2019 Angling license and tags cost are-

I installed update this morning and confirmed the e-tag works now without being connected. time to get up the river and put some pixels on the 2019 tag.
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rogerdodger said:
I installed update this morning and confirmed the e-tag works now without being connected. time to get up the river and put some pixels on the 2019 tag.

Roger, where did you find the update? I am still not seeing one for iphone.
I went to the Google play store and searched for the ODFW app, just like when I loaded it for the first time on my phone. It came right up with an "Update" button and hitting that loaded the 1/4/2019 update that they pushed out last night.
Right on ODFW, way to get it done! That was fast
Per ODFW for iPhone users...

"IPhone not available yet, Android is. It's been pushed to Apple already but takes time to get into itunes store.

You can tag the fish when you get back into cell phone reception. Also recommend writing it down if offline until you tag on app if you're offline - until this is fixed and iphone app updated.

OSP is aware of this issue."
Last edited:
"We've had some glitches," said Michelle Dennehy, a spokeswoman for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. "It's normal for any new program to have some bugs...we apologize for the inconvenience and frustration people are having. We're fixing them as quickly as we can."

The most significant issue - the inability of anglers to tag fish while their smartphones were off line - appeared to have been largely corrected by Friday afternoon for Android users, but it may take a little longer for the iPhone store to catch up.
Update finally on the iPhone App store.
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The license system has been causing issues for people lately. I have two buddies who attempted to get licenses at multiple places and both were told that due to a glitch, they wouldn't be able to get one that day. I am typing this right now because I shifted a trip to tomorrow so one buddy can go. River is at 11' and will be dropping in today but Im at home because of this new license system... While I didn't have problems getting mine on waterproof paper at Fishermans... it seems the system is not working well yet...
bummer that the old business/print on paper system is causing issues, at least buying them at a business isn't the only option now.

I'm aware of no current issues with on-line purchases or the smartphone app- I added the 2-rod endorsement to my credentials last Sunday and it took about 30 seconds to buy and it showed up immediately on my phone. I haven't needed to put any pixels on my tag yet but I have tested it several times on the river, filling it out and then cancelling at the final step, working just fine.
rogerdodger said:
bummer that the old paper system is causing issues, at least isn't the only option now.

I'm aware of no current issues with on-line purchases or the smartphone app- I added the 2-rod endorsement to my credentials last Sunday and it took about 30 seconds to buy and it showed up immediately on my phone. I haven't needed to put any pixels on my tag yet but I have tested it several times on the river, filling it out and then cancelling at the final step, working just fine.
What issues is the old paper system causing? I purchased license, tags, 2-rod endorsement, and shellfish license at Fishermans on waterproof paper last Thursday.
rogerdodger said:
bummer that the old business/print on paper system is causing issues, at least buying them at a business isn't the only option now.

I'm aware of no current issues with on-line purchases or the smartphone app- I added the 2-rod endorsement to my credentials last Sunday and it took about 30 seconds to buy and it showed up immediately on my phone. I haven't needed to put any pixels on my tag yet but I have tested it several times on the river, filling it out and then cancelling at the final step, working just fine.

I was at Fishermans yesterday and they said there was a single day where the SSN entry for new licenses somehow became stuck. That’s what happened to my buddy. He was still locked out today. I don’t think it is a massive problem though. He is just an unlucky few.
A buddy and I went and tried out a new duck hunting spot this past Saturday. He tried to purchase his duck stamps using the app and couldn't. After about 30 minutes of him messing around with the app while I loaded our gear he gave up. We ended up swinging by Sportsman's on the way out of town and everything worked there.
without knowing your friends computer/phone experience, especially related to creating accounts and making purchases from a phone, it's hard to guess what the issue was.

the app on the phone only displays your portfolio and credentials. Purchasing new things occurs at your full ODFW account, through a browser, which is no problem to do from a phone but I sure wouldn't suggest starting from scratch on a phone, unless you are experienced at doing this sort of stuff.

process that I think most people are using:

from a computer, create/verify your ODFW account and then purchase some stuff.
install the app on your phone, your portfolio and credentials are displayed on the phone.
go fishing/hunting.

adding more things later:
from a computer, log into your ODFW account, buy more things, they immediately show up on the app on your phone, go fishing/hunting.
OR, if you are comfortable making purchases from your phone, access your full ODFW account through a browser, buy more things, check the app and they should be there, go fishing/hunting.
I am not really sure what the issue was with my buddy. Everything seemed to be working right up until the very end. He is already signed in to the app and all of his currently purchased tags are listed there. He went to the market place, selected the stamps he needed to purchase, and entered in all of his card information. Everything worked right down to the purchase point and it kept telling him that he had a invalid email address and couldn't purchase his stamps because of it. We both double checked his email address, and even went back into the app to see what email he had attached to it. Everything seemed to check out.

I am not familiar with the app at all, I opted for paper tags, so there might have been something else that was all wrong.
sounds like he had it all going right, bummer.
January 2019:
"We've had some glitches," said Michelle Dennehy, a spokeswoman for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. "It's normal for any new program to have some bugs...we apologize for the inconvenience and frustration people are having. We're fixing them as quickly as we can."

The most significant issue - the inability of anglers to tag fish while their smartphones were off line - appeared to have been largely corrected by Friday afternoon for Android users, but it may take a little longer for the iPhone store to catch up.
Aug 2020:
ODFW recently became aware that the MyODFW app will not open on iPhones or iPads when the device is out of cell service or in airplane mode—users will get an error message instead.

So did it work fine until now or is it still buggy from 2019?
Admin said:
January 2019:

Aug 2020:

So did it work fine until now or is it still buggy from 2019?

it's been working fine, second year e-tagging for me, no issues. there must have been a recent update to the iPhone app that 'broke' it.
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the issue with the iPhone app has been fixed.
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