Why such a closely guarded secret?

At the heart of all this...including the OP...is a serious misunderstanding--that it is the locations which are important.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Two things pertain: First, if you are willing to put forth the personal effort and dedication to learn (both instantly recognizable and something no one can do for you) the locations don't matter at all. Reading water...that arcane wisdom that only experience can confer...will guide you to good water far more reliably than all the books (which, when you come down to it, are arguably exploitative), hearsay, or "revealed truths".

Second, that the reservations most of us feel about sharing is neither absolute nor manifestly selfish or secretive. Rather it is about respect for the fishery and even the "art" we pursue. Indiscriminate sharing is tantamount to trivialization. And trivialization almost always spells the ruination of anything that is good and true.

Beyond that, we all share. There is no absolute "either or" as is being suggested above. Some of us...especially those who care about things like heaps of mono in the river and snagging (it can be done with a fly rod) and the perception that "we may be passing this way for the last time" ...are just a little more circumspect about it that's all.

It is, as another poster said, a question of earning respect and trust. Not unlike almost every facet of real life.
Spydeyrch said:
@ GungasUncle & Eggs

You guys mind if I join you? I have a 7' 3wt that I use on some small streams. If not, no biggie. Have fun up there!!! :D


I have no objections - would be fun to finally fish w/ ye Andy.
jrbecca said:
OK, here is my bottom line:

1) I enjoy sharing my passion with others. I'll happily take anyone on my favorite hiking trails. I'll share a great recipe I just found. I am excited to teach others how to achieve their goals, if I have any expert knowledge that's relevant. Do I do all the work for them? No. But I will happily guide, correct, and encourage. That is part of my personality, which may not always fall in line with yours. That's why I started the topic. Because one day, I hope to have enough subject knowledge that I can help others become interested in a sport that encourages conservation, creativity, and teaches an intrinsic survival skill.

2) I will equate favorite fishing holes to secret family recipes. You don't share with everyone, but a well-deserving family member will get the "show-not-tell" treatment. But realizing even then that it takes a lot of practice to master, say, the best dinner rolls you'll ever make from scratch. End of story here.

3) Spydey is officially my favorite OFF member.

4) I have caught fish on my own. The first time, it was the greatest feeling ever. Everyone deserves to feel that.

5) I'm either going to annoy you or intrigue you here. Ignore me if you wish, but let's avoid the name calling, shall we?

6) I would caution against treating fly fishing as a secret society. I belong to one and we found that in keeping too much a secret, our organization started to suffer and we were losing our ability to achieve our goals. We shared more and started to thrive again.

Unless your an awesomely successful fishermen than you can be a total douche-bag and people will think you're so cool they will still want to be a part of your coolness/club.
I get where you're coming from. We were all new. So I'll make you an offer - next spring when trout season reopens on a certain stream (last Saturday in April) I will happily show you one of my favorite small streams, and how to fish it, I'll even bring a spare light rod (3 weight) for you to fish with since light rods are the best weapon for this stream if you aren't able to purchase one for yourself (I'd recommend a 7 foot 3 weight with a weight forward line on this particular stream).

You bring: waders (stocking foot chest waders with felt soles or at least cleated lug soles - the rocks do get pretty slick), hiking boots, warm clothes (it's in a canyon that even in the height of summer can stay cool), plenty of water, and the willingness to hike a few miles. If you're up for it - we can even hike down into the punch bowl of a certain water fall where I can almost guarantee you'll catch some of the biggest fish in this stream. I've never been skunked in this spot.

I'll give you tutoring on small stream fishing tactics - nymphing, dry flies, and streamer fishing.

No ill-intentions or ulterior motives here - I'm happily married w/ a little boy myself. I'm happy to show new fly fishers new techniques and some places to fish, since it was done for me.

All I ask in return is that the places not be shared with the world as a whole on the internet - as the place already gets enough mention both here and on iFish, and I do occasionally run into other anglers who vary from very successful to frustrated and fishless.
todd_brooks said:

Unless your an awesomely successful fishermen than you can be a total douche-bag and people will think you're so cool they will still want to be a part of your coolness/club.
Ahhhaaah aaahaaa thats cold... But true, im still trying to figure out how they got that high horse up under her way up on that cross shes nailed to?
GungasUncle said:
I have no objections - would be fun to finally fish w/ ye Andy.

Sweet!! Count me in man!!! Can't WAIT!!! :dance: YEE-HAW

halibuthitman said:
Ahhhaaah aaahaaa thats cold... But true, im still trying to figure out how they got that high horse up under her way up on that cross shes nailed to?

I didn't interpret it that way. I don't think that Todd was referencing jrbecca in his comment. It was kind of meant to be a continuation of jrbecca's last point, #6. So if you read her point #6 and then continue to read todd's comment as if it was part of point #6, it is actually kind of humorous and not demeaning.

So it would read as: #6) I would caution against treating fly fishing as a secret society ..... Unless your an awesomely successful fishermen than you can be a total douche-bag and people will think you're so cool they will still want to be a part of your coolness/club.

At least that is how I understood it. I could be wrong though. :think:

No you got it right Spydeyrch, I think HHM did to, he's just proving my point. When are we gona fish Brad ;)
GungasUncle said:
I get where you're coming from. We were all new. So I'll make you an offer - next spring when trout season reopens on a certain stream (last Saturday in April) I will happily show you one of my favorite small streams, and how to fish it, I'll even bring a spare light rod (3 weight) for you to fish with since light rods are the best weapon for this stream if you aren't able to purchase one for yourself (I'd recommend a 7 foot 3 weight with a weight forward line on this particular stream).

