. At least with a bass it would be equal. Think about it who is more evolved and adept at swimming in current? A SALMON? or a Bass? I mean common just think about its not hard.
Well this has gotten off subject quite a bit. But anyway yeah them Banjo's work pretty good I like the Banjo Frog personally myself. FISH ON!
c_13_b said:
As for trout, salmon, steelhead runs the bass don't really effect them. The fish spawn way further up so bass shouldn't be the problem during spawn. How would you like it if I decided I didn't like salmon and just starting throwing any one I caught on the bank for a worthless reason?

Bass have their ponds and lakes...
A river is a chain of water that runs through the ocean. Juvenile salmon have to pass by that spot in the river.
Salmon runs are declining and bass/squaws are inclining. The bass and squaw eat salmon, salmon don't eat bass.
The PIKE MINNOW I agree eats a great deal of smolts but they are native and therefore should not be killed. Bass, as I have said before, are a WARM water game fish. Smallmouth prefer slightly cooler temps than largemouth but its not that much there preferred temp is still 65+ degrees. All bass begin actively feeding 50 degrees at the lowest and in a river I am sure its more due to the moving water/high flow periods that often coincide with salmonid smolt movement out of the system. The point here is they(Bass) barley touch the SMOLT population if at all as far as chubs, shiners, other bass, small pikeminnow, and crawfish are concerned they do get consumed probly in large doses but they are prolific buggers and are more likely to get wiped due to habitat loss (JUST LIKE SALMON) than actual predation from another species. They hang out it the same habitat and are more active in the same water temp/water flow period. Humans do 100X as much damage to salmon than all the bass in the world ever have/will so please if you throw them up on the bank toss them high so maybe gravity will do its job and it will clobber you in the head. Lets go fish off of a Dam :P We can take our pet seals along it will be fun!
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nice post...

nice post...

OBP Turtle 33 said:
The PIKE MINNOW I agree eats a great deal of smolts but they are native and therefore should not be killed. Bass, as I have said before, are a WARM water game fish. Smallmouth prefer slightly cooler temps than largemouth but its not that much there preferred temp is still 65+ degrees. All bass begin actively feeding 50 degrees at the lowest and in a river I am sure its more due to the moving water/high flow periods that often coincide with salmonid smolt movement out of the system. The point here is they(Bass) barley touch the SMOLT population if at all as far as chubs, shiners, other bass, small pikeminnow, and crawfish are concerned they do get consumed probly in large doses but they are prolific buggers and are more likely to get wiped due to habitat loss (JUST LIKE SALMON) than actual predation from another species. They hang out it the same habitat and are more active in the same water temp/water flow period. Humans do 100X as much damage to salmon than all the bass in the world ever have/will so please if you throw them up on the bank toss them high so maybe gravity will do its job and it will clobber you in the head. Lets go fish off of a Dam :P We can take our pet seals along it will be fun!

I agree does the most damage quit being a selfish fishermen.
FishSlayer420 said:
Well this has gotten off subject quite a bit. But anyway yeah them Banjo's work pretty good I like the Banjo Frog personally myself. FISH ON!

What's the banjo frog?
Banjo Frog is an oval shaped piece if plastic with two curly tails on it. Really the Banjo minnow is the part that catches fish its the rigging used for it the Corkscrew into the bait does wonders for many soft plastic jerkbaits I know the first banjo minnows worked because they were soft enough that they had great action. I am not sure how good te plastic is anymore or if its changed at all. Overall the banjo minnow is good it will catch fish but not all the time like it says only when its actually time to throw a fast moving minnow bait such as after a missed buzzbait strike. Banjo Frog is Crap spend some money get the Spro Frog its deadly.
You mean Banjo Minnows work? I don't think I've ever talked to someone who had actually caught much with them. Good looking out on the Banjo Frog though, I did a google search looks like another lure thats great at hooking people not fish.
The Banjo Minnow was awesome the large size caught the most fish and the black and white color was the best the frog is terrible. The key to Banjo Minnow was the rigging not so much the minnow itself you could use any minnow shaped lure on it like a Fluke or something like that and it would be just as if not more deadly I still use this rigging today better action on the lure and better hooks.
Alright. Bass will eat anthing. Of course the banjo minnow works, it looks like food and moves. Put it in front of a hungry bass and he'll eat it. Is it the best bait on the market? No. Does it catch fish? Sure. Do i use them? When i was a kid. Now? I fish a senko, super fluke or weightless robo worm. Someone asked about circle hooks, they do work with waky rigging, however i only use them for live bait. I recomend a Gamakatsu octopus hook for waky rigging. Anyone used to setting the hook on fish will have a difficult time transitioning to circle hooks due to their design. Good luck to all you guys this season, don't be stupid, pointlessly killing fish helps no one. If you're gonna eat one fine, but otherwise catch and release please. Thanks.
imho there's better stuff out there. I guess it might be good for bass, but I hardly ever bass fish. I bought it and its just more stuff in my box i don't really use. The power of impulse buying got me on that one.
There are better things but it does catch fish it has its time and place its not some magical thing like it was lead to believe anyone thinking that I can just shake my head and laugh there is no lure that is a magical cure for not catching bass.

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