2022 license

Shaun Solomon said:
Also Jamisonace, let’s go Brandon?

I’m definitely not an economist, but I suspect longitudinal trends that predate the current administration may have had some minor effects on the economy.
The current administration is saddled with the ineptitude of the previous. That always seems to be the case.

Every administration promised to reduce the deficit and debt, but few ever do. Of either political leaning.

One thing is always true of politicians is that they look after their own.

I personally watch with amusement as the political parties blame each other, and struggle to each get closer to the trough.

But then, I think this thread has been hijacked and corrupted too.
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DOKF said:
The current administration is saddled with the ineptitude of the previous. That always seems to be the case.

Every administration promised to reduce the deficit and debt, but few ever do. Of either political leaning.

One thing is always true of politicians is that they look after their own.

I personally watch with amusement as the political parties blame each other, and struggle to each get closer to the trough.

But then, I think this thread has been hijacked and corrupted too.

Hikack over. Can we all just get back to praising our license prices please?
The concept of thread jacking is at this point totally ridiculous. If the question is “do we want people to become actively participating members” (…and privately I suspect that the answer to that question is YES) then c’mon man… users are engaging here. Obviously there is the matter of tone, but as long as the conversation stays civil, is it really such a problem if it meanders a bit?

Besides, it is more than tangentially related. Gubment do have a say so in dis mess.

I don’t think gubment deserves as much blame when things go wrong OR as much as much praise when things go right. Life is complicated and stuff.
Shaun Solomon said:
The concept of thread jacking is at this point totally ridiculous. If the question is “do we want people to become actively participating members” (…and privately I suspect that the answer to that question is YES) then c’mon man… users are engaging here. Obviously there is the matter of tone, but as long as the conversation stays civil, is it really such a problem if it meanders a bit?

Besides, it is more than tangentially related. Gubment do have a say so in dis mess.

I don’t think gubment deserves as much blame when things go wrong OR as much as much praise when things go right. Life is complicated and stuff.
You are right. I've seen some threads jacked before and this didn't come close. I actually felt like it was staying pretty relevant to the o.p.
I was actually thinking about this thread being hijacked, and was going to suggest we move to the Off Topic section if we wanted to continue. However, there is something else I want to say on this thread. I appreciate that, regardless of people's opinions or political bend, everyone stayed civil and we had a good discourse. More than I can say for other forums.
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Shaun Solomon said:
I guess for me, I understand state agencies are going to be involved in management, and that management costs money.

It’s the same as taxes for me. I don’t mind paying taxes, even high taxes, IF I feel good about the way the taxes are spent. I almost never feel good about the way taxes are spent.

As an angler, I want to feel that the agencies are at least factoring my interests. My interests might not align perfectly with those of the angling public, and the discrepancy is likely the source of my dissatisfaction.
I was thinking about your taxes comment and it reminded me that 4 administrations have lowered taxes since 1920....Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan and W. In every case tax revenue increased. Some have made the argument here that lowering license costs would increase revenue. I believe it could by pricing back in people that walked away from the counter because they couldn't afford it.
Seems possible. No way to know until it gets tried.

I think there is a huge tension between public use concerns and federal regulations. Colorado had the same thing… shocking the Yampa to exterminate pike and smallmouth to SAVE pikeminnow is a good example. I’m not making any judgments here, we have made a lot of messes in the environment and I’m all in favor of doing what we can to fix the problems, but a lot of people on the west slope out there find that one a difficult pill to swallow.

Then I move out here, and there is a bounty on pikeminnow. They still hate smallmouth though, so at least that much is consistent.
Smallmouth can suck it!
  • 4FBE4B8B-1C44-4D1C-ABC4-B9683DFAB2A9.jpeg
Sorry man, I've been sick for 6 days. I can't help myself at this point.
Shaun Solomon said:
Seems possible. No way to know until it gets tried.

I think there is a huge tension between public use concerns and federal regulations. Colorado had the same thing… shocking the Yampa to exterminate pike and smallmouth to SAVE pikeminnow is a good example. I’m not making any judgments here, we have made a lot of messes in the environment and I’m all in favor of doing what we can to fix the problems, but a lot of people on the west slope out there find that one a difficult pill to swallow.

Then I move out here, and there is a bounty on pikeminnow. They still hate smallmouth though, so at least that much is consistent.
The Colorado pikeminnow would cause quite the dust up on the fishing forums in CO. Funny how the northern pikeminnow has a bounty here, and the Colorado pikeminnow is an endangered species. It was also funny to me what native species are considered important. The same people that think we should do everything we can to save the native cutthroat would argue that we don't need to save the pikeminnow. I always call them the saint cutthroat because of their holy status.

However, I will say Colorado did a great job of playing the game with the federal government. Colorado (and I'm sure the other states as well) gets federal money for every fishing license sold. So they bundled a fishing license into the out of state hunting license. People on the forum came unglued. I thought it was brilliant. It is highly unlikely anyone going to Colorado to hunt were going to bring gear to fish, especially considering the time of year hunting season is. So they were getting federal money on fishing licenses that were likely never going to be used. And here I am talking about a different state on this forum, after I made fun of it ;)
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Shaun Solomon said:
I went years in Colorado without buying a license. I was in my late teens and early twenties, they don’t stock bass and at that time I never fished for anything else, and never kept any. I had a nice little speech all prepared and ready, I never got to give it. Let me tell you what, I was fishing a LOT back then, like every day without ice. But I never got stopped, I guess because I never propped up a rod on a forked stick, never had pellet-eaters on a rope.

I haven’t been asked yet in Oregon either, but I still buy it. I’ll probably never “tag” anything because I have no idea how that chit works.
I’ve fished for about 11 years in Oregon and I’ve been checked for license only a few times. Twice at hagg lake and two times salmon fishing. I think places like hagg and popular areas for steelhead and salmon are the ones that get checked most. My buddy fished half a year without a license in Oregon, and never got checked.
I got checked a couple of miles up the Siletz gorge on foot on a weekday, nobody else there and also in the middle of Green Peter in a kayak. Don't underestimate the long arm of the law.
I was mistaken. The price for a license has not gone up, since '19. By $3.00 for the basic license; and by $3.50 for the 2 rod validation. I keep my old reg books every year. So I looked it up last night.
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oy-Vay such a deal!!!! Tony
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Hmmmm. I have never been asked for proof of insurance from a traffic cop. Maybe I should stop paying for it.
pcstock said:
Hmmmm. I have never been asked for proof of insurance from a traffic cop. Maybe I should stop paying for it.
That is always an option. Not recommended, though.

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