capblack said:i dont know about those graphs, but green peter is almost full, and detroit has went up almost 15 ft in 4 days. And thats not counting all the snow sitting up in the hills right now. I think the rivers and lakes will be just fine, Brian
yeah. I hope Im dead wrong. But I still think it will be a low water year. I mean, Detriots volume as been 70 to 80% of its normal monthly volume. Since december detriot has been running 20 to 30% lower then average.
All this snow and rain is great. But its only gunna affect the short term. Not the whole summer. Normally they would get this rain and let it out. But this year they have to save it to fill up the lake becuase we wont get the snow melt we noramlly get.
If they let it out, and we dont get enough snow melt to fill up the lake then theres nothing they can do about. Once they fill the lakes and feel comfortable about the amount of water stored up they will start to spill more water over. But by that time there just wont be much snow melt running into the lakes to spill over.