What is your favorite fishing method for steelhead (revised)

What is your favorite fishing method for steelhead (revised)

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OnTheFly said:
Like when a fish SLAMS a drifting dry fly.

EXACTLY,,,i live to see when a fish boils up right at your dry fly and just inhales it,,waiting for a fish to rise is next to nothing.
bigsteel said:
EXACTLY,,,i live to see when a fish boils up right at your dry fly and just inhales it,,waiting for a fish to rise is next to nothing.

Yeah. Too bad the guy on post 18 will never know that feeling.
OnTheFly said:
Yeah. Too bad the guy on post 18 will never know that feeling.

patience and persistance is the key,,i like the challenge personally,throwing stinky eggs and scented yarn is not for me.its nice to catch fish on FEATHERS you tie on a hook to imitate a natural insect or baitfish.
OnTheFly said:
Yeah. Too bad the guy on post 18 will never know that feeling.

The guy on post 18 huh? Your absolutely right it is to bad. I never could make a fly rod preform the way that it should. Everything ive learned about fishing was self taught as a kid without any kind of a mentor to ask for guidance. So when I couldn't figure something out or make it work like it was supposed to it would anger me to no end.

As far as me knowing the feeling. I started teaching myself to steelhead fish at 12 years old and it took four years to land my first one. And now a 40 year old man. With three hatchery harvest cards full and 17 on my tag and at least half that many released. Every one gives me a feeling of accomplishment because I know what it took me to get there.

So OnTheFly, not that any of my past is any of your buisness. Sorry I didn't learn how to fly fish. Sorry I had anger issues when I couldn't figure it out.
Its really to bad you and I live in the same town. It could have been a great oppurtunity for you to pass on the technique so I could have the feeling you speak of.

So in the future if you got something to say. At least be man enough to call me out by name and don't be scared to speak out. You obviously took what I said the wrong way. I have no disrespect for fly fisherman whatsoever. So if you got offended? Tuff. maybe next time you have issues with someone. Call em out by name and not what number of paige he posted on and say what ya half to say.
Boy you sure can tell that's a "first thing in the morning" post.

Easy boys....It's Thanksgiving- be thankfull for those 3 HHC's + 17!! And be thankfull Kirkster didn't ruin every fly rod in the State!
kirkster said:
The guy on post 18 huh? Your absolutely right it is to bad. I never could make a fly rod preform the way that it should. Everything ive learned about fishing was self taught as a kid without any kind of a mentor to ask for guidance. So when I couldn't figure something out or make it work like it was supposed to it would anger me to no end.

As far as me knowing the feeling. I started teaching myself to steelhead fish at 12 years old and it took four years to land my first one. And now a 40 year old man. With three hatchery harvest cards full and 17 on my tag and at least half that many released. Every one gives me a feeling of accomplishment because I know what it took me to get there.

So OnTheFly, not that any of my past is any of your buisness. Sorry I didn't learn how to fly fish. Sorry I had anger issues when I couldn't figure it out.
Its really to bad you and I live in the same town. It could have been a great oppurtunity for you to pass on the technique so I could have the feeling you speak of.

So in the future if you got something to say. At least be man enough to call me out by name and don't be scared to speak out. You obviously took what I said the wrong way. I have no disrespect for fly fisherman whatsoever. So if you got offended? Tuff. maybe next time you have issues with someone. Call em out by name and not what number of paige he posted on and say what ya half to say.

lol! OK Kirkster. Is this future enough for you? I really don't see a difference if I had mentioned your name or not because you would have reacted to my post the same either way. You are way too sensitive. I made my post as suttle and as low key as I possibly could then you lashed back at me with a lecture and a story of your past. Now, I had a few beers myself last night but I guess I didn't log out soon enough to avoid pissing people off. I apologize.

To tell you the truth, it was your blatant arogance that got me started. First, you admitted to being an a$$ hole to get people to leave a fishing spot and being proud of it, then you told us how you through a tantrum and smashed up a fly rod. Mr. Kirkster I believe you've got a short fuse.

Here's my take on your post. I admire your ability to catch fish. Three full tags is very impressive. It must have been frustrating to learn to fish without any help from a realitve or fishing buddy. Now, about the speaking out part. I'm 54 years old, been married 25 years and have two kids and I believe I'm 'man' enough not to be 'scared' to speak up about anything especially if I'm addressing a hard a$$. Kirkster,you have done well for yourself but your anger thing will be your demise.

If you ever decide to try fly casting again just ask me and I'll show you. Hell, I'll even provide the rod if you promise not to break it.
OnTheFly said:
If you ever decide to try fly casting again just ask me and I'll show you. Hell, I'll even provide the rod if you promise not to break it.

yeah, jim would in a heartbeat... he did with me, and not just with some crappy starter combo either - he handed me his sage rod paired with a ross reel, and i caught fish.

and now i have 3 double handed and 2 single handed fly rods in my quiver - damn him :mad:
It is too bad that two fellas who give and contribute so much to the forum, and both exellent fishermen... and I believe sportsment... disagree and fight over what kind of stick and pointy things they wave in the air... I can catch any fish with anything and enjoy it to the point of laughing like a handi-capable person... And I will agree with Jim.... I think its a terrible thing.. a kid who can't find a mentor... The gift of fishing is one of the finest gifts a person can give...and its free and tax exempt-
Not sure if it's my favorite but I picked lures, spinners, and spoons only because that's what has worked for me and it's only worked 4 times. All on the same spoon too. If given the chance I'd try any of the choices given.
OnTheFly said:
lol! OK Kirkster. Is this future enough for you? I really don't see a difference if I had mentioned your name or not because you would have reacted to my post the same either way. You are way too sensitive. I made my post as suttle and as low key as I possibly could then you lashed back at me with a lecture and a story of your past. Now, I had a few beers myself last night but I guess I didn't log out soon enough to avoid pissing people off. I apologize.

