What the...... 21 hours and no fish

Does anyone know if the dam is open yet. I heard that they opened it for a while last week and a bunch of fish came in.
Why's everyone so obsessed with the dam? By all means stay home unless it's open :) which it isn't and won't be until the next big rain, and I mean big rain. they opened the damn to flush the sand bar out so fish could enter river more easily on high tide. If you've never seen this rivers mouth, you should check it out. Might gain some understanding into fish movement.
Oh I was under the impression that it was open. Jeanna we better stay home fish don't use this magical thing they call a fish ladder so there's only about a 24 hour flush of fish spread out throughout the entire lake. I don't like the odds. Lol. I'm bringing chinook gear because there is a good chance of 3 people limiting by noon with nothing else to do until Sunday or even an early Sunday limit and a nook session on the way home. Seriously just go fish the lake guys its big and yeah some spots are better than others but even if you do the monkey see monkey do you will catch fish. I'm mostly self taught by this method plus time on the water add some word of moth and a bit of internet bs with some friends who came fishing with me. The fast forward several years and this all adds up to guide status. All I know is if you are openly disregarding the regs in front of me you in my crosshairs. I'm tired of ****in regards thinking they know how to fish.
Oh...since we are camping...guess who has decided to go "camping" at one of the rv parks... Freakin' Mr and Mrs safety. Classic entertainment there. CLASSIC. I secured my gear. If any of it comes up missing, we are doing a raid. None of this stealing my gear crap this year! No sir! Maybe they'll want to bond with their grandaughter and I can pawn the dog off to their boat lol
Fasho. Lmao.
This thread is getting intense..Anyway I caught 5 really nice Ho's in the slaw (wild) so that means no more wild even out the siltcoos right??...question : is there a hatchery out of siltcoos lake,so you'll have a chance to catch a fin clip or is it just Fish Kill?? Don't any bite my head off on this one.....FISH-ON!!!
you can keep nates out of siltcoos and tachenitch.....only 5 natives allowed on your tag for the year....so if you tagged two or three on the siuslaw when the retention was open then you can only get 2 or three more...5 total for the year....siltcoos and tachenitch is open for native retntion from october 1st - december 31st.
so there's no fin clipped to be caught...
sorry, no there is no hatchery, so be very careful when releasing and handling fish you dont keep....we dont release here we get ours then we get out, no sense in ruffing up a few fish to pick the big one.....good luck!
thanks for the good answer.so I won't be in the siltcoos this year. hopefully everyone else thinks the same way and the wild quotas will be back next year....FISH-ON!!!!

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