Two more months...

30" dropper, 40" leader, and about 1-2 oz. of cannonball sinker. It does not snag at all, if you get out into the seam of the main channel, and bounce the "soft" side of it. Backbouncing is super effective, as your lure is always 30" off the bottom regardless of where you are in the river. I can surely see how the riggers are wicked though. It is never fun fightin a sploosh sinker, and a fish. I will have to monkey around with a DR this year, see how I like it. I just bounce 'em because it is so easy to rig up.
Ya I guess that would work pretty well too. I have never fished for shad any other way than with a downrigger, and at no other location than in front of clackamette park.
No doubt, and it is one of those fisheries that you could literally put out brass swivels attached to a hook, and still kill a bunch of the nasty, lunker herring. The most effective methods are the ones where you keep your gear 3 feet or less off of the bottom, and have anything shiny attached!:lol: Haha, fun fishery if you ask me. And they make such great bait!
ArcticAmoeba said:
No doubt, and it is one of those fisheries that you could literally put out brass swivels attached to a hook, and still kill a bunch of the nasty, lunker herring. The most effective methods are the ones where you keep your gear 3 feet or less off of the bottom, and have anything shiny attached!:lol: Haha, fun fishery if you ask me. And they make such great bait!

Any food... :confused::rolleyes:;)

I bet I could catch at least 15 on a plain hook. No swivel, or jighead, or anything. I'm up for a challenge this year after seeing how fun they can be. At bonneville, the water is so fast/wild that they go so close to the bank, you can just drop your line from a 8 foot pole standing at the edge and still catch a bunch. I dont know how deep I fished though, all I did was attach 1 or 3/4 oz of weight.
From a boat a string of hearing jigs works great to. Up on the Columbia we were catching 2-3 at a time that way. Now I mostly fish with green or pink jigs from the bank at Bonneville. Last year my one day record was 76 and I started three hours late so you can bet I'll be one of the first trucks in line to get in this year to go break 100.
Shad are fun to catch. Anyone think i could catch some near Chinook Landing. or somewhere around there. (no boat)
I have fished the mainstem umpqua for shad. I do plan on going this year its a blast, i use jig heads with grubs and enough split shot to bounce the bottom. i go out past tyee towards elkton... not much further than that. its called the shad hole. when the shad are in you know where the hole is cause there is a pull off and cars WILL be there. PM me if you have anymore questions on shad fishin in the umpqua
SO........can you "drift" shad from the bank like steelhed or salmon?

I don't mean with a shad dart, but with a small swivel and hook type setup.... OR.....does that move by them too quickly?

Surejam said:
SO........can you "drift" shad from the bank like steelhed or salmon?

I don't mean with a shad dart, but with a small swivel and hook type setup.... OR.....does that move by them too quickly?


That would be fine! But all you need is a lot bigger weight when you are "drift fishing" the columbia right next to bonneville on bradfort Island. 1/2 oz minimum. I will use around 1 oz. You can do it with a shad dart, a small jig, a small jighead, or anything small and shiny.
yup i agree with fishschooler i use atleast 1oz cannonballs drifting with a shad dart if you find the right color you will hit them like no other near bonnie ive gone home with coolers full of shad
FishSchooler said:
That would be fine! But all you need is a lot bigger weight when you are "drift fishing" the columbia right next to bonneville on bradfort Island. 1/2 oz minimum. I will use around 1 oz. You can do it with a shad dart, a small jig, a small jighead, or anything small and shiny.

Weren't you just pokin' at somebody for drifting a cannonball a few weeks ago?
Fishtopher said:
Weren't you just pokin' at somebody for drifting a cannonball a few weeks ago?

Huh? The only other time I "argued" about the right amount of weight was for steelhead on the clackamas river, which has no flows compared to the columbia next to the dam.

I think green/chartruese are the best colors cause shad eat algae stuff. They will attack anything thats shiny too.

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