We got nook!!!

joem said:
why dont you guys just put this under the river it is? im not askin for you to tell me cause i already know where you guys are. but still haha. steelhead are slowin down up here i think they are startin to keep them in the hatchery so they aint comin back down. nice fish. might go down there soon. last weekend was super slow.

this river isn't listed on rivers in the forum so I would have to put it under a branch of this river.Did get texts from the mac this morning of some springer action so might start to stay locally and try my luck.
joem said:
why dont you guys just put this under the river it is? im not askin for you to tell me cause i already know where you guys are. but still haha. steelhead are slowin down up here i think they are startin to keep them in the hatchery so they aint comin back down. nice fish. might go down there soon. last weekend was super slow.

Hate to be blunt about it, but most of this site is about showing off your hard work to others via pics. I personally post in the species section when I want to do this when I don't really want to divulge too much info and just want to give others a good story of how my particular fishing experience went. Granted this site is also heavily based in helping out other fellow fishermen too, which is also great and I have no problem giving hints and tips to others on what has worked for me. But nobody should be expected to give out info like that. A lot of times if there's questions or if I have questions I will write the person a private message so only you and they can read it... Granted I have been helped myself on a couple hot spots myself, but isn't part of the thrill going out and finding things out on your own or with your friends?
After reading over my post just now it kinda seems like I'm being a Dick about it which was totally not my intention. I was just trying to give my thought on the situation. So joem I'm totally not trying to be rude or anything and im sorry if my post seems that way. :D
you were not being rude in my opinion Brandon just what you think which is also true I think about this site.No problem helping others out but somethings are just better left a secrect and to joem yes I believe you know the about where vicinity of these pics and you and your dad should think about headed that way for some chromer nooks.They are their in good numbers and some hogs are getting hooked
i know exactly were this is. some of the things you said and pics you posted i was like "well thats obvious" but i guess i just know some things. and ya i dont like it down there latter in the year cause of the bobbers and snagers. and the people get really rude. and brandon you werent being rude, i dont tell people were i catch fish and me and my dad always get asked "how many fish you got this year" the answer is always the same "oh we got a few" just cause it dont matter. but yea. and i think i seen you down there mike, i think it woulda been the 20th. and brandon, your picture of that steelie, i hooked a nagged fishes swivel and it ran all the way down there to that big rock. i was up above and my dad ran down there and tailed him and pulled the hook out. made people mad cause i only use 10lb line and we dont horse them in like every one else. haha. glad to see people are catchin fish. and mike they arent catchin a lot up here i heard of 1 boat doin good today and they fished for salmon the whole time.
nope was not thier on the 20th joem.I was on the 18th 25th and 27th.So which holes do you and your dad fish up thier.I mianly stay on the wall till water drops enough then bump down to narrows.And nothing wrong with 10lb on steelies thats all I use and drop to 6lb even durning the late summer when water drops more on mac
we fish the point below idiot rock when we can. that place is overrun with bobber fishers. and we sometimes fish the oposite side of the handicap thing under the bridge. and we have walked down and fished the narrows a couple times
joem said:
we fish the point below idiot rock when we can. that place is overrun with bobber fishers. and we sometimes fish the oposite side of the handicap thing under the bridge. and we have walked down and fished the narrows a couple times

Joe, what kinda boat do you and your dad fish out of?
I like threads like this because it's a challenge to figure out where the location is. Having no specific intention to go there (but it has been on my ever growing hit list) I like to pick up on the clues and doing the research to find it. I appreciate it when people don't spell out the locations but leave enough clues for those willing to do the research and piece it together. It's rarely a hidden spot but more often a common spot for those who already know and fish it. So, I think I figured this one out.
alm21 said:
I like threads like this because it's a challenge to figure out where the location is. Having no specific intention to go there (but it has been on my ever growing hit list) I like to pick up on the clues and doing the research to find it. I appreciate it when people don't spell out the locations but leave enough clues for those willing to do the research and piece it together. It's rarely a hidden spot but more often a common spot for those who already know and fish it. So, I think I figured this one out.

Yes you did and way worth it.Now the hard part is figureing out how to fish that river
joem said:
we fish the point below idiot rock when we can. that place is overrun with bobber fishers. and we sometimes fish the oposite side of the handicap thing under the bridge. and we have walked down and fished the narrows a couple times

Yeah I dont stray up that far because I am 95% of the time drift fisherman as well.I love to feel the bite and know I whacked it right.I must say though I love the narrows.We drift three to four ounces through thier and slay them when water gets little lower.Excellent for coho in thier also.I spent many days up thier when they still had the hatchery program going

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