Two-rod angling license

So I was reviewing the updated regs. for 2010 and I noticed that there is a new Two-rod angling license, does anyone know anything about this? Like what kind of fish is this limited to? or where this is allowed? or anything at all?
It's allowed on lakes and reservoirs only. I don't think it's species specific, but, rather just location specific and it's $17
$17 extra for lakes reservoirs and i guess ponds. all species in the allowed boddies of water under normal regs. only exception i can think of would be coho at siltcoos and tahkanitch.
As near I can tell, from last week's ODFW recreation report...a person holding a two-rod license can also use 2 rods in the Alton Baker Canal in Eugene. And since there are trout AND steelies in there--I assume that it is legal to fish with two rods for the steelies also (but, only in that body of water).

However, A.B. Canal is the ONLY "moving" water body that I know of; that this double-rod tactic is legal. And, Jeanna is correct--you MUST purchase the 2-rod license to fish with two rods (an additional $17, plus your standard angling license for $33).

I fished, for the first time, in A.B. Canal & park ponds, with two rods last Saturday. What a BLAST! I can't hardly wait to try two rods while trolling!

Thug brings up good question about salmon in Siltcoos. I would assume that since it is a lake, that two rods are legal (with proper licenses). So, wouldn't it be nice IF ODFW actually clarified these things better for us. Oh wait! We're smarter than they are!!! :shock:
sirsnagalot said:
So I was reviewing the updated regs. for 2010 and I noticed that there is a new Two-rod angling license, does anyone know anything about this? Like what kind of fish is this limited to? or where this is allowed? or anything at all?


You can see more on pg. 7 in the regs. It's in blue print.

troutdude said:

You can see more on pg. 7 in the regs. It's in blue print.


That is where I found the change, it doesn't give much details. I'm glad to see other people are excited about this as I am. I guess I'm going to be crappie fishing with 2 rods now hehe :dance:
The thing about AB is that you don't go there intentionally targeting steel unless you happen to see one while trout fishing or you buddy calls you and says he seen/caught one or you read a report so you head down. Steelhead in AB aren't common but are there. Maybe some get "lost" but I have heard in the past there were school kids releasing smolt to help the environment but instead of putting them in the streams and up river they dropped them of closer(making it a cheaper field trip) at the canal.
Thuggin4Life said:
The thing about AB is that you don't go there intentionally targeting steel unless you happen to see one while trout fishing or you buddy calls you and says he seen/caught one or you read a report so you head down. Steelhead in AB aren't common but are there. Maybe some get "lost" but I have heard in the past there were school kids releasing smolt to help the environment but instead of putting them in the streams and up river they dropped them of closer(making it a cheaper field trip) at the canal.
Yup we did this in 3rd and fifth grade lol. Salmon and steelhead smolt that we raised. Was pretty cool for a kid. As far as Siltcoos and Tahkenitch go, the Coho are excluded because they are a special fishery with strict regs.
So a quick question, didi they change the bag limit for pelllet heads while trolling 2 rods? Seems like a way to end your day early.:)
nope same limit.
beaverfan said:
nope same limit.

And they charge you $17, those bullwinkles.:D
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The way that the law is written in the reg book makes me think that we can fish with 2 rods, for ANY specie in a standing water body. I do not see any stipulations for exclusions or restrictions for any specific specie.

I'm gonna guess that there will be a LOT of confusion on this new reg. They'll likely have to re-write it for next year; or take it back out and go back to one rod.

Thoughts anyone?

P.S. Yeah, $17 is just another way to get more tax dollars out of our already thin financial hides. And, is my mind playing tricks on me...or, did the price of a basic angling license just go up $9 in just one year?!
There are no restrictions on species of fish.(although general regulations do apply) The only restriction is lakes and reservoirs only.
Yeah i read the book and it didn't mention canals, sloughs, or ponds. no species either but I know they are against the 2 rod for salmon/steelhead on the rivers so i bet on watersystems were a river running out of a lake that has a migration of salmon and steelhead traveling up a river trough a lake and on upstream might not me ok to taget with the 2 rod set up. I'm sure there will be clarifications as the year progresses.
Thuggin4Life said:
Yeah i read the book and it didn't mention canals, sloughs, or ponds. no species either but I know they are against the 2 rod for salmon/steelhead on the rivers so i bet on watersystems were a river running out of a lake that has a migration of salmon and steelhead traveling up a river trough a lake and on upstream might not me ok to taget with the 2 rod set up. I'm sure there will be clarifications as the year progresses.

Actually the regs DO say that ponds are okay for two rods. (Lakes, ponds and reservoirs).

The only way, that I knew that I was legal (with two rods) at Alton Baker Canal last week, is that it was spelled out in the weekly ODFW recreation report. Otherwise, I would've only fished w/ two rods in the ponds.
fishkiller said:
So a quick question, didi they change the bag limit for pelllet heads while trolling 2 rods? Seems like a way to end your day early.:)

Bingo! it was discussed at odfw that by allowing two rods on lakes people would limit sooner and leave, giving off the perception that the pressure at certain high pressure areas has gone down, hoping to peak interest in planter fisheries... california discovered this over a decade ago.
Makes sense to me.
halibuthitman said:
Bingo! it was discussed at odfw that by allowing two rods on lakes people would limit sooner and leave, giving off the perception that the pressure at certain high pressure areas has gone down, hoping to peak interest in planter fisheries... california discovered this over a decade ago.

How would it "peak interest", if peeps leave quickly? If I was passing by, and saw no one fishing, I'd assume it was fished out (or not yet planted) and not even stop.
troutdude said:
The way that the law is written in the reg book makes me think that we can fish with 2 rods, for ANY specie in a standing water body. I do not see any stipulations for exclusions or restrictions for any specific specie.

I'm gonna guess that there will be a LOT of confusion on this new reg. They'll likely have to re-write it for next year; or take it back out and go back to one rod.

Thoughts anyone?

P.S. Yeah, $17 is just another way to get more tax dollars out of our already thin financial hides. And, is my mind playing tricks on me...or, did the price of a basic angling license just go up $9 in just one year?!

So I guess they will charge me another $20 next year to study the impact two rods have on the fish population. :D Your mind isn't playing tricks on you ODFW gouged the sportsman in the name of conservation and definitely not management!!
fishkiller said:
So I guess they will charge me another $20 next year to study the impact two rods have on the fish population. :D Your mind isn't playing tricks on you ODFW gouged the sportsman in the name of conservation and definitely not management!!

Yipee...yet another fun fee to pay...PARTAY!!! :lol:

Whew. Thanks for the additional "conservation fee" clarification (or perhaps we should call it the "mismanagement fund"). :shock::lol::mad:

My mind had definitely been playing tricks on me...prior to last weekend's first trout outing. I had been suffering the ill effects of methodone treatments, due to angler's withdrawals!:shock:

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