Where are all the fishing reports???

I miss the Smith..I learned to steelhead fish on the Smith...Slide the boat over the bank below the falls and get with it....My biggest fish ever came out of the bench hole.16 pounds and prolly as close as I will ever get to the 20 pound mark....Many a times we would go down and fish all day,then troll stripers all night...Then if we felt up to it,fish steelhead again after it got daylight....Those were the days...Doubt I could do it now...LOL

Went down a couple years back and fished the old holes with nary a bite..I know there are some wild fish there,but it is a only a sliver of what it used to be..

Probably go back down to the Siuslaw in the morning..DOWNRIVER somewhere from Whitaker..I have no desire to get into that mess..

If you have a boat, and know the river well, the Wildcat to Linslaw run can be very productive at this water level.. Good luck out there.. I bet I saw ten boats headed down there this morning on my way into Eugene, then about the same number coming home at 5:00. It has to be insane down there right now. Funny thing is, after all that water last week, there is a BUNCH of fish somewhere in that system just waiting to be caught..
I'm thinkin about heading to whitaker tomorrow to try and get after some winter steel for my first time. It's my first time fishing it and im not sure what to use. I want to try and bank it where ever i can. Spinners are the thing to use there right now? Thats what i heard
heya rippin I am not really sure whats working over there right now. everyone I know thats been fishing has said its dead slow. I would think with the cold weather the water has to be pretty cold so hardware would be the ticket. I have done well on the silver /red blue fox the silver/ green blue fox and a thomas boyant thats gold body with wrinkely red and dots on it.

I have also had decent luck tossing a gold/ red blue fox.. I would probably go with a size 4 or 5 depending on the water clarity. wish I could be of more help I have only been a couple times this year and once was plunking, I have yet to get out with my boat as its to much of a pain to deal with it on my own and I can't row very much right now.

rippin fish lips said:
I'm thinkin about heading to whitaker tomorrow to try and get after some winter steel for my first time. It's my first time fishing it and im not sure what to use. I want to try and bank it where ever i can. Spinners are the thing to use there right now? Thats what i heard

I would go loaded for everything right now. The river seems to be holding steady at around 5.2' right now. From the bank, there is still several good holes you can drift in, but be ready to tie a lot of knots.. Bobber and jig works well down there at this level. I have no idea what the color looks like, but a pink and white 1/8 oz. jig has been very productive in the past for us.. Good luck...
Been a while since a report...Went 2 for 3 today...Shoulda been 3 for 3 .but that is another story...LOL

1 bright clipped hen and a downriver native that didn't
know it was sposed to be tired and wore out..Put up a epic struggle...
Might have to float it one more time this weekend if I can convince someone to go.
Floated lake creek today, nothing, nobody else either. I was the kid rowing 16 foot valco with my gramps in front incase anyone saw me :D
Deadwood - indiola. Very fun second time floating....
That's good water I have yet to float. I've only done the short stretch from indiola to just above the horn. Not a takeout you want to miss. Ever. Almost missed it cause I wasn't paying attention and thought it was a longer float. D'oh! Lesson quickly learned, fortunately not the hard way! Although there used to he an old guy that had a wooden driftboat that I saw taking out at konnie, that ran it by himself...crazy old man lol.
I have been fishing the slaw pretty steady since the blow out. Seems like a lot of bright fish are making a strong push. Caught my limit the last couple trips with the exception of yesterday when I went 0-2 and promptly lost my 2 lures that were producing for me. Heartbroken still with the picture of my lures coming back to shore without anything attached. I had a VERY acrobatic chromer on for about 30 seconds. Ran up, ran down and on the down run it was leaping full body length out of the river. Very exciting until the lure pretty much fell out with the slack the fish made in the line. I think the run will push later than normal, or at least I hope. PS when the heck will blue fox's go back on sale at bi-mart. I need the 2 for 6 deal again after my losses.
jhop111 said:
I have been fishing the slaw pretty steady since the blow out. Seems like a lot of bright fish are making a strong push. Caught my limit the last couple trips with the exception of yesterday when I went 0-2 and promptly lost my 2 lures that were producing for me. Heartbroken still with the picture of my lures coming back to shore without anything attached. I had a VERY acrobatic chromer on for about 30 seconds. Ran up, ran down and on the down run it was leaping full body length out of the river. Very exciting until the lure pretty much fell out with the slack the fish made in the line. I think the run will push later than normal, or at least I hope. PS when the heck will blue fox's go back on sale at bi-mart. I need the 2 for 6 deal again after my losses.

Glad to hear it's still fishing, the reports i've been getting have been so poor. I'm probably heading that direction tomorrow to put a new float rod to use, probably lake creek, but can't fish one and not the other. As far as bimart spinners I lose way too many spinners to keep buying them lol. I need to start twisting my own for that very reason.
I came home last night and spent 2 hours researching what is out there for making your own. I was not impressed with what is offered for beginners. However fishermans corner in OMATH OR, makes a bunch that are super promising. I like the Alsea specials for less than 2.00 per lure. I will be out also, seems black lures and small and red no yarn on a number 4 produces the best for me last week. Some people did well on sandshrimp but poorly the next day. I have never produced float fishing on the slaw but always carry my rod to every hole and try.
Yeah I bought a kit from cabelas about ten years ago for trout spinners and got the basics down. Can buy the components all over the place online if you know what you want. All you need are pliers really. But i can see how it would be daunting to start out of the gates with steelhead spinners. Fishermans is corrected on my phone and replaced with disneyland for a reason. Lots of components to twist your own there.
The guy who made the tutorial "how to make a salmon spinner" sent me a kit of 6. And man i tied those up so fast :D Very fun to do. can't wait to test them. AS for fishing, all i hear is how slow it is. I might get out at some point and throw some of my jigs and spinners.

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