You bring: waders (stocking foot chest waders with felt soles or at least cleated lug soles - the rocks do get pretty slick), hiking boots, warm clothes (it's in a canyon that even in the height of summer can stay cool), plenty of water, and the willingness to hike a few miles. If you're up for it - we can even hike down into the punch bowl of a certain water fall where I can almost guarantee you'll catch some of the biggest fish in this stream. I've never been skunked in this spot.

I'll give you tutoring on small stream fishing tactics - nymphing, dry flies, and streamer fishing.

No ill-intentions or ulterior motives here - I'm happily married w/ a little boy myself. I'm happy to show new fly fishers new techniques and some places to fish, since it was done for me.

All I ask in return is that the places not be shared with the world as a whole on the internet - as the place already gets enough mention both here and on iFish, and I do occasionally run into other anglers who vary from very successful to frustrated and fishless.

Deal, if and when I'm walking again. ;)

halibuthitman said:
Ahhhaaah aaahaaa thats cold... But true, im still trying to figure out how they got that high horse up under her way up on that cross shes nailed to?

Your use of mixed metaphors is positively uninspiring. Instead of giving way to the temptation of firing back my own, most likely with a sexual and equally derogatory theme, I'll defer to the PP's "interpretation" of this comment and ignore you for now. Unless you want to put your propensity to brag about the ability to fish on little to no sleep to good use and participate in a fly fishing marathon with me next year. I may even be nice and buy you some purple Gatorade for the journey. ;)
You would threaten me with purple gatorade... Cold, very cold...
Welcome to the forum. Good topic, too. 1400 views in two days is a pretty good first thread, I'd say. I hope nothing here has been discouraging and also hope you post some reports once you get a chance to do some more trips. We all like reports and there are never enough.

jrbecca said:
Thank you for the recommendation! I've been mostly fishing my 5 wt. TFO BVK, but just added a Reddington 7 wt.

This 3 wt. might be a great addition to my collection.

That looks like a good setup. If when the purchase time comes it's a bit too expensive - the Cabela's Three Forks rods are absolutely fishable rods. Cabela's Three Forks Fly Rod Combos

My first 3 weight was a Three Forks 7'6" 3 piece, and it held up to years and years of abuse. I sold that rod off in a fit of stupidity (and because I'd purchased a 6' TFO Signature Series 2 weight at the time and thought I didn't need the 3 weight anymore.) Other good options - the Wright & McGill S-Curve fly rods cost about a hundred bucks, very nice casting action. A tad heavy weight-wise for their line rating, but they've got a nice slow to moderate action perfect for tight quarters, light line fishing. They make these in normal versions and a "Fly Gurl" version with purple blank and cigar shaped cork handle, which I honestly prefer to the standard.

Cabela's Tight Quarters Rods cost a tad over a hundred bucks, and are also very good low-cost small stream rods. If you can afford the extra cash - look at Echo's Carbon series rods - hard to find a better casting tool out there than an Echo without spending 4 to 5 times the cash.
halibuthitman said:
You would threaten me with purple gatorade... Cold, very cold...

Hahahahaha you crack me up sometimes!!! :lol:

halibuthitman said:
You would threaten me with purple gatorade... Cold, very cold...

Bhahahahahahahahahahaha how is that gatorade bro?? that was an awesome trip that I will keep close to the vest for a while! lol
halibuthitman said:
You would threaten me with purple gatorade... Cold, very cold...

Purple Gatorade, what's that all about??? Some type of Grape Drink that you like?

P.S. I know how to fish steelhead too!
FlyBum said:
Purple Gatorade, what's that all about??? Some type of Grape Drink that you like?

P.S. I know how to fish steelhead too!
yeah, summers.. and who can't catch one of those?;) I drink my mushrooms and acid in purple gatorade..:rolleyes:
I suspect 'ziped lippes' has a lot to do with population/fishing pressure on local rivers. As an example, take Washington States three largest counties (Thurson, King, and Snohomish). 90 miles from the bottom of one to out the top of the last? (Guess there only.)That stretch has more people in it that the entire State of Oregon. Similar situation (relative numbers) of the first 100 miles down I-5. 2/3'rds of the States people (give or take). Southern half of the State? Roseburg's 100 miles north of us, Bend about the same to K-Falls.

What's in the middle? Lots of empty ground and chipmunks, lots and lots of chipmunks. ;>) Someone wants to come up/down to fish the Rogue? I'll tell them what rocks to stand on. Out this past Sat/Sun with a close friend from Colorado. Saw a grand total of three other folks over the 48 hours. And that included the Hatchery area. Nobody!

Oh, Joe hooked four on Friday, landed-released three. Zip on Saturday (to my total surprise) and just one on Sunday.
fredaevans said:
;>) Someone wants to come up/down to fish the Rogue? I'll tell them what rocks to stand on.

Might have to take you up on that sometime, and offer up a little of my knowledge in return
steelhead_slayer said:
Might have to take you up on that sometime, and offer up a little of my knowledge in return

Here's my deal .... it's a hard one so BRACE. Show up/you're all in and I'm a damned good cook.

Sounds good to me

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