What's the longest fish fight you have seen?

Mine's not that impressive, but it sure was a lot of fun.

Caught a 2.5' shaker Sturgeon when I was catfishing. Was using a little medium-light rod, and was NOT expecting a Sturgeon to take it.(Was just using a single worm on the bottom)

15 minute fight altogether.
The only way I'm fighting a fish over 15min. is if it's a trophy sized fish.. otherwise I'm gonna try to horse that sucka in. If it's a native fish that needs to be released, you need to get it in quick as ya can anyways.
I was in this tavern in Astoria . There was a lot of good lookin nook in there . Anyway , a couple sturgon strol in and start messin with this fine nook hen . She was clearly not interested , but they just kept it up . Well , some of the bucks in the joint didn't take well to sturgies harassin the young hen . There must have been 6 or 7 nook bucks wailing on these sturgies . Them big ol boys didn't seen to have a chance , when this ling cod swims in , sees the sturgies are havin a hard time of it . I could tell this was one bad ling . Sea lion scars all over him . The dude had been around . Anyways , he whips out a fillet blade , makes some fillets out of the biggest buck , and the whole thing was over . It was the most brutal 15 minutes I have ever seen . That is the longest and most bloody fish fight I have ever seen .
I was in this tavern in Astoria . There was a lot of good lookin nook in there . Anyway , a couple sturgon strol in and start messin with this fine nook hen . She was clearly not interested , but they just kept it up . Well , some of the bucks in the joint didn't take well to sturgies harassin the young hen . There must have been 6 or 7 nook bucks wailing on these sturgies . Them big ol boys didn't seen to have a chance , when this ling cod swims in , sees the sturgies are havin a hard time of it . I could tell this was one bad ling . Sea lion scars all over him . The dude had been around . Anyways , he whips out a fillet blade , makes some fillets out of the biggest buck , and the whole thing was over . It was the most brutal 15 minutes I have ever seen . That is the longest and most bloody fish fight I have ever seen .

LMFAO!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
I was in this tavern in Astoria . There was a lot of good lookin nook in there . Anyway , a couple sturgon strol in and start messin with this fine nook hen . She was clearly not interested , but they just kept it up . Well , some of the bucks in the joint didn't take well to sturgies harassin the young hen . There must have been 6 or 7 nook bucks wailing on these sturgies . Them big ol boys didn't seen to have a chance , when this ling cod swims in , sees the sturgies are havin a hard time of it . I could tell this was one bad ling . Sea lion scars all over him . The dude had been around . Anyways , he whips out a fillet blade , makes some fillets out of the biggest buck , and the whole thing was over . It was the most brutal 15 minutes I have ever seen . That is the longest and most bloody fish fight I have ever seen .

Man I needed that! thanks!
I was in this tavern in Astoria . There was a lot of good lookin nook in there . Anyway , a couple sturgon strol in and start messin with this fine nook hen . She was clearly not interested , but they just kept it up . Well , some of the bucks in the joint didn't take well to sturgies harassin the young hen . There must have been 6 or 7 nook bucks wailing on these sturgies . Them big ol boys didn't seen to have a chance , when this ling cod swims in , sees the sturgies are havin a hard time of it . I could tell this was one bad ling . Sea lion scars all over him . The dude had been around . Anyways , he whips out a fillet blade , makes some fillets out of the biggest buck , and the whole thing was over . It was the most brutal 15 minutes I have ever seen . That is the longest and most bloody fish fight I have ever seen .

and thats the last time he ever went to Annies!!!!! :lol:
Lol! What a laugh!
12' sturgeon. was the longest fight , i hooked it and battled the thing till my arms were noodles so handed the rod to my dad and he went till he couldnt take any more and then my brother took over.this went on till we all traded about three times can't remember how long but it was a couple of hours.when that thing wasn't running to the bottom of the river and rippin of line you sit there and reel a little and pull and reel and pull and every time you did this it felt like you were pulling a 20' fir log off the bottom of the river.this was the last time i went strugeon fishing, i would rather enjoy fishing instead of feeling like you just spent a painful day at the gym.:D
1988... salmon fishing in 30 ft of water right infront of the tillamook bay South jetty in a 17' smoker craft, I was 8.. fishing blue label plug cut herring, rod went down in normal salmon fasion.. bob bob bob down she goes..... started rippin line, thought we hooked into a trophy king... line kept running no sign of where it was going, just DOWN!!! line STOPPED at 3 raps from the knot at the end of the spool, made about 30 yds of progress... back to spool knot... this went on for over an hour, passed rod around the boat with still no progress, by this time we were clear out drifted with current over to about 5 miles south of the jetty and tide turned goin out. line still below us.... Fought the thing some more... until i couldnt even hold the pole... dad was holding the poll, my other "dad" steve was helping me reel it in.. we were sure we had a 60+ lb chinook.... the fish came into view.... wasn't a salmon..... wasn't a sturgeon...... it was a 150lb + halibut......

needless to say we didnot get to keep it... for several reasons.... it was to big to safely bring aboard our little boat, out of season, and nobody really knew what to do with it....

