"The Loop"

Basser@Heart said:
If i were to float from 138 to 138 and do the whole loop, how long does that take?

It's about 15 or more miles. Depending on the river level that's a long day or a day and a camp. At the point where you would put it, there is a launch operated by a homeowner that costs $5. At least there was last year. There were rumors that he was going to close it down due to people launching without paying which is a shame. You should check on that.
There is a $20 shuttle service operated by a couple out of the cafe/general store in Elkton, call them and they will have any new info regarding launching changes. Instead of taking out at the bridge you can continue into Elkton and use the $5 takeout winch.
From the bridge to Elkton is another 5 or so miles of slow water, but good fishing. However as you come into town and go under the bridge STAY RIGHT. If you go too far left you get sucked into a chute and will have to float a long ways before you find another place to take out. I frequently put in at a campground on the highway that is further past the $5 resident launch at the bridge. He charges $15 for a camp spot and launch or $5 just for the launch. From that point to Elkton it's almost 30 miles and I usually do it in 3 to 4 days so I have time to fish. However there are some fairly heavy drops along the way (one came a single weld from tearing the frame of my pontoon into 3 pieces but it was a little rusted) so perhaps start out shorter and extend the duration.
If the water is high it's a piece of cake. The last time I floated the water was very high, all the major obstacles were flooded and smooth. Smallieworld and I put in at the camp ground at 8:00 am and took out in Elkton at around 5:00 or so and still had time to fish, we were flying.
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Yea looking to do a one day float, and run it in a canoe with a buddy. When does the smallie action start picking up?
Well a canoe.... I would not do the loop in a canoe. And I'm absolutely serious. You really don't want to do either of these:

Google Maps

Google Maps

In a canoe.

You could try the takeout at the bridge in the second link into Elkton but I have seen canoes wrapped around rocks in the section. Maybe try around James Wood - Osprey area but I came across a troop of Boy Scouts drying off on the bank after their leader decided to take them through there in a canoe. Also, a man drowned just above the Big K ranch trying to take it in a canoe with his wife. The Umpqua isn't really the greatest canoe river, but I'm not a canoeist. Are you a good swimmer?
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Yea I was looking at those... Haha I'm a whitewater kayaker so I'm pretty comfortable in the bumpy stuff and I don't mind getting wet. Haha you have any ideas on the class of rapids? 2? 3? Thanks
Ok that's cool. I don't know if it's been rated but that last section by the bridge fits the profile of a 3. It's about 720+ yards long (I just measured it on google earth) with a lot of air in the water, some wood, sheer rock bank on one side, some large boulders and a couple overhangs. Maybe into a 4... Depends on the year I guess. The two spots I posted are the only hairy sections, the rest is easy and far between. The first drop is about 10' + with a right twist and a boulder right in the middle. In a toon you drop in a little ways to the left of the boulder facing left and it twists you right and slings you towards the wall on the right and you row hard back and awayf rom the wall. It's tricky. You can see in the photo there are two fins of water and you have to drop in right over the top of them and it's a churner man. It stops you cold and throws you up out of the well and you're riding a wheelie out of it everytime hahah. You can get a better look at on Google earth. It's a blast though man you should camp it.
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It's about 720+ yards long (I just measured it on google earth)
Yea it looks like fun! Sounds like my 'toon would be a better bet for the first run through though. How often you fish this strech?
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Oh summer before last (when I had surplus funds) I was on it 4 days of the week for about 3 months haha. Last year a couple times, this year I plan to be on it much, much more!!

Hands down it's my favorite stretch.
Where's the best place to camp at on that stretch? I thought it was all private...
I have always camped on the bed, above the ranch and out of the way to stay clear of the guides. I have never had a problem with them, they actually have helped me generously in times of distress (broken gear and all) and the family has even sold me beer from the restaurant. If you're a problem however they will act on it, but I'm not a problem. If you treat them like the landowner they will treat you like the guest, that is essentially the situation as they own almost all the land from bridge to bridge. But if they don't own it someone else does.
You can spot some good camp areas with the sat images. That's half the fun!!
Haha well I'm a bible college kid so i got no problem respecting other's property. Good to hear they're good people out there though! You gonna be hitting the water this spring? Any chance you could show me the ropes once? Never been to the area before.
Absolutely man, later on this year we should coordinate a trip!
Sweet! College kid=Flexible schedule. haha Let me know when you're hitting the water and I'll head down!
Will do!!!
Now I'm getting stoked haha
pontooning on the umpqua

pontooning on the umpqua

After read this thread I rally want to try fishing on this river, when is the best time of year to fish for chinook and steel head,
I will be getting a pontoon in the next coming weeks and would love to join other pontooners in a float. My dad love to bass fish and wants to do a trip at the end of july, steel head fishing good durning that time of year. Thanks in advance for any tips and suggestions

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