Yes!! That is exactly what this site is for, sharing information, techniques, even favorite fishing holes occasionally. There is nothing wrong with "lurking", we all do it and some do it for quite a while before becoming members. The only problem with "lurkers", if there is such a word, is they miss out on asking and answering questions. We have had numerous members start out as novices not knowing how to keep a worm on the hook become excellent fisher folks willing to help others just as they were helped when they started out. The whole concept of this forum is what I call "Caring & Sharing". The more experienced folks helping when they can, don't tell any of them but they don't always have the answer,as well as the novices helping by letting us all see through fresh eyes. Granted, we have had some crusty old grumps who try to act like we inexperienced folks are a pain in the ass, but they usually hear from a certain cantankerous old broad who I personally know won't put up with their high and mighty attitude for long. Please DO NOT stop asking questions! Please DO NOT stop sharing your vast knowledge! Please DO NOT stop sharing your fish porn!