Why do you fish?

Irishrover said:
I enjoy the thrill of the tug. It can be a trout on a fly line or a halibut with 40oz of weight it doesn't matter. I feel lucky to live in Oregon where there is such a wide varity of fishing. I also really enjoy getting other people into fish and seeing the thrill on their face when they pull in a big chinook. Fishing isn't just fishing for me It's everything.

Well said. The only time I can say I'm at peace with myself is when I'm out on the water fishing. Even if I don't catch anything being out there makes me happy.
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Fishing is the one thing I can be terrible at and still enjoy myself :thumb:


It makes me smile.....

Because for me it is not easy. It challenges me and at times frustrates the hell out of me which motivates me to try harder. It gives me rewards along the way that push me through the maze to the next one, to keep trying to fit the puzzle pieces together to see a clearer picture. I came to a realization on the Nestucca one day, soaking wet and freezing, not a bite all day and the sunlight fading: If this were easy I would never do it, I love this....
Same reason I ride motorcycles. If I'm traveling on the Harley or floating a new river in the boat, I'm enjoying life. And I work too damn hard Mon through Fri, not to have a couple things I can really enjoy on the weekend...
It saves a lot of lives...'ats all I'm sayin'. :hi:
I fish because I just love fishing.
I fish because its very relaxing and beautiful.
I fish because its challenging and rewarding.

When I'm fishing I feel more connected to the natural world and that makes me feel more exuberant and more alive.
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Need I say more.....







And friends, never forget the friends
So many reasons - lately I find its been where I can be with my lost or fallen loved ones... weird how in touch with the ones you love who are gone, can be so close to you out on a piece of water your fishing alone.. Solitude.
For the sheer excitement that starts the night before as you pack gear and tackle with high expectations. For the drive in the dark from the urban to the rural after little sleep because of high expectations. For the smell of the trees, but even more importantly that odor given off by fish-rich waters, providing high expectations of success. For the hours of happiness spent alone just thinking about life and about high expectations of what could occur any minute now. For the retrieval of often beautifully figured wood stuffs that choose to repose upon my hook. For the hours and now hours of thinking, while telling oneself "this one last cast could be it!"

Certainly not for the drive from the rural back to the urban, during which even highly amplified music won't drown out the voice of the subconscious, which is yapping on and on about the the absolute f-ing stupidity of having high expectations, AND how it warned one the last time and the goddamn one hundred times before that about one's sheer and and highly idiotic stubbornness in listening to reason about all of this nonsense, didn't it? Didn't it! Answer me, you bast*rd!
I love fishing since I was little, So I pretty live for fishing.:worthy:

It makes me feel manly when I actually catch one.
I fish because it is similar to golf but better...

both activities get you outside, sometimes in beautiful surroundings, others not so much; both make you deal with the weather; both require you to assemble a kit which can be basic/store bought or can be very complex and personalized/hand made; both require practice and you improve at both by learning new techniques/shots; both can include professional help, through a guide or lesson; both you can teach and share with your children; and both have a level of uncertainty and luck...

but fishing is way better because every time that I put my golf scorecard on the BBQ, no matter how many threes and fours it had on it, it still tasted like cardboard. cheers, roger
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My parents made me do it!

Granddad moved to Portland from Nebraska for retirement just as WWII began. When WWII ended, most of his adult kids settled their families here and they adopted Oregon as the best place to live. Living in the cities and experiencing the Oregon countryside. And that meant fishing...

I'm still trout fishing with the Bretton 804 reel that dad gave me in 1968 (because he bought a couple of Cardinal 4's and a Mitchell for himself, LOL). Being all metal with a plastic spool, the Bretton is one tough little reel and the only weak point has been the bail spring which failed last year. I've since bought a couple spare reels off eBay, so I should have a lifetime supply now.

My big fish rigs have DAM Quick 440N's that dad bought for us back in 1975. The Quick 440N are rugged and serviceable, but not the smoothest reels. Gotta keep the slider for the bail lubricated or else they freeze up. Good thing is eBay has a steady stream of them and I've got a few for parts.

I really enjoy trying to figure out fish behavior and spreading the knowledge. Watching salmon pair up, then continue upstream. Seeing cutthroat trout rule their pool, stealing salmon eggs. Watching steelhead come back downstream after spawning in some unimaginably small water. Seeing crawdads pick a carcass clean.

So... fishing is a connection with nature, a connection with the past, and a connection with the future.
probably because hunting season is closed.
Rain said:
Why do you fish?

So I can come here and have something to post....new and exciting ways to spend lot's of money....I hate sleeping in.....so I can spend my weekends standing in the rain instead of being in a nice warm house.....the reasons are infinitely many! Most of them make my head hurt when I actually think about it, I think I'm going to crawl under the kitchen table, curl up in the fetal position and cry for a while.
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HE! Just did'nt give me one. HE taught how to catch one! Have a Merry Christmas everyone. Tony
I like egg goo.
When I'm out on the boat, waiting for a strike
I love watching the eagles dance & a pair finding the ideal spot to nest, black bear coming to the waters edge for a drink,
& all the beauty of the critters to be seen,
& the Wonders & Awe of nature.
What else is there to do?

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