The death of an old white boat: picture heavy

dtikey said:
great job Jeanna looks like a newbee now.Now just needs some bright red drops on the floor leading to a cooler

LOL (you sound like a mystery writer dtikey...)
good job, Jeanna!!
WOW!!!!! Awesome job!!!!!! :clap::clap::clap:
Looks fantastic Jeanna. Great job!
Did a really good job! That boat looks nothing like what it once did! Congrats on reworking that diamond in the ruff. :)
Very, very, nice Jeanna!!! Turned out really well!!!
Wow for not being a do it yourselfer (which clearly you are) you did an awesome job. I'll bey that gave a whole new meaning to having an itch to fish. Theres nothing like some blood sweat and tears to give you some pride of ownership enjoy the NEW boat.
Thanks guys! It's been a labor of love/hate. I just hated the blue and white so much that I had to get it done haha. But it wasn't a generally fun experience and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. If you enjoy this kind of thing, you're a sick, sick person. Like I told someone early in the job, I'm doing it once, and only once, so it better look damn good when I'm done, and so far I'm pleased with how it's turning out, because I'm so not doing this again haha.

todd_brooks said:
Wow for not being a do it yourselfer (which clearly you are) you did an awesome job. I'll bey that gave a whole new meaning to having an itch to fish. Theres nothing like some blood sweat and tears to give you some pride of ownership enjoy the NEW boat.

ITCH TO FISH is right. Holy hell! I am so sensitive to fiberglass....I was miserable for about a week because I did a little bit here and there after work each day, and so the sanding of the fiberglass areas got drawn out...extensively...and I wanted to jump in a pool of lava, because that would have felt better. So glad to be done with that crap. Although I started cleaning up all my supplies yesterday and have a huge roll of glass matting, and of course, grabbed it without thinking with a short sleeve shirt on and was itching like I had scabies the rest of the day.

Two more coats, a little touch up on the wood where I messed up (d'oh) and then putting things back where they belong and such and it's done. Forever. DONE.
I bet you are glad the weather has cooled. That had to have sucked during those really hot days.

It looks incredible. Great job.
You did a fine job, it looks great.
I knew you could do it..Great job...:clap:

Now I just need to finish mine..:think:

Grats on the "new" boat...:dance:
BobbiDollPDX said:
I bet you are glad the weather has cooled. That had to have sucked during those really hot days.

It looks incredible. Great job.

The hot 100 degree days sanding were completely retarded. I ended up setting up lights and working into the night after it dropped below 90. Still sucked because I'd work until 10:30 or 11 and have to wake up for work at 2:30 am. It's good to have that crap behind me lol

Santiam338 said:
I knew you could do it..Great job...:clap:

Now I just need to finish mine..:think:

Grats on the "new" boat...:dance:

Your boat was my boats motivation. Kept saying I was going to do it and then it was winter, and I'd say my boat gets used the heaviest from November to may so it just never happened. And then there was a car wreck and that set me back haha and so I just had to pull it off the trailer and do it. I missed out on some summer steel, but screw it that's not my gig really, just something to do in between June and September
And she's done!! I'll post pics tomorrow. The only thing that I need to get now is the anchor system which i'm being a cheapskate about. I need new tires and the anchor I have works, it just sucks. Priorities. Will get it soon. And I also still need to get some tracks for a sliding seat, so I'm going to go see about getting those from koffler, I imagine that's something they would manufacture and sell since they use them in their boats.

I am so beyond glad to be done, and I'm pretty pleased with the outcome of it all.
Damn Jeanna....very nice!!!

Excellent work!
Congratulations Jeanna. All the hard work, frustration & late nights will fade into memory the first time you catch a fish from YOUR boat. Can't wait to see some pics of it back on the water. (maybe the new paint color will help you catch more fish....they won't be able to recognize its you coming in time to avoid being caught. LOL )
Anxious for pics..;)
Thanks guys! I'll get some posted up when I get off work at noon and get it out of that dingy work space. The only thing after looking at it last night I wish I had done differently was I wish I had acid washed the wood to brighten it up better, it still looks way better than it did, but I have plans for new rails next summer with a different kind of wood. Maybe. That's simple enough right? Lol. I should've done it now but it was an afterthought to far into it. Might just sand them down again and get em bright when it will need a revarnish again. Hard to say. Decisions, decisions...not for someone with ADD. far in those photos, you've done a spectacular job! Great work, and though it was a pain to do, you can be proud of the job you did and the great result. You'll get some fish with that, for sure!
ChezJfrey said: far in those photos, you've done a spectacular job! Great work, and though it was a pain to do, you can be proud of the job you did and the great result. You'll get some fish with that, for sure!

lol Oh I better get some fish with it! It was a fish killer before. I'm proud of the work I've done, I started into it thinking it would be cake and then it ended up not being so, and I thought i'd never finish and I was ready to be a bank maggot again lol
Here it is:

Interior all sexified and ready to get bloody


I must give my pops some credit on the drawer. I engineered it but he actually assembled it. There's not much storage options without pulling out the benches and installing new ones and that's not an endeavor I'm interested in.



Built a little bulkhead sorta thing to make use of dead wasted space


And here she is in all her glory. Will look better on the water


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