2019 Angling license and tags cost are-

Long drive from Florence!
Markk said:
I believe some venders are offering 8 1/2 x 11 waterproof paper for an additional $.50 per sheet.

sounds fishy to me. per ODFW, the vendors are required to print all documents on plain paper and cannot charge extra for the printing. they can offer laminating at an extra cost but if it is used on a tag, you must be able to write on it with permanent ink. cheers, roger
What are the anticipated changes to agents selling licenses?

The main changes include elimination of the point of sale terminal, availability of electronic licenses and plain paper licenses, instead of special paper licenses. The new system is accessible via the web and can be accessed from a regular computer, using a standard printer for 8.5”x11” paper. Agents will use their own computers, notebooks, tablets or phones for sales as ODFW will not be supplying equipment or supplies. Licenses and tags purchased are visible on a computing device or may be printed on plain paper. The system will combine multiple products (licenses, permits etc…) on one sheet of paper.

Can the customer laminate their license or tags?

Yes. They need to be sure the material can be written on in permanent ink.

Can we charge for the paper copies we might print for a customer?

You cannot charge a customer extra (beyond the product price) for the printouts. There is no provision for agents to recoup additional costs as agent fees are in statute. ODFW has consolidated licenses to print on fewer pages to help reduce cost.
rogerdodger said:
my observations after buying my 2019 credentials this morning:

5- best thing for me so far- my Non-motorized Invasive Species permit is in my list of credentials, I have 4 non-motorized boats and always carry my phone, so I will always have my Invasive Species permit with me from now on, one less thing to think about.

As far as that goes, yeah. But some of us have multiple boats for spouse, fishing buddy, spares we bring to HOW events etc. You really want to have a physical permit that goes with the boat instead of just you. The phone doesn't work for that. I printed them on waterproof paper on my laser printer, then noticed they are identical - no serial number or anything. I could have bought one, printed 4 copies and no-one the wiser.

I understand the marine board is aware of the issue and going to issue some guidance to LEO about this - the potential for abuse, the potential for the appearance of abuse where someone actually bought enough permits. Don't know their solution, and they are working on getting some sort of unique number on each permit.
pinstriper said:
As far as that goes, yeah. But some of us have multiple boats for spouse, fishing buddy, spares we bring to HOW events etc. You really want to have a physical permit that goes with the boat instead of just you. The phone doesn't work for that. I printed them on waterproof paper on my laser printer, then noticed they are identical - no serial number or anything. I could have bought one, printed 4 copies and no-one the wiser.

I understand the marine board is aware of the issue and going to issue some guidance to LEO about this - the potential for abuse, the potential for the appearance of abuse where someone actually bought enough permits. Don't know their solution, and they are working on getting some sort of unique number on each permit.

your first comment, well that is why people can decide to have paper copies or phone credentials, if I decide that I want 2 invasive permits, the first is in my phone and the second will be printed so it can be used on another boat. the fact that it is possible to include it in your phone credentials takes nothing away from people that would rather have a printed copy, this is an added feature, so I think your comment really makes no sense.

the printing issue sounds like an early system bug that is easy to fix. the software is supposed to allow people to print multiple copies of their license and other credentials, but only 1 copy of a tag. It sounds like the invasive species permit just needs to be moved to the 'tag' group so only one can be printed.
rogerdodger said:
your first comment, well that is why people can decide to have paper copies or phone credentials, if I decide that I want 2 invasive permits, the first is in my phone and the second will be printed so it can be used on another boat. the fact that it is possible to include it in your phone credentials takes nothing away from people that would rather have a printed copy, this is an added feature, so I think your comment really makes no sense.

the printing issue sounds like an early system bug that is easy to fix. the software is supposed to allow people to print multiple copies of their license and other credentials, but only 1 copy of a tag. It sounds like the invasive species permit just needs to be moved to the 'tag' group so only one can be printed.

You obviously aren’t understanding.

I bought 4 permits, printed them, they are also on my phone. They are all identical.

So across the lake or bay, LEO stops my buddy. Looks at the permit. Has no way of knowing whether it is a clone or the only one.

I could have printed to pdf and run off as many copies as I want. I could also have just selected copies in the print driver.there is no way their software can defeat this.

They have acknowledged the problem. I am legit, but no way for the leo to know whether I am or not.
pinstriper said:
You obviously aren’t understanding.

