banjo minnow

I thought this thread was about Banjo minnows. Now Osmosis has turned it into a discussion on Bass Massacres and "Thuggin" is comparing fish numbers to Chinese population control. Stop hijacking peoples threads!!!!!! Osmosis you can spin it how you want to, but you threw out the Bass killing part to get a reaction. Are you now Osmosis420 ;)? Let's try and stick to the topic. =)
I have never used the Banjo minnow. They seem like a made for TV deal. I like the motion they create. Looks like there is also proof that they work! Nice Bass Juggernaut!
damn right, 10 ft leaders and all!
I find it terrible how many anglers are in love with bass, yet throw every squawfish they catch on the bank. Bass should be treated no differently..
all knowing high and mighty jtlunker! Nice attempt at an insult while telling all of us that insults are bad. pretty cute.
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Actually, Once you think about it. Osmosis is right. Smallmouth Are Predators. And in Invasive species! They eat salmon minnows and shad.
Now we should kill
And Sculpin
And crayfish.
What else?
Sorry you aren't stupid just a little bit ignorant. I enjoy bass fishing as well. And I never said that bass are the main reason for the dwindeling runs. They just play there part. As for over fishing. I support stricter regs to preserve the runs. Last year I couldn't even fish for a salmon and I didn't write a letter to the president. What I meant to say is if only one of those species would survive in the river system over time I wouldn't be rooting for the bass. If you want to fish for bass in the rivers I support you 100% and 200% if you are taking them home. And no we can't eliminate them but we can help keep them getting out of control. Every pikeminnow I kill saves a trout. And don't tell me it doesn't because it stopped that one from eating for the rest of its life. Same goes for bass. In the natural circle of life salmonoids never had to worry about bass. There are so many predators out for salmonoids and now bass have been added to the list.
As far as the banjo minnow goes there are already many similar baits that produce fish. I would but them. The weighted eyes seems like a good idea. But the add is also a sales gimic in itself. That tank full of bass would probably eat a bare hook the are so hungry. Also anyone try the shaky worm?
I just think it is lame to go on a Bass thread and talk about killing Bass. And Yes, I am the all powerfull and all knowing JTLunker. Kneel before me, do what I say! Haha! No, you're cute Osmosis!
Sorry you aren't stupid just a little bit ignorant.
You sure have a way with words Thuggin. Good thing I don't value your opinion or I might have my feelings hurt.
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Have seen these before heard they work looks like they definitely do for at least some of us. Ive used floating rapalas during bedding time for years they only seem super effective then . Has anyone else played with these for bass they are basically a floating minnow , always did best w Grey back redish belly type. cast em out then give them a little twitch every 20 seconds or so they will usually come clean out the water when they hit em think they are really mad/ protective so they dont mess around with em. with 2 or three sets of trebles hangin of them you dont miss many bites either .
My favorite all-around bass lure is the Yama-senko. Rigged wacky on a circle hook for pitching to either suspended smallies over rocks or to LM under docks. I will rig them weedless (think Texas rig without weight) if I am fishing weedy edges, dragging them over pads, sight fishing beds, or fishing them like a jerk bait. I always keep a couple of colors on hand; green with black flecks, pumpkin with black flecks, silver with black flecks. Note the black fleck trend? And, nothing beats top water poppers for early a.m. If it is calm enough.

My take on the whole "kill 'em all" debate; Yes, Osmo. There is no place for these fish in the mix with salmonids. They are an introduced species that is contributing to the decline. But, other introduced species that we are not as fast to condemn include rainbow trout and brook trout. Not to ruffle your feathers, but, do you kill every bow and brookie? And for the rest of you, I am an all species angler. I've seen first hand what can happen to a population of trout once some "bucket biologist" decides his favorite pond needs some bass. The trout pond I use to fish in NH was renowned for it's oversized brown trout. Huge wall hangers. About 7 years ago, some tool from Mass that bought a cottage on the pond brought some bass with him one summer. Three years latter, the brow trout catch was down more than 50%. Very few fingerlings would reach maturity and everyone kept killing the trophys. That pond is now, sadly, a decent bass pond and a put-and-take trout fishery. Write to fish and game. Voice your opinions. There are folks there that will makethe right decisions on how to manage our fisheries. But they need publc input to get the funding. I am curious how many of us would support a license fee increase to fund more fisheries management. Just my $0.02.
Webwader said:
You sure have a way with words Thuggin. Good thing I don't value your opinion or I might have my feelings hurt.

