Stolen! I want my #^$%*@& hat back!

I'm sorry to hear about those @$!#/* stealing your stuff!
No clue on the Triple G reference, It'd be epic to have your Mom retrieve your hat!

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Be sure to keep an eye on Craigslist in your area and those close by. JeannaJigs had a ton of her stuff stolen a few years back and, even though she had to buy her own gear back, she was able to get some of it.
ChezJfrey said:
If anyone sees my hat, kindly ask for it back...or don't ask so kindly...either way ;)
Chez I'll just pretend the guy owns a new Willy, and treat him appropriately!
EOBOY said:
Chez I'll just pretend the guy owns a new Willy, and treat him appropriately!
LOL Dana!

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Hooked Up said:
I'm sorry to hear about those @$!#/* stealing your stuff!
No clue on the Triple G reference, It'd be epic to have your Mom retrieve your hat!

From Hoodwinked. The movie made me chuckle at explaining how defenseless little granny gets tied up in the closet...because she is secretly Triple G, extreme sports enthusiast with her moniker tattooed on her neck. There are all kinds of other explanations in their twist on the story. It's pretty funny.

Looks entertaining

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This could happen to any of us. Even if we saw the theft taking place, it ain't so easy to run over rough terrain in your waders and Herman Munster boots.

Sure is fun to fantasize about what might happen to them if you spotted that car again. But it is so hard to be sure unless you spot the guy wearing your hat, which is surely in the trash or tossed out the window. Was any of your gear particularly identifiable ?

Makes a strong case for having a Go Pro on a chest or head mount. Anyone happening to walk up on you, turn around and say "hi", and you've got their pic in case something goes down, and probably wouldn't after that.
pinstriper said:
Sure is fun to fantasize about what might happen to them if you spotted that car again. But it is so hard to be sure unless you spot the guy wearing your hat, which is surely in the trash or tossed out the window. Was any of your gear particularly identifiable ?

Naw. The vest is an Orvis mesh, with one pocket slightly ripped (inside, lower right just at the upper zipper). Filled with generic fishing gear (three Plano boxes, Glo-Bug yarn in zip plastic bags in white, black, orange, pink, cerise, dozens of spoons/spinner in both Planos and some still in packaging that are in a gallon ziploc tucked in the large back, open pocket of the vest, various sink tips, Brad's and Owner hook packages, Ultra Green leader spools in 8 lb., 10 lb., a sun-bleached dog leash I had found long ago on the Clack I use to carry fish, tape measure, ziploc filled with corkies...and way more. Just tons (almost literally if you ever hoisted the's all those spoons/spinners I cart around, LOL) generic fishing stuff.

Just the hat is identifiable...I'm near 100% sure nobody has a 30 year old, blue Wig Wam ski hat, but me :)
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If I saw my stuff on craigs list,I think I would by it back with my 9 mm as a bargaining tool!:D
Sorry for the loss!

I would bet your scroungy-looking hat ends up in a Tillamook County Goodwill or St. Vinnies. Might be worth a look? :tranquillity:
Sorry to hear that, dude. I had a switch rod taken out of the back of my truck (camper lid and all), and posted on a bunch of forums - well a dude said he knows who took it and met me in the Dalles with the rod at a Chevron. I couldn't freaking believe it. The same fly was still tied on. I told him no questions and he met me - good samaritan or guilty thief, I don't know and don't want to - point is, have faith, might see it again.
JonT said:
Sorry to hear that, dude. I had a switch rod taken out of the back of my truck (camper lid and all), and posted on a bunch of forums - well a dude said he knows who took it and met me in the Dalles with the rod at a Chevron. I couldn't freaking believe it. The same fly was still tied on. I told him no questions and he met me - good samaritan or guilty thief, I don't know and don't want to - point is, have faith, might see it again.

Wow. Glad it worked out.

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