I bought 4 permits, printed them, they are also on my phone. They are all identical.

So across the lake or bay, LEO stops my buddy. Looks at the permit. Has no way of knowing whether it is a clone or the only one.

I could have printed to pdf and run off as many copies as I want. I could also have just selected copies in the print driver.there is no way their software can defeat this.

They have acknowledged the problem. I am legit, but no way for the leo to know whether I am or not.

Why is the first pancake always lumpy? Russian idiom explained. This well-known phrase has not so obvious explanation. According to a modern spelling ПЕРВЫЙ БЛИН КОМОМ, it literally means “the first pancake is always a lumpy one” and reminds us not to expect the first attempt to be successful.

pinstriper said:
You obviously aren’t understanding.

I bought 4 permits, printed them, they are also on my phone. They are all identical.

So across the lake or bay, LEO stops my buddy. Looks at the permit. Has no way of knowing whether it is a clone or the only one.

I could have printed to pdf and run off as many copies as I want. I could also have just selected copies in the print driver.there is no way their software can defeat this.

They have acknowledged the problem. I am legit, but no way for the leo to know whether I am or not.

there are things you can only print once- tags and certain permits. it sounds to me like the Invasive Species permit should be in the 'print once' group with tags and such. do your copes have a scan code? it sounds like they should.

How many copies of my paper big game tag, turkey tag, combined angling tag, hatchery harvest card/tag or fee pheasant tag can I have?

Each customer will be allowed to print one tag and it will be unlawful to make copies. Each reprinted tag is unique and only the most recent reprint from the system is valid. OSP and ODFW staff will have the ability to scan the barcode on a printed tag to confirm it is valid. If you lose your tag and need a reprint, you will need to go to a license sales agent or ODFW office and pay $2 for a reprint.

people that have downloaded coupons from a manufacturer are familiar with this- usually there is special print app required and it only allows 1 copy to be printed. you can't print to PDF or select multiple copies when using one of these special apps. I assume this is how they are restricting tags to just 1 printed copy, also should apply to parking and invasive species permits.

further, once you print a 'one copy only' tag or permit, it should either not display on your phone or be 'grayed' out. for example, I have a paper 2018 tag, so it only shows on my phone as existing but it cannot be opened or used to electronically tag a fish during the rest of 2018.

I like the lumpy pancake analogy.
rogerdodger said:
sounds fishy to me. per ODFW, the vendors are required to print all documents on plain paper and cannot charge extra for the printing. they can offer laminating at an extra cost but if it is used on a tag, you must be able to write on it with permanent ink. cheers, roger
What are the anticipated changes to agents selling licenses?

The main changes include elimination of the point of sale terminal, availability of electronic licenses and plain paper licenses, instead of special paper licenses. The new system is accessible via the web and can be accessed from a regular computer, using a standard printer for 8.5”x11” paper. Agents will use their own computers, notebooks, tablets or phones for sales as ODFW will not be supplying equipment or supplies. Licenses and tags purchased are visible on a computing device or may be printed on plain paper. The system will combine multiple products (licenses, permits etc…) on one sheet of paper.

Can the customer laminate their license or tags?

Yes. They need to be sure the material can be written on in permanent ink.

Can we charge for the paper copies we might print for a customer?

You cannot charge a customer extra (beyond the product price) for the printouts. There is no provision for agents to recoup additional costs as agent fees are in statute. ODFW has consolidated licenses to print on fewer pages to help reduce cost.
I just got OFF the phone with them and they are offering waterproof paper.
rogerdodger said:
sounds fishy to me. per ODFW, the vendors are required to print all documents on plain paper and cannot charge extra for the printing. they can offer laminating at an extra cost but if it is used on a tag, you must be able to write on it with permanent ink. cheers, roger
What are the anticipated changes to agents selling licenses?

The main changes include elimination of the point of sale terminal, availability of electronic licenses and plain paper licenses, instead of special paper licenses. The new system is accessible via the web and can be accessed from a regular computer, using a standard printer for 8.5”x11” paper. Agents will use their own computers, notebooks, tablets or phones for sales as ODFW will not be supplying equipment or supplies. Licenses and tags purchased are visible on a computing device or may be printed on plain paper. The system will combine multiple products (licenses, permits etc…) on one sheet of paper.

