Steelhead fishermen

steelhead_stalkers said:
I know a lot of very nice, fishy fly fisherman. Same with gear fisherman. I don't ask guys swinging fly's how many they have caught because I already know the answer! :lol: I also use a centerpin rod almost 100% of the time for steelhead so gear and fly guys look at me funny. ;)

Thats killer man. I have always wanted to try out a center pin rod!
I need to find vids of center pin
ChezJfrey said:
Hmmm, I looked but see no micro brews here:

Ok, thats one video. I'm speaking in general. I have seen a ton of videos even the one you posted here. Whats funny though is the puffy coat he wears, proving my point. You guys are completely missing what I'm saying. I see a lot of comments towards the fly fisherman and micro brews and its completely off topic and not the message i'm trying to convey.
I totally know what you're saying. Even within the fly fishing community theres divides in methods. I've been told I should't even have a fly rod just because I was nymphing. HAHA I'll fish behind you and nymph everything you missed :D Center pin'ing does get a lot of strange looks but it's just another (fun) method. Anything beats sitting at home on the couch or doing honey-do lists.
_RJ_ said:
I totally know what you're saying. Even within the fly fishing community theres divides in methods. I've been told I should't even have a fly rod just because I was nymphing. HAHA I'll fish behind you and nymph everything you missed :D Center pin'ing does get a lot of strange looks but it's just another (fun) method. Anything beats sitting at home on the couch or doing honey-do lists.

flytrekker1007 said:
If flossing with a fly rod is how you do it then good for you, but I don't. I have seen fish chase and take a swung fly. Your pretty much saying fly fishing is flossing and if done correctly its not flossing. Sometimes people distinguish something as being negative or incorrect because they aren't good at it or they don't like it.

don't get me wrong Ive have had my fair share of grumblings with the locals down on the elk trying to cast when you shoulder to shoulder, agreed.. theres a time and place for flyfishing, ive been down there when we've knocked the snot outta the salmon coming in on flies, and ive seen it when the bait guys have had there hay day down there as well. all my salmon have been hooked in the mouth and have got the pics to prove it, heck when im by myself at times ill go fish the upper stretches of the smith river with indicators but it just boils down to having patience casting into the wind, having brush/other guys behind ya, having right line weight, etc. and to me I just don't have any anymore.. yes ive got every fly rod, spey rods for summers/winters etc. just don't have the patience to cast/roll etc. that and 95% of my buds are gear guys so digging out the flyrod with em in the boat is bad ju ju..
I have a well equipped arsenal for both fly fishing or tossing gear. I use which ever I am inclined to grab, I just enjoy fishing and getting away from the rat race. I haven't owned a puffy coat since one was bought for me when I was a kid. I am allover the microbrew though.
Fly fish for trout, gear fish for for steel/Salmon. Drink cheep beer, spend more on fishin gear.
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I drink Coors original and use gear/bait. But if a fly fisherman offered me a micro brew I'd take it because passing down a free beer is worse than casting over a man's line!
words to live by, right there...
Geez, what a bunch of beer elitists.

There's two kinds of beer - warm, and cold. I like them both.

Actually, I prefer a good micro. But on the river, cans are infinitely more practical. Packing bottles out is not only lame, but can be a safety issue if you trip.
Seems like the thread has gotten off topic. But that's fine, who doesn't love beer?
I am positive (and have often argued, over both cheap and expensive beer) that there is a doctoral sociology thesis waiting to be written, concerning the cultural divide between fly and gear fishing.
I gotta put in my word being a low income dedicated fly fisherman. I grew up fishing spinning rods and trolling for salmon in the yaqiuna bay. I have horrible memories of realeasing half dead cutthroat after they demolished a plug with two giant treble hooks halfway ripping there faces off in the pursuit of steelhead. The times fishing roe usually yield the same results of dead smolts and cutts. On another note my first winter and sumer steel both came to flies so I guess I'm an anomilly. The price for fly rod, reel, and line can often end up around the 1500 dollar range so there is a bit of a price difference between two methods which might add to segregation of the two methods. That being said I fish with gear guys for steel all the time and have no problem sharing info on the river. I honestly feel like I'm the minority on most steelhead rivers but 95% of people I meet are good hearted folks out for the same thing a little nature and hopefully a good fish.
Oh yeah I mostly drink pbr and don't fish high end fly gear unless its 50% off
The connection between income and fishing is a good point hydro
a fly fisherman who drinks PBR.... Hell might've just froze over.
flytrekker1007 said:
Ok, thats one video. I'm speaking in general. I have seen a ton of videos even the one you posted here. Whats funny though is the puffy coat he wears, proving my point. You guys are completely missing what I'm saying. I see a lot of comments towards the fly fisherman and micro brews and its completely off topic and not the message i'm trying to convey.

Naw, we're not missing your's just fun to follow obscure tangents with internet threads. Yes, it's only one video that doesn't illustrate fly guys and microbrew, but that wasn't my point either. I just posted that because, in other unrelated news, it really epitomizes the steelhead endeavor for me...hiking, crawling over rocks, stumbling/falling in the water, standing alone, getting drenched for hours, cast after cast after cast, the missed takes/hookups, then finally...the one fish that stuck. I can relate to all of it :)
ChezJfrey said:
Naw, we're not missing your's just fun to follow obscure tangents with internet threads. Yes, it's only one video that doesn't illustrate fly guys and microbrew, but that wasn't my point either. I just posted that because, in other unrelated news, it really epitomizes the steelhead endeavor for me...hiking, crawling over rocks, stumbling/falling in the water, standing alone, getting drenched for hours, cast after cast after cast, the missed takes/hookups, then finally...the one fish that stuck. I can relate to all of it :)
So can I, I love swinging flies and find it extremely rewarding to hookup in a fish after so much hard work.
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I drink Micro brews. More specificly IPAs with high IBUs and floral aftertones. I prefer to shop local, eat granola for breakfast and walk to the store when I can. Dont smoke tobacco, hate litterers, and always lean to the left (dont hate me forum friends).

However, I SLAM gear! Go through jars of eggs. and cases of spinners and spoons, and bonk anything and everything I can take home for the lady.

Lately (last season) Ive been Fishing the fly for trout and releasing. Thanks OntheFly!

Labels suck we all love to fish.

*Discaimer- I work on my cars, own my own firearms, and will drink ANY beer, warm, cold, flat, old, new, etc...while I'm camping.
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