Trout In Commonwealth Today!

I went there yesterday, and caught only three. Took me a while to figure out that green wasn't the color then, and when I swiched to orange powereggs with shrimp scent, thats when I caught them. Released them all, cuz they were only 8 inches or so. Was there for only 45 min., and didn't have time to catch more. Will go tommarrow at the crack of dawn, up to when it's dark. Hopefully all the fish aren't gone!!
Well, Just got back, and I only caught one. But funny thing is, I saw a 4 pound rainbow caught, and a 30 inch sturgeon caught and released!! I was just amazed to see those two fish come out of there!
Ya they always throw a few really nice trout in there when they stock it. I have heard about the Sturgeon and I know of another pond they are also in. They are in there to clean things up a bit.
I think Commonwealth Lake needs it's own section in the Willamette zone! I'm sore and beat up from Sturgeon fishing so I'm staying home tonight while the girl goes out for a girls night out. I'm heading to bed shortly and she'll be up half the night. So I'll be getting up early and with nothing better to do I might head up to Commonwealth at first light to beat the crowds to a limit of fish! Then I will have enough to smoke! Anyone else gonna be out there?
I will get there as soon as I can, And will start out at the dock closest to the playground. I will have a mountainbike with me, so that is how you can identify me. I will work my way around the lake as the day goes on. Hope to see ya!!
I think I may have seen you the other day when I was there. Were you there with your mountain bike yesterday or the day before? I will probably start out at the dam, it's one of my favorite spots but I usually stick to the other end of the lake to stay away from the crowds. I'm hoping that with the early hour and the rain most people will stay home. I'll be in my Beavers sweatshirt, pretty hard to miss.
I guess Troutmasta will be out there with me.
Well Troutmasta never made it out but I fished it for a while. Fishing was a bit slow today. It started to pick up about the time I left for breakfast. I got 7 and lost one that was in the 3-4lb range. With my second rod I threw out some corn for a bit for Carp, got one bite but didn't hook it. All my fish came with a little chunk of worm and a chartreuse marshmallow.
nice, I ended up getting skunked there the other day. Good meeting you as well beaverfan. The ammount of people got to me so we took off but it was cool to see a new spot.
Ya it gets real crowded there. That's why I stay back on the other side where you guys saw me. It's definitely not the kinda place to go for peace and quiet. However when the weathers not great or if you can get there early on a week day there isn't nearly as many people. One of my favorite things to do there is go there when the waters warmed up in the evening. Throw on some powerbait catfish bait and drop it straight down from the dock. There are so many yellowbelly catfish in there you can't keep em off your line. It can be a lot of fun on a little ultralight. The biggest I've caught outta there was probably 13-14 inches or so.

Dang I just lost about a 20 incher on a chunk of worm with a chartreuse marshmallow.
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Slow start to the morning at the pond, got one so far. I think it's safe to say it's closed to being fished out. I don't think it gets stocked till the week of April 19th, this will be my last trip till then. Unless I come here for catfish or carp or something.
I was there yesterday and caught three, nothing small either. seems like there are only 13 and 14 inchers biting my bait. By the way, yesterday an autopsy revealed that one of my fish had 7 power eggs in it's stomach!
I was there yesterday from 3pm to 6pm. I was by the bridge. Got no action from any trouts but I did get a 2lb carp. Threw it back. Maybe it will be better tomorrow for me?
Probably not, there's not a whole lot of fish left in there. They only put in 1,500 and that place see's probably 75 people a day fishing it. It will be fairly dead till they stock it again at the end of April. For now Carp fishing is probably your best bet out there.
Yeah, thats what I figured and getting carp is not so exciting. I may just try lost lake over in coast tomorrow.
Now that is something I would recommend!
Hey guys,

Where is Commonwealth?
In Beaverton just north of Walker Rd.
Thanks bro. I'll check it out sometime. I like exploring new waters. :-)
i heard there are bass in there? is that true?

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