Can the customer laminate their license or tags?

Yes. They need to be sure the material can be written on in permanent ink.

Can we charge for the paper copies we might print for a customer?

You cannot charge a customer extra (beyond the product price) for the printouts. There is no provision for agents to recoup additional costs as agent fees are in statute. ODFW has consolidated licenses to print on fewer pages to help reduce cost.
I called Fisherman’s and they confirmed they were offering w/p paper. I called just about everyone in Eugene and all but one vendor is not offering w/p paper with one vendor considering it. Most of the small local retailers are not going to offer licenses at all. Thats what I think I know.
rogerdodger said:
there are things you can only print once- tags and certain permits. it sounds to me like the Invasive Species permit should be in the 'print once' group with tags and such. do your copes have a scan code? it sounds like they should.

How many copies of my paper big game tag, turkey tag, combined angling tag, hatchery harvest card/tag or fee pheasant tag can I have?

Each customer will be allowed to print one tag and it will be unlawful to make copies. Each reprinted tag is unique and only the most recent reprint from the system is valid. OSP and ODFW staff will have the ability to scan the barcode on a printed tag to confirm it is valid. If you lose your tag and need a reprint, you will need to go to a license sales agent or ODFW office and pay $2 for a reprint.

people that have downloaded coupons from a manufacturer are familiar with this- usually there is special print app required and it only allows 1 copy to be printed. you can't print to PDF or select multiple copies when using one of these special apps. I assume this is how they are restricting tags to just 1 printed copy, also should apply to parking and invasive species permits.

further, once you print a 'one copy only' tag or permit, it should either not display on your phone or be 'grayed' out. for example, I have a paper 2018 tag, so it only shows on my phone as existing but it cannot be opened or used to electronically tag a fish during the rest of 2018.

I like the lumpy pancake analogy.

That’s the thing. Tags got scancodes. Permits did not. That is what they need to fix, along with that only links the permit back to a person, whereas the permit applies to the boat.

Further complicated by permits being transferable between boats.

It is a mess of a miss. The model doesn’t work without controlling the means to print. I predict we will get boat numbers from the marine board and they will cease using ODFW for permits.

The lumpy pancake is also known as Microsoft x.0 don’t ever be on the x.0 release.
rogerdodger said:
The app works fine for me, including the tag. :eek:)

I guarantee you that you can't put your phone in Airplane mode and then enter a new harvest tag entry. Not going to work real well out of cell service. Hopefully ODFW developers are right on top of it :cool:
  • Screenshot_20190102-165537.jpg
GaryP1958 said:

Same here. Called and emailed. So far no reply. I have a feeling it's a widespread issue. Should be a pretty easy fix. Funny thing is "taking a risk" because of your software that wasn't fully tested before release. I'm thinking a ticket due to their glitch would be pretty easy to beat in court. I'll at least have my own homemade 'tag' with me out of cell service until this gets resolved.
That’s why I stuck with paper ;)
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Or you could bring a generator, computer, printer a desk and satellite phone with you I dont see a problem!:LOL:
I am going to be in the Portland area in a week or two and will go to fishermans and get my waterproof paper license. I dont fish for steelhead anymore so I am in no rush.
Got my printer paper today. Good ol odfw paying more for less quality products.
JonT said:
I guarantee you that you can't put your phone in Airplane mode and then enter a new harvest tag entry. Not going to work real well out of cell service. Hopefully ODFW developers are right on top of it :cool:

I confirmed this today while out of cell coverage, coding issue, sounds like the update comes tomorrow.
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Just got my Sportpac 7 pages!:mad:
Looks like it's fixed with an app update...

Glitch in MyODFW app that affected ability to tag fish offline fixed –
Update to MyODFW app available Friday, Jan. 4

SALEM, Ore.—A glitch in the MyODFW app that meant some customers could not validate their fish harvest electronically when their phone was offline has been fixed.

Users will need to update their MyODFW app to get the fix by visiting either the Google Play store on Android devices or App store on their iPhone. Both the Android and iPhone app update will be available to users sometime tomorrow, Friday Jan. 4, 2019.

Customers who chose e-tagging should be receiving an email from software developer JMT asking them to update their MyODFW app.

The problem arose when 2019 combined angling tags became valid on Jan. 1 and only affected anglers who had chosen e-tagging in ODFW’s new licensing system.

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