but this little 8 yr old punk kid on 20lb maxima with a 6/0 hook succeeded in catching the largest fish in the family and that fish still holds the family size record...
1 hour 15 minute fight for 57# nook on the satsop with 12# test.
Longest I got see, well part of it anyway was a 14+ hour fight and they never landed the fish. The had to ferry out fuel to the guy and he changed boats in the middle of it. They never saw the fish for sure. I only saw about 2 hours of it, fish broke the surface once and looked like a whale, probably a huge sturgeon. Never knew until 3-4 years ago that they would hit trolled herring.
good stories so far, thanks for sharing all. Mine was a sturgeon in san pablo bay, california. I think i was 14 or 15 years old and it probably took 45 minutes to an hour. It kept running under the boat and sittin on the bottom. I was pretty worn out by the end. It turned out to be about 50 inches and pretty good grilled. My dad had a chinook out in the ocean that ran him around the boat 3 times then took off straight out before he finally landed it. it was about an hour and a half total. I've had some good fights with branches and rocks, but none of them seriously epic.
Longest fish fight i ever had was ......... I made a trip to the Alsea during late october one year. The water was low and i had steelhead on my mind. I went to the boundary bridge and worked my way out to the head of the hole where it starts to widen. I made one cast with a pink bladed/body spinner FISH ON. I thought at first it was a steely because of the headshakes i was mistaken. I fought the fish for the first hour without even seeing this fish, i was using a 10'6" rod with 8lb line on a spinning reel. 1.5 hours go by i finaly get a good look at this fish , it was huge clearly 35+ lbs chrome chinook. I new i was in for a serious battle being alone with no net. 3 hours into the fight i am wooped i didn't have enough rod to lift this fish off the bottom. Fish takes one last run into the middle of the river and gets wrapped on a log 40+ inches of chrome flashing just under the surface fish is wrapped up and not going anywhere , pop the line breaks. My line was destroyed and i was headed for the truck to make the long drive home. Never forget that day pink spinner 1 cast = broken dreams :)
The first Chinook Salmon that I ever caught (the one in my profile picture) was caught off the Edmonds Pier in Edmonds, Washington. I was visiting a buddy who lived a short drive from the pier and we decided to spend the afternoon fishing. I didn't have any gear so he loaned me his extra pole, a steelhead pole.

Fast forward--I hooked one with 3 oz dart. As I was fighting, the reel broke. The handle literally snapped off, and the Salmon was still 50 yards out there and fighting. So while I fought, my buddy turned the reel by hand, half turn by half turn. It took over 1/2 hour before we were able to net it and bring it in. That evening my buddy's hands were all cut and blistered. Serves him right for loaning me a crappy pole! :)
mine was on a river in alaska known world wide. 63# king from a boat that took 2 1/2 hours. was dog tired and happy thinking i'd get the beer prize for the day when my cousin hooked and landed a 72#er an hour later (my uncle was laughing the whole time as i was saying LOOSE IT!)... that was a bitter sweet trip to the liquor store to buy his beer.
I'm gonna break the mold a little on this. It wasn't a salmon or surgeon but it was Big! Haha Couple years ago took a trip out on the California Delta fishing 12 inch pencil poppers on bass gear. 7 power lamiglas, curado reel. Fish boiled twice before committing, finally takes it 30 yards from the boat, fish on. Saw several feet of this fish as it rolled about half a dozen times. Half hour into the fight makes another long run, reel screaming like its in freespool, fully cranked down. One last head shake and she snaps 65lb braid. Caught a few that day from 16-25lbs with no problem. Just wish I could have gotten a better look. :( Haha at least she was on topwater!
For me it would be a bit over 3 hours landing a Tiger Shark.
Over an hour on a couple tuna.

didn't see but I guess the World Record Great white took about 12 hours.
not my longest but, most recent... this fall I was fishing by the lower lake on the Russian In Alaska, I was targeting rainbows in very low clear conditions with a 6wt glass rod and was down to just 4# tipped and my last articulating flesh fly that was working... when a very colored up red actually bit the thing.. not wanting to lose my fly I played him for a solid 40 minutes and down about 100 yrds of river, I can't believe his jagged teeth didn't break the line.. I saved the fly, the fish was a toad and really pretty so we took a picture
was out in dutch harbor cod fishing and through my salmon rid over with a jig trying to catch a small halibut for dinner. 5 min later thought i had what i was after came right up to the boat and it looked like a sheet of plywood inthe water then all hell broke loose. was 5 hours befor i saw her again. it took 5 and a half hours and a 350 lb halibut on 20 lb test.
halibuthitman said:
not my longest but, most recent... this fall I was fishing by the lower lake on the Russian In Alaska, I was targeting rainbows in very low clear conditions with a 6wt glass rod and was down to just 4# tipped and my last articulating flesh fly that was working... when a very colored up red actually bit the thing.. not wanting to lose my fly I played him for a solid 40 minutes and down about 100 yrds of river, I can't believe his jagged teeth didn't break the line.. I saved the fly, the fish was a toad and really pretty so we took a picture
thats a beauty brad!

great story too. the longest fight i have seen was my dads cousin playing a 12lb steelhead for alteast 30 minutes on his 7ft ultralight uglystick with 5lb test LOL
5 Minutes with about a 15 lb carp is my longest but I am working on making that time better. If I had to fight a fish for an hour I would get very tired.

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