Yeah its hard to write what you really mean but nobody should be rooting for the survival of bass in a salmonoid habitat. Just my opinion but I haven't been fishing or even on the earth as long as you. My opinion is just that my opinion. Not trying to offend anyone. But a guy like you probably has already made up his mind and is set in his ways. But I would take your opinion into consideration as you have seen a lot but I didn't see your opinion on the subject. I would just like to save the salmonoids for future generations and not just use them for bass food.
But a guy like you probably has already made up his mind and is set in his ways.
There you go again with the smooth talk.
I would just like to save the salmonoids for future generations and not just use them for bass food.
I would like to see all the fish and wildlife preserved for future generations, not just the salmonids. That's why I take exception to people like you who want to wipe out entire species of fish without fully understanding what their impact really is. Bass play a minor role in smolt predation and offset that somewhat by also eating pike minnow young, a native species you also dislike. Since you want to kill everything that preys on salmon here some to add to your list:
"For young Chinook Salmon, predation is very high. Many species eat the fry and smolts, including striped bass, American shad, sculpins and sea gulls. Reaching adulthood does not release them from predation, however, as they are still prey to many animals when they return to spawn. Most common are bears, orcas, sea lions, seals, otters, eagles, terns and cormorants. People have made predation worse by concentrating adult salmon at dams and weirs (Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, 1996; National Wildlife Federation, 2002; NOAA, 2001; University of California at Berkeley)."
You might also want to consider this:
"The main causes for the declining fish populations are overfishing, damming and diverting water, habitat destruction, and introducing hatchery populations. Overfishing has decreased population sizes enough that all other causes, along with natural predation, can have extreme effects, and population sizes decrease rapidly. Damming causes decline because it blocks adults from returning to their birthplace and because smolts often get sucked into the turbines of hydroelectric dams and are killed. Diverting water away from salmon streams causes water temperature to rise, reducing the oxygen carrying capacity of the water. Temperatures could also become fatally high in the summer. Reduced water levels could expose eggs in the winter, or flows could be too low to carry smolts out to sea. Habitat destruction, including logging, clearing rivers, pollution, and wetlands destruction, take away shade and necessary protection for juveniles. After logging has changed runoff patterns, streams may contain too much silt and become uninhabitable. Pollution can cause many physiological problems, including increased susceptibiity to pathogens. Introducing hatchery populations adds to the decline because the introduced populations interbreed with the native populations and can reduce resistence to disease (Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, 1996; National Wildlife Federation, 2002; NOAA, 2001; University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, 2002; Arkoosh and Collier, 2002)."
But then I am just a stupid, ignorant, set in his ways multi-species fisherman.
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thanks for the help with the few of you that actually replied about the banjo minnow lol, I experimented with them a little today got one nice smallmouth to come strike it but didn't set the hook on him. Still not a bad product for all that you get for 20 bucks. just gotta get used to fishing with the slacked line thats a little different for me:think:
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bass_junkie said:
thanks for the help with the few of you that actually replied about the banjo minnow lol, I experimented with them a little today got one nice smallmouth to come strike it but didn't set the hook on him. Still not a bad product for all that you get for 20 bucks. just gotta get used to fishing with the slacked line thats a little different for me:think:

That's good to know. My wife just bought me some of those things. I'll have to give them a try.
TTFishon said:
That's good to know. My wife just bought me some of those things. I'll have to give them a try.

You are very luck to hve a wife who buys you fishing gear. Good luck wth those. Wish I had some.
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Thuggin4Life said:
You are very luck to hve a wife who buys you fishing gear. Good luvk wth those. Wish I had some.

Not only does she by me fishing gear she buys me beer too.
Very Nice. Hey just wondering, did you have a boat for sale on craigslist a few months ago?
Thuggin4Life said:
Very Nice. Hey just wondering, did you have a boat for sale on craigslist a few months ago?

No but I bought one off the craigslist a few months ago.
TTFishon said:
No but I bought one off the craigslist a few months ago.

Oh I thought maybe you had the boat from the mowhawk area. I bought on as well from craigslist a few months ago. Did you get the one close to you? It was a good deal almost wish I got it instead of mine. What did you get? You got any pics? And how much did you get it for? Trying to compare what i payed to other similar boats. What color are those banjo's? My buddy has some green ones.
where can we still get banjo minnows? and circle hooks for that matter since it was posted earlier... i can't find circles.
Thuggin4Life said:
Oh I thought maybe you had the boat from the mowhawk area. I bought on as well from craigslist a few months ago. Did you get the one close to you? It was a good deal almost wish I got it instead of mine. What did you get? You got any pics? And how much did you get it for? Trying to compare what i payed to other similar boats. What color are those banjo's? My buddy has some green ones.

I bought mine from the River Rd area or Santa Clara I guess. It's a 1959 Nylox 15' with a 40 horse Johnson 2 stroke. Sorry no pics but I think I got a good deal. I paid 400 less than the asking price.
The banjo's came in an assortment of colors. There's red, pearl, blue, chartreuse, black, clear with some sparkly stuff, white and green, blue and clear, glow in the dark, and a white one with black spots.

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