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I won't disagree with you on anything here. My original post was calling into question why it's silly (your words) to compare how states manage their wildlife but not silly to compare paying for fishing to paying for a blazers game. That's it. That's all I was saying. I find it much less relevant to compare that latter.shiverfix said:But I am paying for a service. I am paying for stocking, rules enforcement, rescue, etc... Yes, we could go around and around all day about if the money is being managed well or not, that is not an argument I am going to get into because I don't know the history of ODFW well enough to speak to it. But without stocking and regulation, there wouldn't be any fish to catch anymore. And I do pay for clean air and water, through my taxes, which are used to enforce regulations that keep people and industry from dumping pollution and waste into the air and water. Again, we could argue about the way it is being managed, but without pollution regulation we literally had rivers catching fire in this country.
I fully agree that regulation and stocking help our fisheries. My guess is however, that ODFW is another bloated government bureaucracy that doesn't need as much money as it takes in.