Trillium trophy trout time: accepting applications

Trillium trophy trout time: accepting applications

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ninja2010 said:
anyone have a spare 5/6 wt i can borrow for the trip? wife tagging along and i just can't bring myself to buy a setup for her to use just over the weekend.

all i got are spey and switch rods... and salmon/steelhead/bass/offshore gear rods. (i don't do trout :cool:)

Ninja if you don't find one I will have my 6 and 8 wt with me. I prefer to use the 6 wt but don't mind the 8 wt if she prefers the 6. She is welcome to one of them if you don't find another rod.
gettin ready to leave now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lets get some trophy trout,,,,ninja ill save ya a trout.,.
ninja - i will have a spare rod and setup that you can borrow, its a 5/6wt 9ft'er.
Look for me in the small RV.
My girlfriend and I will be there about 3ish. Look for a bright blue older Ford Escort. With three different hubcaps and a hubcapless tire. :)

We're going to get a single site for ourselves but are definitely going to come say hi and hang out a bit at the group sites. Also, I want some of this beer!
Soooo anybody going to be there Monday or Tuesday. Kind of sounds like everybody is working for the weekend. I am working this weekend. If anybody is sticking around I will have to drive up and fish.
Anyone have any catch reports? Thinking about driving up tomorrow but can't afford to get skunked again.
YOU will not get skunked... too many fish up there right now!!!

PLUS if you use one of OnTheFly's Olive Crystal Flash WollyBugger well..... GAME OVER!
I did really well there today! A little bit of every size in this mix huh?

I was fishing off of the dock. Prepare for the weather - it was a rainy, cold, windy lake today. Very foggy and wet roads on the way up. Seeing as I did not prepare for the weather, all my stuff is wet, and I could not locate any OFF members out there I decided not to stay to camp til saturday as planned. GOOD LUCK everyone, they are out there! Oh and if you are just getting a ton of little nibbles keep in mind that it may be salamanders checking out your stuff, especially if using worms. This fooled me for a little while this morning.
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Heading up in a couple hours!! Should be clear skies, a tad chilly and a whole lot of fun!!

"Beers a pour'n til Monday morning and they call it all living the dream"
ninja2010 said:
anyone have a spare 5/6 wt i can borrow for the trip? wife tagging along and i just can't bring myself to buy a setup for her to use just over the weekend.

all i got are spey and switch rods... and salmon/steelhead/bass/offshore gear rods. (i don't do trout :cool:)

I have one if you still need it...
So Fluffy and I snuck up to the lake to surprise anyone who was there. When we got there, OnTheFly was leaving to go somewhere and I didn't see anyone else's car that I recognized. So we figured that we'd hit the water before any of the them got a chance to.... fished for about an hour and headed back to the camp site...... Bigsteel and Lilsalmon were finishing up food and getting ready to hit the water. We went back to the water with some borrowed toons.....(Thanks Jim, it was really awesome of you to do that.) and proceeded to have a blast. I caught my first fish ever on the fly and the following six. I've got pics that I'll post here was a great time. Bigsteel and OnTheFly both landed some beautiful fish. My suggestion, if you were thinking about getting up there...... I'd just go. It was great to meet Growbug and IrishRover. Hope you guys have a great time and hammer a lot of fish.
I was out for a bit but had to leave early because my cousin had her first child. The fishing I saw from shore wasn't that great. People in boats were doing much better. Saw four trophy trout landed in the 4 hours fished on shore. The fish we landed were quite small (I doubt that the lake has reproducing populations and two of our fish were at MOST 6", others were 10" do they stock them that small here?) and the one larger we had on had a river otter attached to it...screamed out line for a bit until I managed to put enough tension on the line to rip the hook out. Glad the otter didn't eat our hook along with the fish...

The ospreys, herons, and otters (family with a kit), were eating quite well.

The couple red neck guys fishing the point between the dock and dam Friday morning did pretty well for themselves but were annoying as $#!*. Hopefully they weren't associated with this forum. :)
Modest_Man said:
The ospreys, herons, and otters (family with a kit), were eating quite well.

The couple red neck guys fishing the point between the dock and dam Friday morning did pretty well for themselves but were annoying as $#!*. Hopefully they weren't associated with this forum. :)

We saw that family of otters. Pretty cool little group there. The osprey snatched a few fish out of the water and yes, those red-neck guys were extremely annoying! They kept swearing up a storm and yelling about how good they were and how about every 2 mins they had a monster bite on their line. Was really annoying.

I was there with two friends. We got there friday afternoon around 4 pm. We were in site 45. One of my friends was bank fishing the whole time we were there. My other friend and I were out on the water in the blue canoe. We didn't have much luck, either of us. I was the only one that caught anything, just two small fingerlings. Saturday we hit the water again. It was pretty awesome to have the whole lake covered in fog for the first part of the early morning. around 9:30 we all went to the dam and fished from there, again no luck. The lake started to get really crowded so we shot off down Mt. Hood.

