Springers in the sandy

youngbuck307 said:
Yea we should all just go down there more polls in the watter some one has to get something between all of us...I just want to get anything on my tag lol.. but when do we want to do the dang thing????

Well any time that is if its open. I'll be going down near st helens again next week if you want to go let me know we can meet up or we can make room in the car for u. It is a bit of a drive but its nice out there and we do manage to get some fish.
I'm thinking we should plan a Sandy day. Unlike St Helens/Prescott, the Sandy is open 7 days. Would be a good Mon-Wed outing. I've NEVER fished the Sandy and kinda thinking I don't have an appropriate rod for plunking there. I know I probably have a good float rod for it though.
yea i dont have a plunking rod really for now.... got my rod i use to bobber/drift fish was told it would work, its got some meat to it. I also got my lil 7 foot like surf poll i could use got a nice light tip to it and not really to stiff. The bad thing is its only 7 foot. Im going to get a rod just to plunk with once i get the money though.... and im open for the sandy and day during the week till like 2..
You could plunk with the rod I saw you use today. It will only heave out a couple ounces max, but that is all you would need in the Sandy.
Yea thats what i was thinking... just the one bad thing is having to change the line scents thats my everyday poll what do you guys run normaly for plunking in the sandy??? a lot heaver than what you use to drift fish i know but how heavy??? maybe i should just pick up a cheaper lil reel to plunk with so dont have to change line..
hey yung buck that rod will plunk the sandy for sure it will throw up to 4 OZ if your carfull i use to use a rod just like that to plunk you just have to lob it a little liter and let the wheight do the work. for me i use to use th flat round sinkers i can't remeber what there called but i would takea hammer and pound them as flat as i could like a 1/8 tp 1/4 inthch thech and it would make it have less drag in the water so you could use a liter weight it helped one of those tricks from my old dad i dont know if it makes a big difrance but it makes sence but i am down to go do some plunking for nooks this year lets do it. i have not plunked in years it would be fun to get back into it
Thans Dan
I am not sure what type of line etc. But I caught that nook on my 7 ft salmon rod worked fine. probably need to go to lighter line for the sandy though.
ok just would be a lot better to have both set ups on 2 diff rods so i can evan just drive up the river and fish some holes with bobber.....
I spent 4 hours down at L&C park running a spinglow with freshly cured eggs and a sandshrip wrapped kwikfish (lil k11) with nothing to show but less eggs and fewer shrimp. Water was moving pretty swiftly. I kept things near the bank, even a 10oz weight was drifting the center part of the river. There were a couple other guys there as well that hadn't had anything either...
Keeping a KwikFish stuck on a plunkin rig when the flow is heavy, is a chore at best. And having more drag by wrappin it up, probably didn't help much. I did hear of a few fish at L&C hooked up on straight Sand Dogs under pink, and orange Liberace corkies in the mornin/afternoon. Maybe your plug was blowin up in the heavy current? But the word was good for the stinky 'ol Sandies yesterday. Where were you plunked?
I didn't keep the k11 on but for an hour. even just the spinglo was getting slowly swept away if i was too far out. I was sitting between 84 and the tracks.
it can help if you pound your weights flat with a hammer it makes less drag it can make a diffrance if yo are useing the right weight i think i have sean a lot of guys use canballs or tear drops i think those dnt hold as well as like the flat round sinkers or the pearmed sinkers good luck Dan
Dang! The Spin-N-Glo was gettin walked down too huh? That must have been some heavy flow yesterday. It sucks trying to find good drift water with the rivers being on the push. The height is not bad at all, but the total flow is way up there, making little, flat riffles, into a class 2!:shock::lol: Ah, hopefully it will be decent later this week. But these little lulls in between crappy weather fronts do usually produce fish for those that can chase 'em.
BobberDown said:
it can help if you pound your weights flat with a hammer it makes less drag it can make a diffrance if yo are useing the right weight i think i have sean a lot of guys use canballs or tear drops i think those dnt hold as well as like the flat round sinkers or the pearmed sinkers good luck Dan

I have seen guys slingin out flattened pancake sinkers before. They looked huge, but they were just 2 oz. pancakes, hammered or pressed to be about 1/8 of an inch thick. They too, said the reduced drag meant they would hold better in heavy flows. Meaning reduced casting weight.
I thought I had my drifting gear figured out but I dont so I may have to go plunk on the sandy any reports? or maybe a spot I could try out?
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