Well-known member
I dont know about Large, but I'll give my nickel on the Smallies...Willamette River between the Falls in OC, and Waterfront Park.

bass_master said:No doubt in my mind the State record will come out of the Long Tom River and it will be caught by me or my brother!
TTFishon said:What's the biggest bass you or your brother has caught in the long tom?
everato1234 said:are the Large mouth or small mouth bass being caught on the Willamette river?
TTFishon said:If you're asking me then they are LM.
Finneus Polebender said:havent heard of smallmouth in the willamette down here . have caught 1 dinky LM in the river at skinners butte park only experience ive ever had with willamette bass
TTFishon said:What's the biggest bass you or your brother has caught in the long tom?
FishSlayer420 said:My buddy caught a 3 to 4 pound smallie in the willy by the old brings recyclin plant by MT.Pisgah. No joke it was crazy it was at the mouth of where one of the ponds flows into the river in the wildish ponds. I think i have a pic somewhere i will post it as soon as i find it. thats the only smallie that i have seen down here.
bass_master said:I just caught a 15 incher which was probably a few pounds and last season I caught a 17 inch and my brother got a 21 inch bass... we really need to invest in a scale though because I don't know how much they weighed.