The legalities

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chris61182 said:
Maybe because pollution and water quality affects more than just the non-game fish you were targeting with the chum? :shock:

I dont know how a can of corn could affect a water way adversely . Maybe
well....... 1 can per angler X 10-20. its a numbers deal
This is why people need to keep it at a minimum, as for 1 can per angler 'everybodies doing it', even if chumming was legal, I doubt you would see 10 people lined up fishing for Carp, chumming with corn, but I also wouldn't doubt people would take it too far.

2 cans of corn will last me a full day session if I am catching some fish, for 'duck food' and hookbait, sometimes it even lasts till the next day, and unless your catching 10-15 Carp a day, 2 cans of corn should last a day and a half.
well ya never know when carp fishing will get hot LOL it was just an example. I do know the likelyhood of any major impact from chumming is slim to none
I wonder how much legal fish attractants like smelly jelly and other spray type scents are dispersed into our waterways on a daily basis.
i couldnt say for sure ted but i do believe that scents used for fishing are water soluable (sp) and safe for the enviroment
I think they use mineral oil. I've also wondered what the 3% of non biodegradable ingredient is in power bait? I know this is minuscule compared to chumming and I agree chumming, if legal, would not be good thing but all this crap has to go somewhere. Kind of like aerosol. Spray it in the air and where's it go? Up to the ozone.
When your going fer Crab or Crawdads you put chum ina Trap.

Well imagine all those cans add up :( so how about tossing the corn in but retaining the can? I mean if my nightcrawlers are about dead and rotting i toss them in the lake once im done fishing. would that be illegal?
It is not illegal to chum persay. It is illegal to angle in area's that HAVE been chummed knowingly. Therefor myers on your question you tossing your worms into the lake is not illegal HOWEVER anyone who moves to fish over that spot MAY be considered fishing illegaly by fishing over a known chummed area.
OK, since some of this thread has been discussing the use of scents...

I recently heard that the main ingredient in WD-40, is some sort of "fish oil". I didn't' believe it. But, is it true? Has anyone else heard this, or know it to be factual?
troutdude said:
OK, since some of this thread has been discussing the use of scents...

I recently heard that the main ingredient in WD-40, is some sort of "fish oil". I didn't' believe it. But, is it true? Has anyone else heard this, or know it to be factual?

What surfaces or materials are OK to use WD-40 on?
WD-40 can be used on just about everything. It is safe for metal, rubber, wood and plastic. WD-40 can be applied to painted metal surfaces without harming the paint. Polycarbonate and clear polystyrene plastic are among the few surfaces on which to avoid using a petroleum-based product like WD-40.
Info from the MANufacturer

Info from the MANufacturer

What a Fish story!
Myth: WD-40 contains fish oil.
Consumers have told us over the years that they have caught some of the biggest fish ever after protecting their fish hooks and lures with WD-40. We believe this legend came from folks assuming that the product must contain fish oil since it appears to attract fish. Sorry Charlie®, it just ain’t so.

WD-40 Company has taken steps to respect and conserve the environment, and encourages its users to do the same. While WD-40 can be used to help protect fishing equipment from rust and corrosion, WD-40 Company does not recommend using WD-40 to attract fish.
I didn't think that it was true. Thanks for confirming my suspicions Barb.
so i been reading some posts, hope no one thinks i just throw my can of corn in and call it good.....i "was" just popping a whole in the can and dumping the juice in the water ...i guess it is chuming but its more so i dont stick my hand in corn juice everytime i go for a peice. ill just dump it in the grass from now on........thanks
I like feeding the ducks with corn or bread.
So is it still illegal if you tell the officer you was hiring the prositute to wash your clothing, do you dishes, and give you bath?
Yeah I guess.
Chumming is illeagle for many reasons.
If trout eat corn, (I have caught like 10 trout on corn throught my days) The can not digest the corn and die.
A algea grows on corn and other particle baits which causes the water to be green. (they shut down bluelake because of this)
And when you say you are chumming for carp, Technically your not. Carp arent the only fish who live down below.
Outdoor_Myers said:
Is it chumming if the can rolls over and into the water on accident lol

Totally. Even if you poke a bunch of holes in the top, stumble a little and end up punting it about 20 yards out. Total accident.
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