What flies should I have in my box??

bigsteel said:
I would get stimulators,parachute adams,caddis pupas.

on a side note,Jim Teeny is a flosser and has been ticketed for flossing on the wind river,just google "jim teeny flosser". i would not recommend anything that gentleman creates. sorry for the hijack

I replied to this thread before reading bigsteel's post... I agree 100%

p.s. I also didn't mean to add to the hijack and would second bigsteel's suggestions and add buying tying materials for san juan worms... I have caught trout on the dirty ol san juan in WA, OR, ID, MT, and BC (the only places I've fished it).
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Aside from anecdotal 2nd, 3rd, or 4th hand info - I can't find anything about Jim Teeny being a flosser, other than being accused of doing so on iFish and Piscatoral Pursuits, and the Fishing With Rod discussion boards. Was this supposed to be the Wind River in Washington?
GungasUncle said:
Was this supposed to be the Wind River in Washington?

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Yohan said:
Teeny is the guy who throws rock into steelhead runs/pools to scare them into biting. I wouldn't worry too much about who Teeny is b/c I think he is a worthless roll model for fishermen just getting into the game.
bigsteel said:
I would get stimulators,parachute adams,caddis pupas.

on a side note,Jim Teeny is a flosser and has been ticketed for flossing on the wind river,just google "jim teeny flosser".i would not recommend anything that gentleman creates. sorry for the hijack

I have vowed to try my best and not trash people on the forum so I won't, but leave it to say I could tell you stories about that man! I do not like the guy and for good reason but I'll leave it a that!

Glad to see some others who feel the same.

I apologize for being part of hijacking the thread. :(

Yer glo bugs are rockin TB!:) I`d say ya need more of `em... a different color or 2 perhaps.
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Yea can't go wrong with a slightly wieghted light pink or a red glo-bug under an indicator to catch a steelie...

I would also try nymphing a size 8-10 black stone fly nymph as an attractor then run a size 14-18 copper john or (brown or black) flashback hares ear on a 12"-18" dopper. Solid combo for about any river for trout anytime of year.

For dry action a size 12-16 peacock stimulator in a light tan will cover a ton of hatches also a size 16-20 griffith gnat is a great option any small bug hatches and mosquito action that is ever so common on mtn lakes all summer long.

And of course an olive crystal flash wolly bugger(or improved as a 'Bud Light Special') will knockem dead on a slow troll!
Ahhhh yes......the not yet famous BLS: The Bud Light Special. One night, after downing a half rack of Bud Light, it was invented during a fishing trip at camp around a campfire.The BLS is a cross between a Crystal Bugger and a Carey Special. It has the body of a woolly bugger and finished with a 'coller' made from a pheasant back feather. Tied on a #4 or#2 this new bug will fool even the wiliest steelhead and also wild trout using smaller hook sizes. Someday it will make fly innovators like Lee Wulff, Randall Kaufmann, and A.K Best cry with envy for not inventing it themselves. Yes eggs....you will become a fly pattern pioneer ranked among the best!
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The BLS is sooo wrong it is right! It just goes to show things that haven't been done doesn't mean they can't be done!
I have good luck with yellow and royal humpies, also prince nymphs
Troutier Bassier said:
I just obtained a new fly box and I have enough money to buy around 10 other flies..
What flies are essentials to have? I fish for just about every specie that can possibly be caught with the fly.
Or what materials should I get to tie with??? With a budget of near $20?
Anything would be appreciated.
And heres what I have so far, a few jigs and a ton of glo-bugs.

Going off on a bit of a tangent here...

If you have a fly shop close to your house, i would suggest going there. Yes, you will pay more per fly but the other benefits are worth it. You develop a relationship with the guides and shop hands who work there and they will in turn start to offer more advice to you. Everything from what fly is working where to specific productive spots on the water. Further, you help support a vital resource that can feed and help your fly fishing addiction.

Not knowing where you live, but i would imagine that a local or near by shop would be similar to one of my local ones, river city.Those guys tie a lot of the flies on sale in the shop and are very helpful picking out patterns and the prices are good.

Back to the topic, it is hard to beat a good old Adams. I would also stock up on various types of Caddis. Now for something a bit different i would also pick up a couple of foam types, like a beetle and a hopper. Salmonfly hatch is coming up soon if you see yourself being able to hit the Deschutes in a couple months there are a ton of options there as well.
Good advice Van...visiting and building a rapport w/ your local shop can only help. And I've watched trout literally go airborne (a good 6 feet or more sometimes) to nab live salmon flies (at Marion Creek just below the lake)!
I'll second van's advice on a local flyshop.

If your fishing the willamette valley rivers a posse bugger has to be on the list.
I'd suggest you start tying. . . there's NOTHING like having a fish take one of your own creations. I started raiding my mom's sewing box, a pair of pop's vice grips, and a standard hook. If you know anyone that hunts. . elk, deer, and pheasant are free all day. Peacock hurl is cheap as hell... go from there, speaker wire has tons of wire for ribbing, sweaters have tons of lint for dubbing, even an old cigarette butt makes a fine wing. Some of my deadliest flys have been ugly as sin, match your area, and, it gives you hours and hours of learning a skill rather than daydreaming about that line going tight.

warning. . . . this may lead to addictive and compulsive behavior, extensive knowledge of things you don't know, and the inability to buy flys from anyone else ever again. . .

just sayin.....
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Jimmy, welcome to the forum!!
And thank you for the great post. I was just about to announce that I got new material and have been tying like madness for the past few days. I got olive chenille, size 6 nymph hooks, 1/8 bead eyes, and dark green marabou feathers. Thats just the new stuff I got.
I made some cool minnow flys, a few woolly buggers, a cool looking shrimp fly, and some other stuff. :)
Thanks, not to float too far off topic of 'what flies' but, glad to hear your tying up a storm. Your next question will be "what fly don't I have?" followed by: "why am I lugging around all these flies?!?".... Have fun with it, like I said above you dont have to buy materials to hone your tying skills, just about anything can be used to tie. . .

The "old-ciggarette-butt-I-found-on-the-ground-Stonefly"


and yes, I have caught fish with this pattern.
PURPLE HAZE is by far my favorite dry fly. You should throw a couple of those in your box.

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