hatcheries use steelhead eggs... we all said the same obvious answer, steelhead and rainbows are the same... well kinda.. they don't call rainbows landlocked steelhead... something in the genetic make-up cause a steelhead to go to the salt, scientist don't know why. as a matter of fact scientist have absolutely no idea outside of speculation... how or why a salmonoid returns to its native river, and the more they study the more they are finding out that these fish arent exactly great at finding their native water... it is an enigma wrapped in a riddle. The answer is simple... this fish by length is a steelhead as per state regulations.. final. But myself I think this is a native rainbow, steel that has spent a while in a river tend to get black lips... and green-black on the top of the head, they darken considerably on the spine, and the rose cheek really turns red.... of course this fish is a stunning looking fish, but those b.b sized black freckles all the way down to the verry tip of the nose make it look just like a nugashik river rainbow, the size does'nt really mean much, manny of us have caught lots of 5-10 lb rainbows.. they are not as uncommon as people like to think.... but it is definitely a steel to a state trooper!