sturgeon in upper willamette

troutmasta said:
I catch em out of newberg all the time! Its not crowded at all plus there is killer bass fishing when your done with the sturgeon!

I catch small sturgeon all the time, no need for keeping them because they dont have a lot of meat on them and plus its illegal to keep them. Try using a roostertailfor bass.


I'm with Raincatcher, I would love to get some specifics on where if you are willing to share. I will pay back the favor someday;)

GoDucks1 said:
Does anybody have any experience fishing for sturgeon near the confluence of the Long Tom and the Willamette? I've only been sturgeon fishing once up on the Columbia but I had a blast and would be thrilled if I could find someplace closer to home to fish them.

I know a spot in your area its the columbia slough, ive cought huge green sturgeon over there try using Baby salmon. Sturgeon are very agresive when they see baby salmon.
Come on man.. pleeze.
Try it,you may like it

Try it,you may like it

Well, let me don't work,probably retired,so you have excessive time on your hands and need an inexpensive form of entertainment. And we are the lucky ones...Do you really think we are so blind that we are all going to take your bait about using "Baby salmon" as bait for sturgeon? I would love to help you pass your time by keeping a pot 'o poo stirred up,but these are MY members you see. Members of MY family and they are not going to let you keep this up for long. How about we do it this way? You add useful information that is not illegal or ask pertinent questions that we would love to answer for you. That way,you get to make some friends and maybe new fishing buddies and be entertained at the same time. We really are worth it. Give it a try. Be safe.
I've been diligently folowing this thread and talking with people about the holes over by Harrisburg and the Long Tom. I've got some good info and I'm ready to try it. Poll is all ready, just need to hit Joes to buy some leader.

My question is this, what about the lower McKenzie? There are some really deep holes below the Bridge on Marcola Rd and again under I5. Anybody ever fish those for sturgeon?

I live out in Marcola so I could throw a line in on my way home from working in Eugene ;)

My buddy used to fish the lower Willamette and Coumbia near portland all the time. He said they used to use smelts. Hook through the head and a half hitch around the tail so that they are head down on the line. He explained that the sturgeon like to eat them head first. Any truth to that?

I assume from the above posts that its illegal to use smelts for bait. So I'm looking for squid? What bait would you use on the upper willamette thats legal?

I definitely want to do it legal and do it right. :cool:

Might you be willing to share some of this information you've uncovered about the Harrisburg/Long Tom holes, in particular driving directions if you have them? I tried it once, off of Irish Bend Lp which is off the road between Harrisburg and Peoria, but later found out that was South of where I wanted to be. Any advice would be appreciated.

Go Ducks
Unfortunately, the information I got was vague too. He said there is a good deep hole under the bridge in Harrisburg and that the confluence of the Long Tom and the Willamette has a good hole.

I did look it up on Google maps and this is what I came up with. I'm pretty sure this is the confluence that we are talking about. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Long Tom/Willamette Confluence - Google Maps

There is an island at the confluence as described in one of the threads here. You could get to the West side of that area by taking Old River Rd or Eureka Rd to Bundy Rd from 99.

On the other side just up river is Cartney County Park right off Irish Bend Loop from Peoria rd. You may be able to walk down from there . . . There is also a rd the goes right to the water just below the confluence but it may be private. Thats the next road North of the Northern end of Irish Bend loop. I think you were definitely on the right track.

Any way you cut it, it looks like you'll be walking on private property but you'd have to figure that out when you got there because I'm not positive about that from the maps.

If you head down, let me know! I'm curious. I was thinking about driving out there today.

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Upper Willy Sturgeon

Upper Willy Sturgeon

I have used smelt and squid for sturgeon. As far as I know both are legal and good baits. I have fished the Willamette in Portland area and on the Columbia.

I tried to find the hole where Long Tom drops into Willamette and my rider got one small sturgeon and I got a destroyed prop. We used squid, smelt and chicken parts in that area. Shaker came on pickled smelt. I have also heard that worms and salmon eggs would be good upriver but have not tried either personally. I do believe all land access near there is private property but I am not positive.

I have not tried Harrisburg yet but probably won't. Let us all know how you do.

I have a buddy who grew up in Monroe and has caught a few somewhere around Irish Bend. He is a big proponet of roll mop herring and sandshrimp. From what I have heard, using a boat makes targeting them a bit easier, lots of private property and all. Sandshrimp, prawns, plain herring, smelt, liver, just about anything that stinks.
Thanks guys, I'll pick up some squid and herring on my way home.

I'm going to try fishing the lower McKenzie today . . . drink a couple beers and hang out by the water. If they are there, great. If not, no harm done.

What is roll mop herring?

I stopped at Joes and picked up some "Sturgeon Candy" (pickled herring) and some sturgeon leader yesterday.

I then headed out to Harrisburg. I drove up the park to the South end and found my way up the river toward the bridge. The water moves pretty fast there so I tested my weights. 12 oz was the minimum that would stay put on the bottom. So I rigged up a herring through the head and half hitched his tail and threw it in.

No luck for 20 minutes so I walked around the corner to the bridge. I went down under the bridge because it looked like some slower water. The water was much deeper directly under the bridge and I was able get the weight to stick to the bottom more easily. I rigged a fresh herring and threw it in. No luck for about an hour.

There were people catching something casting from boats but no sturgeon caught by me.

So I wonder if they weren't there or weren't interested in my bait? isn't' that the age old question though!?

I'm going to change up bait and try again.

I spoke with a sturgeon charter a good bit about it. He helped me find the leader and hooks at Joes. He said he buys squid from the fish market and soaks them in pickle juice. Either that or preserved smelt. I'd like to try something fresh too though. He also said that people are mostly catching big sturgeon in the two places we have been discussing. Nothing that can be kept. But thats only hearsay. Still, it would have been fun to hook into a big one. I really want to bring some meat home though. Thats my primary drive.

I might find time this afternoon to run out to Irish Bend.

This is what it looks like under the bridge.

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Upper willy sturgeon

Upper willy sturgeon


Thanks for the report. Keep us posted. Nothing wrong with oversize but I know what you mean about wanting some tasty fish to eat.:)


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