What did you learn this fishing season?

I learned there is more to "going out fishing" then "going out fishing"

The feeling of fishing with yours kids is Priceless.

Anglers alike are some or the most down to earth good hearted folks you will ever meeting.

OFF has become my home away from home!
While my season is just begining, this summer I had some folks open my eyes.

I learned that Stillwater fly fishing is a kick, something I often wondered "how can people fish still water over a river" because jaws lurks in lakes, and he doesn't like power eggs.

I learned that diarrhagia can strike at 3 am around the campfire, fishing is the only cure.

I learned bacon on a stick is worth the hassle.

I learned that Dave does not like cute brown puppies...

I learned the mckenzie is dead to me during salmon season but that should appreciate it for the trout fishery, and fish upriver to escape the salmon monkeys.
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I forgot to mention I learned that my rod holders may work amazing for salmon rods on the river, do NOT put a fly rod in there. RIGHT Rose?!
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During a camping trip, cooking brats on a skewer over an open flame then eating them in a hoagy bun with Beaver Brand sweet hot mustard is the food of the Gods. If you happen to be camping on the Deschutes River you will be dinning in Heaven!
OnTheFly said:
During a camping trip, cooking brats on a skewer over an open flame then eating them in a hoagy bun with Beaver Brand sweet hot mustard is the food of the Gods. If you happen to be camping on the Deschutes River you will be dinning in Heaven!
Amen! And a splash of beer during the cooking is the goodness!
learned it

learned it

Time is limited and to make the best of the time on the water. Biggest lesson for me this year!

The nail-less nail knot..
Eye ware...

Eye ware...

Why some sort of eye-ware is a must when casting a fly.... My eyebrow will never be the same, thank goodness for barb-less hooks...

Learned how to remove one of the hooks on a #4 spinner that was buried past the barb in my thumb without passing out . Learned that just because everyone quit a certain fishery does not mean there are no fish there . Learned to be selective in choosing a fishing partner as they can make or break your day . Learned I need to spend more time in my boat and less on the bank during certain times . And finally , realized that life is to short to stress over some B.S. job when there are so many more fish encounters to come .
I honestly can't think of anything I "learned" but I know I must have learned something.. But what i did do was come to some realizations. 1. most of my trips have very little to do with catching fish. 2. I use the f bomb too much on the river. 3. I really need to let my son evolve into the sicko bass fisherman he wants to be, as apposed to the frozen steelheader I desire him to be.... and its true, God is great, beer is good.... and people are crazy-
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markasd said:
Time is limited and to make the best of the time on the water. Biggest lesson for me this year!

The nail-less nail knot..
Thats COOL! I'm going to try that through the flyline technique.
JeannaJigs said:
I forgot to mention I learned that my rod holders may work amazing for salmon rods on the river, do NOT put a fly rod in there. RIGHT Rose?!

HAH!!!! That was quite a show...and a big fish.....I think I cussed and it carried across the whole lake.

I also learned that no matter how much trouble a certain member causes.....the show must go on. Joefish (bigfootfish) bad repped me on my post on this thread :naughty:....thats okay.....I think my reputation is still intact.....as for his....YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!

hope i didn't hijack
a new one, i learned how to toss flies for coho and dredge as well
-that on the coast sometimes 50# braid just isant enough and there is nothing you can do about it.
-that the lure that sits in ur box that is all messed up, rusted and smelly can hook one heck of a fish.
-that BFF is a weird MOFO
-that my videos are too bloody.
-that there are acually hatchery coho in the umpqua...
-that the hooks on plugs can straiten out pretty easy
-that we need featured reports
~Bring a roll of TP out to the river with you. $hit Happens!
~Report Poachers (Illegal use of BAIT) Then yell all the cuss words you can and throw rocks.
~Always carry a Rain Jacket. Not talkin about a coat.
~Fish are smarter then you think, but it's real fun when they get stupid.
~Don't yank feathers off some chicks Halloween costume because you think you can use them to tie with.

I know there are many more but may have to collaborate with my fellow junkies.
  • that spinners actually catch fish
  • I that fishing takes skill
  • I learned that I don't have that skill but I want to learn
one more thing, i learned fighting a 30-35lb fresh chinook salmon on an 8wt fly rod with a 10lb test leader is a crazy thing to do but the fight is insane!
-Learned to master the roll cast WITH cracked/rough/saturated line, learned not to load up a sloooow action rod with all of it laid out on the water (line goes on ground behind self).

-I should probably stick around the get-together campfires a bit longer, I don't mind crawling back to camp :D.

-Turns out, some of the people you may have not once got along with on the forum, are actually some of the coolest people you meet.

-The North Santiam is indeed NOT a waste of time from the bank.

-Mastered fly tying ;)... Only because I can tie buggers, they are all you need in different sizes, weights, and color patterns :lol:. Ok, maybe it's time to start on dries, but probably nothing other than a Stimulator (Thanks Dave).

-Salmon don't care about the 30lb Mono I use for plunking eggs.

-Carp fishing is best done in Eugene, think I know where I'm moving someday :lol:.

-If you ''hang out'' with Willie Nelson, your party is over before it even began.

Wait, when you say fishing season, you mean this year right? Fishing Season, in general, goes from Jan 1st - Dec 31st :D.
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I learned how to recognize the bite of a steelhead and salmon a whole lot better while drift fishing on the McKenzie this summer. Been a float and jig, trolling, and plunker fisherman my whole life when it comes to the salmon and steelhead (you get a little spoiled when growing up fishing and the Columbia & Cowlitz Rivers are just a couple of miles away). Now living down here, 2 summers ago I finally went out a few times and tried a little bit of drift fishing, but this last summer I went out a crap load of times. As much as I possibly could, and I'd say I have it down pretty well now, thanks to a lot of practice, and decent fisherman fishing on the bank willing to give a bit of advice and info.
1. Why they call it fishing, not catching.
2. OFF is like Vegas - people make a lot of noise when they win. Not so much when they lose. Makes you think this stuff is easy.
3. Just because you bought a 3WT rod doesn't mean you'll catch any fish with it.
4. Number 3 above doesn't mean you won't immediately start looking for a new 8WT rod.
5. Low light and bad eyesight means sometimes you have to start your day sitting on the bank for 30 minutes waiting to tie on your #12 fly.
6. Just because your waders go up to your chest doesn't mean you should fish in chest-deep water. Especially if it is white.
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I also learned not to dump fish guts in jeannas dog food bag:lol::lol::lol::lol:forgive me eva for i have sinned

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