So we hit the sandy looking from some good little trout holes. We hiked it for a little ways and then found a nice little hole. While we were fishing it some HUGE coho came in and took up residence. HUGE!!!!! First is was one, then three, then five, and by the time we had left, it was seven. The largest had to be a least 12 - 14 lbs. We tried everything, lures, jigs, bait, etc. I had the most "luck", if you could call it luck. I was using a a few different flies. I had a few "almost-strikes" with one in particular. They were "almost-strikes" because the fish were located just at the end of a fairly strong current. The current seemed to pull the fly away at just the last moment just as the fish would rise to take it ....... very annoying. The interesting thing was that I would watch them rise to take actual real flies off of the surface and they would do it quite quickly. Yet with my flies, they would rise very slowly. It almost made me think that they were rising to see what it was, but their whole body would come out of the water. I was also trying to do this with a spinning setup so it was a little difficult. Time to get a fly rod setup!

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I am beat so will post more tomorrow.....I don't understand with our big OFF signs why you guys didn't stop by........your loss...we had a blast....:D
Here is a BIG thats to OnThe Fly for coming up with a great fishing adventure...:clap::clap::clap:

I had a blast and got to meet a few more OFF fishing folks (Autofisher & Fluffy). OTF showed Bigsteel and myself how he ties that fish catching super fly, the cyrstal olive wooly bugger. I watched OTF catch to monster trout with that super fly. Bigsteel was kicking butt with a softhackle. Eggs nail another monster on a similar fly OTF tied. I think it ended up being called the "Bud Light".. It was fun to be out there on the lake and watch Ninja, Lilsalmon, Bigsteel, Eggs, GrowBug, and others fish.

I didn't spend the nights there because I just live 28 miles down the road from the lake. I did stick around for two nights of campfire activity and camaraderie. Got to watch Lilsalmon show how to make garlic toast over a fire:lol:. Tried to figure out a good time to get together again on the Crooked with Bigsteel and the rest of the folks for a fun time. All in all it was a super trip and even the weather cooperated! It was fun to spend time with all of you.;)
Man we had a blast!! Fishing was good and the company was even better! Thanks to everyone for coming out and making it a great time!

The Bud Light Special fly can be found in the fly fishing forum. It is THE 1 and Only product of an idea, too many Bud Lights, and a fly tying master(OTF)!

Saturday, I was accountable for 21 dead solders(empty beer cans) before going to bed.. no wonder I didn't wake up until 10 on Sunday..
Hey, so where might I get one of those crystal olive wholly buggers? Any fishing hardware store or would I need to order them from OnTheFly? Thanks. :think:

Sorry, I didn't get back from Utah in time for a visit. Sounds like you all had a great time on and OFF the lake. I fished the Provo Rvr with my son who caught and release 6 large browns in about 5 hours. I only caught 3. But it was a great day and beautiful weather!


I was across the river from him while he landed 3 in a row from the same spot.

Bigsteel and I arrived on Thursday in the rain and managed to get everything set up. We spent the day on Onthefly's camper (wimpy) observing him tie some fly's and then sat around the fire and BS'd. It was really wet to fish although I was anxious to get out there. Friday we were blessed :D with autofisher and flufflyfisherman dropping by just as we were headin out to the water with the toon's (thanks again Jeanna for the use of your toon. It performed spectacularly. You Rock!!!). That first day I caught 12 ranging from 8 to 14 inches. The 14 incher was right between my feet and spit the net.grrrr. Jim hit the water a little later and kicked butt with the fish. I released all mine but the one that spit thinking I would get mine on such luck. I caught 2 8 inchers and that was it but had a great time rowing around the lake. On Sunday we decided to pack up and hit the water for a while. I had 5 small ones but was determined to get that trophy....while slowly rowing to the other end of the lake with my WOOLY BUGGER tagging along behind me...BAM!!!!!! bent my rod in half and I knew it was a biggun. It was huge!!!!! got it all the way to the toon and it was between my feet, no came off the hook and layed on its side just about on the deck of the toon and I almost went headfirst into the water to try and grab it and zipppp it was gone....I almost threw up...:( :D I have never had that reaction to losing a fish but it was big and beautiful....the guy floating next to me said (after I was done cursing).."Wow, that was a very nice fish" Note to self: Buy a friggin net!!!!

So, there is a lot of good stories to tell, but I will let them tell their own stories. Fun times. The garlic bread only ended up in the fire because of "equipment failure" :lol: :lol: It was great meeting new people and we had an excellent night sitting around the fire. I wish I would have got a pic of the site in the morning...hehe.

sorry for the random order of the pics.
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The rest of the pics.....

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