Originally Posted by osmosis View Post
I think your buddy was having some fun at your expense.
I primarily fish that creek and the clackamas, I feel I have a pretty good concept of what happens there.
Sure, rotten "springers" come into the creek With the coho every year, but there simply is not close to enough water in that creek for chinook to make it in august...
"originally by Osmosis"
Yeah "this is the first year that they are expecting returns", they said the same thing last year. Thanks ODFW for some more misdirection..
the fish they were spotting were steelhead below the falls. guranteed..
Old colored up winter steelhead - they are trying to get some of the pressure off of the clackamas since fishing has been decent lately and their primary concern is fish making it back to the hatchery so they get their eggs.
This fall there will be rotten "springers" in the mix with the coho just like there was last year, its nothing at all to get excited about.
Flymstr said:
I am sure you know what you are talking about, but I know for sure that Kings do go up the creek in August. Mainly in June, July, but they are still around in August. There is going to be a huge return this year, so keep your eyes open for them in June.
He does know. He has videos on here, he`s a good fishereman, and a lot of people take a lot of stock in what he says. That`s cool, I`m sure he has helped some folks catch fish. That`s why I get warmed up a bit sometimes. I`ve been fishin that crick many moons too and feel I have a purty good idea as well. BUT, every day is a new day, when someone tells me (like flymstr told me of the springer run in the crick) about fish somewhere I do what Osmosis did, recon, check for myself. The first trip was a bust. I didn`t call my buddy and say BS there are no fish. I called and said, " I suck at this, I didn`t see 1 springer."
He said " I know you suck at this" and that was it!! My point is that MISDIRECTION is a big word. You can be misdirected by someone not knowing they are doing it. Put your own polarized glasses on and go fish it, it was a blast. I will post pics and vids a plenty of those fights this spring. I GUARANTEE IT!!