Wilson Trask steelheading tomorrow

Hit the Wilson yesterday 12/30 with my Dad. We had a few fish. Winter Runs that were little scrapy hatch fish. 8ish lbs. Then towards the end of the run I came upon a gravel bank with a deep trench calling out for 10ft of T18 and a deep swing with something resembling a fuscia prawn wearing a glittery prom dress with a long black scarf. Nothing I have seen girls wear but I did not hesitate. First swing, nothing, a few steps, second and so on. My dad finally yelled, cmon boy, their ain't nothing here lets move on, Oh but dad, just one more. A quick double spey, 2 feet from the wall a rapid sink and suddenly mid swing, my line stops.. hmm a snag? It is no moving crap, that was a $hitload of T18 and a nice fly....wait why is my drag peeling off like a bridge of asians during license checks?

20 minutes later a 28lbs king flashes her salt scales to let me know the game was not over. How is thing owning me I wondered, I must have somehow foul hooked it... 10 more minutes, I start to ease her into the shore and sure enough, a clean hook well down her throat. Being a native and seeing she was laiden with Eggs, knowing we already had several pounds of steelhead and living out of a timeshare in seaside, well I did not have the heart to bonk her. Weve had fresh fish every night and this would be no different, but tonight Salmon was not on the menu although she looked better than anything I had tailed this trip. I clipped off the trailing wire rather than mess with removing the hook since it was deep. So if you catch a fat hen nook with a hook and trailer in her mouth, let her go. Shes not the smartest fish in school and needs a break.

Thanks to everyone that gave me help on finding water to fish during this winter vacation. If you are ever up in the Washington OP hit me up, I'll return the flavor!
professorpaddle said:
Hit the Wilson yesterday 12/30 with my Dad. We had a few fish. Winter Runs that were little scrapy hatch fish. 8ish lbs. Then towards the end of the run I came upon a gravel bank with a deep trench calling out for 10ft of T18 and a deep swing with something resembling a fuscia prawn wearing a glittery prom dress with a long black scarf. Nothing I have seen girls wear but I did not hesitate. First swing, nothing, a few steps, second and so on. My dad finally yelled, cmon boy, their ain't nothing here lets move on, Oh but dad, just one more. A quick double spey, 2 feet from the wall a rapid sink and suddenly mid swing, my line stops.. hmm a snag? It is no moving crap, that was a $hitload of T18 and a nice fly....wait why is my drag peeling off like a bridge of asians during license checks?

20 minutes later a 28lbs king flashes her salt scales to let me know the game was not over. How is thing owning me I wondered, I must have somehow foul hooked it... 10 more minutes, I start to ease her into the shore and sure enough, a clean hook well down her throat. Being a native and seeing she was laiden with Eggs, knowing we already had several pounds of steelhead and living out of a timeshare in seaside, well I did not have the heart to bonk her. Weve had fresh fish every night and this would be no different, but tonight Salmon was not on the menu although she looked better than anything I had tailed this trip. I clipped off the trailing wire rather than mess with removing the hook since it was deep. So if you catch a fat hen nook with a hook and trailer in her mouth, let her go. Shes not the smartest fish in school and needs a break.

Thanks to everyone that gave me help on finding water to fish during this winter vacation. If you are ever up in the Washington OP hit me up, I'll return the flavor!

Sick dude! You killed it...
We've done pretty well the past two days as well.

I'm looking for a guide on the Sol Duc, and or Hoh river come Feb/March if you have anyone in mind.
pro----pad----No matter what the bounty is, the well written report is excellently done. Wow! 10ft of T-18 tells me deep and fast with a walkable gravel bar. I know of only two places on the wilson that have that can fit that discription at 12/30 water levels. What did dad catch? BTW thanks for the report. I'll hit the river again saturday. Tony
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Casting Call said:
I know of only two places on the wilson that have that can fit that discription at 12/30 water levels. Tony[/FONT]

My dad pulled in a winter run off a plug that we released since we already had bonked one earlier that I swung for dinner. Generally I don't keep most fish but all the family was here for vacation crying for fresh vittles. The king would have been the best table fare but as order would have it she lived to see another day. Not being from around here I won't try and gaurd your spots. This was the finally turn before Sollie's. Trench on river left, bar on river right. Most of the run was t8 and t10 with light flies. That spot was deep enough and fast enough I chose to go deeper. That and with the dropping water the fish seemed to be deeper all day. Mills had enough bankers fishing that we left it alone. My first fish was just below swung off river left though.
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