The craziest way you have lost a rod or tackle!

My old man backed his boat into the garage recently with 6 rods in the vertical rod holders and broke every one.....
oh my F***** G**
Back.. way back when I was only 11, I was fishing in a local canal in the UK (the Bridgewater Canal, when the water was still ORANGE). Been catching fat carp most of the day and when this happened, i was trying to play another one.
Around the corner came a narrowboat loaded with coal. This canal was about 20ft wide and the narrowboat about 12ft wide and about 40ft long. These things can't stop very fast and keep smack in the middle of the canal by the water pressure between each side of the canal and the hull of the boat.
I tried as hard as i could, watching the boat approach. I started shouting, to no use as the capt is at the rear of the boat and its got a diesel pumping away.
Things happened and the carp went under the boat. Boat snagged my line, rod came out of my hand and started trailing behind the boat... carp in tow.
I must have run for about 2 miles after that boat trying to get the attention of the guy on the back. Finally just watched my rod and fish slowly dissapear.
lol lol lol lol lol lol
I didn't lose the gear but a friend of mine did. Fluffy, Kodiak and I were fishing up at Mill City, kind of just screwing around. He went to cast out and his line snapped inside the spool and his spoon went flying into the water with about 30 feet of line. About 10 minutes later I hooked into something. It wasn't a fish and it wasn't a rock. I just kept pulling and tugging and finally pulled out a big ol' ball of mess.....including Fluffy's line and spoon....with a trout on the spoon.
Sturgeon fishing I set my rod on the side of the boat, not in a rod holder or anything and it got ripped in.
other then that I have never really lost a rod in water. Although I have a lot of nightmares about carp ripping in my good rods. :(
My father-in-law once had a cane trolling rod he picked up from a garage sale. His intensions were to some day restore it but until then he tried to preserve the deteriorating guide thread with finger nail polish. At the time, I just so happened to be experimenting with new hobbies and my latest was rod building. I sanded down the rod and replaced the guides with really nice ceramic ones. I mounted them on top of a black thread base then wrapped them in place with dark green leaving the black thread reveal on the ends. I then gave it three good coats of Hard n' Fast and the rod was back in action. It really looked slick! Even the guys at the old Larrys Sporting Goods were impressed. I gave it to my father-in-law as a gift one Christmas. Now, fast forward to September. First time out with the rod. Trolling against the out going tide and current near Astoria. Terminal gear: pink lady diver ahead of plug cut herring. Rod is placed in built in holder in the gunwale (they only insert 6 inches therefore most of the wooden rod handle is sticking out). Star drag is set tight to prevent line from moving. Whether it was a fish or piece of debris that connected with the gear, I don't know, but that was all that was needed to break the rod handle at the point where it was placed in the holder and like a slingshot the rod was launched into the Columbia. I have never built a rod since.
OnTheFly said:
My father-in-law once had a cane trolling rod he picked up from a garage sale. His intensions were to some day restore it but until then he tried to preserve the deteriorating guide thread with finger nail polish. At the time, I just so happened to be experimenting with new hobbies and my latest was rod building. I sanded down the rod and replaced the guides with really nice ceramic ones. I mounted them on top of a black thread base then wrapped them in place with dark green leaving the black thread reveal on the ends. I then gave it three good coats of Hard n' Fast and the rod was back in action. It really looked slick! Even the guys at the old Larrys Sporting Goods were impressed. I gave it to my father-in-law as a gift one Christmas. Now, fast forward to September. First time out with the rod. Trolling against the out going tide and current near Astoria. Terminal gear: pink lady diver ahead of plug cut herring. Rod is placed in built in holder in the gunwale (they only insert 6 inches therefore most of the wooden rod handle is sticking out). Star drag is set tight to prevent line from moving. Whether it was a fish or piece of debris that connected with the gear, I don't know, but that was all that was needed to break the rod handle at the point where it was placed in the holder and like a slingshot the rod was launched into the Columbia. I have never built a rod since.

i would need counseling after that!
Not sure who lost it but i caught it. Trolling on the columbia below the mouth of the willamette this spring. Had a fasher, dropper, and plug cut herring on my rod when all of a sudden it doubled over and started pulling line. Instanltly i knew it was a snag and killed the motor. reeled in the other rods and started to circle back while jerking on the snag. all of a sudden it came loose but was still heavy. turned out i had caught a rod. hooked it right in one of the eyes.

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