Whats to come???

stonesworth I want to apologize for being brash with you, but not for what I meant, we all want the 50+ inchers, I understand 60 is close...measuring your fish and the picture could have been done down in a foot of water, not that it probably would have been better on the fish, but it would have been how biologist with a lot of studying would like to see us do it. you used the we all do it cop out and that kind of fried me, you don't know me, or probably most of us on this forum, you don't get to say that with out catching flack. Im sure you care as much about these awsome fish as the rest of us. I am actually glad you changed the picture, and I appreciate that you had the honesty to say it was wrong instead of saying it was an old picture.. many young or new people view these threads every day, some day they will catch a big-un, do we really want them justifying the wrong for a photo op? there are not enough enforcment guys out there, we have to self enforce, and how can we complain about the states managment of the fisheries, when we don't even properly manage our own fishing operation. I don't want to argue any more, I got rubbed wrong and ive gotten over it.. im sorry for speaking down at you.
Cool deal man and sorry as well for any labels I put on anyone.. If it was summer I might have been in the water with that fish haha..:D I just try to do my best out on the water when fishing Im a stand up guy and play by the rules even on days when you want one bad..I love fishing and love these big fish nothing like the fight I hope they get it worked out soon if they could do what they did with coho we would be in good shape..Good luck out on the water ...
After a night sleep and and some thinking Your right in more ways then one!! I took my vids of my friends off youtube as well this morning due to him boat landing a big fish that ended up over as well. Like you said I would hate someone new to fishing for the big guys to get the wrong idea on how to land and handle them by watching someone else (me) I would be way bumed if someone seen me get one, rock land it then do the same and hurt the fish.. Did I like you called me out no did ya make me think about how I land my fish yes.. Cool deal man !! If I dont plan on getting in the water when im bank fishing for the big guys ....I wont go!! Ok now on the topic of out of the water when it comes to small guys shakers whats the best way to un hook and stay away from all the spikes I always grab the tail and hold them head down in the air above the water seems to keep them still grab hook pops out very easy everytime then set them back into the water done..But im taking them out of the water so I guess I need some help on how to let the small guys go with out taking them out of the water and not getting all cut to dodo by the spikes..When I keep them in the water and try to unhook they beat themself on rocks thrash around digging the hook deeper even from the boat this seemed to be the best way..Any help on this would be cool..
:clap:Go Stones!:)
If I am boat fishing I try to roll the shaker so he is belly up and then grab the hook and loop it out it works 80% of the time. I use a pretty lite rod so most of the fighting is over when they come up. If at first you don't succeed use a bigger hook.
I wonder if they will shut down above the falls ? I landed 4 keepers on saturday,talked to a trooper that said it was open to retention 7 days a week all year round
hey stones... on shakers I just grab the line about a foot from the mouth with my left hand and shake them with some needle nose pliers. the big ones role over and you can shake them the same way... keep a pair of gloves that are a little loose with you and just put them on when you need too handle one thats fiesty or what ever- :) oh, and I also never said what a nice lookin fish that was..must be wild playin a fish that size from the bank.
releasing sturgeon

releasing sturgeon

When I release the shaker sturgeon I just grab the hook shank and twist 95% of the time. If needed you can grab them by the lower lip and lift, then just twist hook and it pops out usually. Never had a problem either way.



Thanks for the help guys .. And playing the bigger ones from bank is a big change from the boat the fight was 7 min and that was with drag almost tight( due to about 30 yards left on my reel) to the point it felt like he was going to take me in a few times off the rocks into the water, prob in my top 2 fish fights ever .. From a boat you get to pull them up taking them out of there element from shore you hold on for the ride and hope your gear holds!!..

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