Trout or steelies that is the question

No problem man! Hope you get on of the 20 pounders!
Me to ill let you know how it goes got a few new thing I want to try maybe ill bring my fly rod too of u change your mind ill be there toll the after and BTW how'd sturgeon poaching hunting go
Wait what 20?!?!?! Thought it said two and I'm running my normal setup maybe I need to bring my steelhead set up up
Spent a few hours on the water but the dude didn't show up to fish. I'll be at it again Monday Haha. Wish I could come fish with you tomorrow but I have to study for a mid term I missed
Bummer my one day off a week and say screw sleeping in I get up earlier to fish then work lol
They put BROOD trout in there; not just the typical 16" "trophy" trout. So, there could be a few 20 pound fish.

The pond is just south of, the cafeteria building. And 100 yards or so, north of the Gym building on the south end of the campus.
bigboy70 said:
ok trying to figure out where and what i want to fish for ive been out steelhead/salmon for the last month and a half and had a lil action but for this weekend since it sounds like were smack dab in the middle of the trastion to the winters running thought hey why not go trout fishing. (still in search of my trophy trout)

ive seen some member doing well for trout on faraday and henry hagg lakes fish faraday a lot only once since they opened it again and fish was not good anymore since they put in that channel.

henry hagg i think ive fished once from the bank and remember it being super low so that day we didn't fair well either

so i dont know lol keep changing my mind and since its transtion time i know a lot of the river banks are empty so it might be a good time for me to scout spots out for when the winters do show up having a hard time deciding

thought comments?

my thought is that you have a 74 word sentence... and fishing those ponds is like stealing from ethnicly diversed poachers mouths .... where will they go if you catch all those fish? will they starve? or break into my home and kill me?.... no, its best to leave those places alone, and let them stir that mushy garbage brooder spawned out mush into their government rice.... just sayin-
halibuthitman said:
my thought is that you have a 74 word sentence...

BB, you ask a lot of questions, which is fine. Ask away if a search does not work.
But.....your walls of text, lack of punctuation, lack of everything is truly brutal for this reader.

Sorry dude, I've hinted at it but that didn't work.


I do see that you're trying to do paragraphs.
Credits for that.
My apologies to everyone. I swear ill try and use punctuation and be more organized. To make things Easy on you guys. To DD don't hint just tell I will take no offense trust me.
it's almost weird seeing you use periods lol
Get out here and show me how its done.
Can't, school tends to get in the way haha. tomorrow maybe
Brooders (10# is a big one) make for great pics, and crappy eating.
DirectDrive said:

BB, you ask a lot of questions, which is fine. Ask away if a search does not work.
But.....your walls of text, lack of punctuation, lack of everything is truly brutal for this reader.

Sorry dude, I've hinted at it but that didn't work.


I do see that you're trying to do paragraphs.
Credits for that.

LOL, you aren't the only one. I consider myself a fairly intuitive person, and I want to help the guy out, but after re-reading a post several times, I still don't have a clue, so I just have to move on and hope someone else can decipher. Count me as one that's all in for this new period/paragraph approach that is promised :)

As for trout vs. steelhead, I've long since given up on being satisfied with trout...I'm nearly 100% steelhead bound these days; you can count on being frustrated more often, but it's all worth it when you get a grab!
ChezJfrey said:
I'm nearly 100% steelhead bound these days; you can count on being frustrated more often, but it's all worth it when you get a grab!

I go through phases - steel, or nooks. This past year or so, it's nooks. Fortunately, they seem to inhabit the same streams (I'm not too much on fishing the big water, prefer tribs). It'll eventually shift back to stellie fever, I'm sure.
Well, went to MT HOOD pond and saw a 10lb+ caught, and a 15ish get snagged. Other then that for us no dice. Didn't matter on top with floats, worms, powerbait, jigs, spinners, and nothing sad day beautiful little pond though, definitely will go back again.

Sorry fella didn't realize I was that bad or proper grammar would get me further.

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