You know what grinds my gears?

Well-known member
i thought i would start a thread for fishing related stuff that gets on peoples nerves. helps vent too i guess :)

so,anything fishing related at all that gets on your nerves. what grinds your gears?

i hope we as a community can keep this thread going without trouble for a long time!

Heres a list of some stuff that grinds my gears

mistreating wild fish

bait fishing for wild trout

people fishing a jig on a fly rod saying they are catching steelhead on the fly



people who label all fly fisherman as "stuck up elitists"

bucket biologists and people who support non native fish in waters with native species

that just a few things that **** me off!! :lol:
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Bank fishermen throwing 3oz of lead at your driftboat

bank fishermen throwing over your lines while pulling plugs

People who leave trash at the fishing spots.

People that say there are no fish in there or question the way im fishing.

Stuck up elitist fly fishermen

People who keep big bass
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litter bugs
summer time rafters who dont give 2 >>>>s about people fishing
people who harm living species on fishing trips be it a fish or natural habitat for animals
people who allow there pet to crap in others walkways and not clean it up
people casting right at me while im wading or in the vicinity im fishing in
People shooting Canadian geese with a pistol and you're in line with the bullets if they skip on the water.
People pooping on the ground not burying it or their TP.
People keeping more than their limit.
People crowding into your fishing spot.
3-Day weekend warriors that bring in their Sea Do's and boats into your fishing area to **** you OFF so you'll leave.
Litter bugs
Boaters that troll into bankers casting areas.
Being a very polite and non-confrontational person the thing that has always irritated me the most is the anglers that either crowd your spot on the bank or cast right across your path. I will go well out of my way, leave the area or at the very least ask before I fish even near to someone. I know that I wouldn't have to leave if the person said "no", but I would anyway. The worst case I ever saw was when I was standing in the N Santiam casting a spinner when this man came wading his way downstream, casting as he went. He didn't say a word to me, and there were yards of space for him to pass behind me, but he just kept on coming, going about three feet in front of me as he continued to cast away. I was absolutely amazed at the complete lack of civility and manners.

That and stuck-up elitist fly fishermen
Fisherpeeps that preach at or flame other fisherpeeps because they think they know everything and the only right way is their way.
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bobbidollpdx said:
fisherpeeps that preach at or flame other fisherpeeps because they think they know everything and the only right way is their way.


:lol: :lol: :lol:
#1 Gill netters in the Columbia!. #2 is those who crowd your space. I tolerate the newbies who don't know better and offer friendly advice. Even have given away lead to them so they will hold bottom. #3 Litterbugs. It's not hard to pack out what ya bring in!
I can't stand punk kids who start threads about things that grind their gears!!!!!! :mad: :mad:

Hahahahahahaha, just kidding. You know you're awesome brandon!!! :D :lol: :clap:

What really irks me is just a complete lack of manners. The know-it-all attitudes. People who litter. The drunken fools who feel the need to share their state of inebriation with every single living thing on the river/lake, including the fish!!! :mad: One thing is to have a fun time with friends around the campfire, and if you want to make a "fool" (I say that with tones of humor :D) out of yourself with friends around the campfire, by all means, go straight ahead. I know my face book loves the pictures!!! hahahahaha (I don't really even use face book that much. :D) But to share it with the poor souls who went to that spot for solitude and tranquility, such as myself, ruins the whole trip!!! :mad:

I also can't stand people who abuse fish and nature for that matter.

And guys, make sure you wipe the public toilets at campgrounds when you're done!! Ain't that right Rose (lilsalmon)!!!!!! Man, what pigs last year August, do ya remember? :think:

List in order:#1 most irritating
1 Poeple who do not respect others with proper angling etiquette
2 Littering this could be #1 very easily but i can pick up their trash but I can't do nothing about people being as**s
3 anglers who think they need to get totally drunk to have a good fishing trip.
4 boat anglers with a whole lake to fish in but think they need to get right up in your zone while you are bank fishing.
5 people who look down on someones fishing tactics when that person is angling with in the regulations.
playing music for everyone to hear.
people who intentionally violate the regulations in any way.
- Cleaning up other people's trash
- Hearing about theft on the river/lakes
- Losing a fish, or worse yet, going on a streak of losing fish
- Getting skunked, or worse yet, going on a skunk streak
Poachers and other people who disrespect Nature. (including those who think they shouldn't have to buy a license or tag because they barely ever fish and never get caught.)
LOUD PEOPLE NEAR THE WATER and "Cannonballers".
Newly-opened powerbait that's already hard as a rock.
Sickly, dried-out worms.
Hand warmers that don't get hot.
People who say they want to fish with you, but don't have any motivation to leave the house as early as you do. (or need to stop two or three times on the way.)

Just a few...I try never to rant, but it's all in fun I guess.
Finding bundles of line from backlashes left on the bank.
People who take the "no limit" on certain warm water fish literally.
Other trash left in public places.
And one thing that chaps my buns, and good, asking for some advice and getting the "you didn't know how to _____ already?" response. I wouldn't ask if I knew. Sheesh.

3 things that make me very happy:
Meeting and talking with friendly anglers I find all over the place here.
Seeing my fiancee learning to fish and loving it.
Fishing in a state as beautiful as Oregon, and appreciating it because I just moved here, and I'm painfully aware of polluted alternatives like Pennsylvania.
b70turner said:
3 things that make me very happy:
Meeting and talking with friendly anglers I find all over the place here.
Seeing my fiancee learning to fish and loving it.
Fishing in a state as beautiful as Oregon, and appreciating it because I just moved here, and I'm painfully aware of polluted alternatives like Pennsylvania.

Here, Here!
yep b70 I hear ya!
on another thread about litter I was talking about fishing in Southern California where i was stuck for ten years. Oregonians do not want that. I went out on a charter there and the fisherman were throwing their cig butts and beer cans right in the water....bummer. I think it is like when a building has a broken window and kids throw rocks at more windows because of it, damage invites damage.

Oregon is the best
Pond scum who drop appliances & home trash down river banks. Some goes into the water...grrrrrrrr...:mad::mad:

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