To tell you the truth, it was your blatant arogance that got me started. First, you admitted to being an a$$ hole to get people to leave a fishing spot and being proud of it, then you told us how you through a tantrum and smashed up a fly rod. Mr. Kirkster I believe you've got a short fuse.

Here's my take on your post. I admire your ability to catch fish. Three full tags is very impressive. It must have been frustrating to learn to fish without any help from a realitve or fishing buddy. Now, about the speaking out part. I'm 54 years old, been married 25 years and have two kids and I believe I'm 'man' enough not to be 'scared' to speak up about anything especially if I'm addressing a hard a$$. Kirkster,you have done well for yourself but your anger thing will be your demise.

If you ever decide to try fly casting again just ask me and I'll show you. Hell, I'll even provide the rod if you promise not to break it.

Lol, I don't break things any more. Years of anger management saves a guy a lot of money. And I do admit to being an a$$ hole. But hey im gettin better. I used to be the whole a$$. And I guess I wont even argue the fact that im arrogent.
I took your response as you were pre judging me. Cause I made a point of not fly fishing. You ask anyone on this forum who has met me and fished with me. I would say most all would agree with every thing you say I am. Except a hard a$$ I am far from a hard a$$ even though I may appear to be through the words I type.
Overall fly is my favorite way to chase steel. NOTHING like watching a steelhead come crash the surface of the water after your fly, mid air your line goes tight and your heart gets pumps up!

Summers, fly only on the swing on top or just subserface... maybe nymph for them to mix it up

Winters, mostly drift bait and then dredge big flies with sink tips for a change
halibuthitman said:
It is too bad that two fellas who give and contribute so much to the forum, and both exellent fishermen... and I believe sportsment... disagree and fight over what kind of stick and pointy things they wave in the air... I can catch any fish with anything and enjoy it to the point of laughing like a handi-capable person... And I will agree with Jim.... I think its a terrible thing.. a kid who can't find a mentor... The gift of fishing is one of the finest gifts a person can give...and its free and tax exempt-

Thanks for the compliment halibuthitman much appreciated. I wasn't intending aan argument with OnTheFly. I posted I never learned to flyfish when I tried a broke the rod. Then iread a post from a guy idont even know. Saying its to bad I would never have the feeling of watching a fish eat a fly. So I did get offended by his comment simply because I never said anything towards him to have him say something about. Then after my post his explanation was. Because of my arrogants, being an a-hole, and having anger issues. And said something about when confronting a hard a$$. Now if he had spent a day on the river with me and then made his judgement call he has the right. But he has no idea who I am #1 I never disrespected him as being a fflyfisherman. #2 even if I am all the names he called me. I've never been any of that towards him. I don't even know the guy. If we were to meet up on the river I woulnt have a clue who he is cause I don't even know what he looks like.
When I made a comment in my defense post. He said he said in the most low key suttle way that he possibley could. And he said no matter how he said it I was going to react the same way. So he must have something against me. If he knew what reaction it was going to get. I would just like to know what I did to him personaly. For him to pre judge me. That's all
OnTheFly said:
Yeah. Too bad the guy on post 18 will never know that feeling.
This is all I said. Not quite sure why I got such a spanking for it. I didn't mean to have it get out of control.

kirkster said:
Lol, I don't break things any more. Years of anger management saves a guy a lot of money. And I do admit to being an a$$ hole. But hey im gettin better. I used to be the whole a$$. And I guess I wont even argue the fact that im arrogent.
I took your response as you were pre judging me. Cause I made a point of not fly fishing. You ask anyone on this forum who has met me and fished with me. I would say most all would agree with every thing you say I am. Except a hard a$$ I am far from a hard a$$ even though I may appear to be through the words I type.
ok...it feels a little cooler in my room now. Sorry I poked you back on that thread. I should have pictured you breaking a fly rod not because you couldn't cast with it but instead for other reasons such as: snagging the tree behind you for the tenth time, whip snapping a dozen flies off (at 2 bucks each), and hooking your ear with a #4 green butt skunk fly. All this without connecting to one fish. Heck, I'd be ready to throw the rod into a chipper. I usually try to defend myself with sarcasm and maybe a little wit but your next post just hit me a little hard.

Like you said, typing just words to someone does not always convey what you mean. Perhaps we need smilies that flip the bird.lol
Water under the bridge man lets fish.
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kirkster said:
For me #1 Corkie/yarn
#2 bobber/jig
As far as fly fishing. I sometimes have a short fuse over certain things. So the one and only fly rod I ever owned ended up in a hundred pieces. Lol

LOL. i know how you feel. when i was like 12 i broke a few rods out of anger. but i learned how to stay calm (sometimes)
man my favorite..... tell you when i catch one! I am about to get my tags so i can catch a salmon or steelhead. Before they put me in a dog kennle for some pot! LOLOL Flyfishing sounds fun! yarn fishing sounds fake....:) What and were would be a good spot close to portland to hook any fish on a tag for the first time????? Im not going to thrash a hole just want to hook and feed the family one time before i waste away for 17 months!!!!! Any Help?????:) :( :) Personal message me if you dont want to post it. thank you!

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