Ive got a shimano 2000 reel ive used for trout fishing a few times. i never thought to use it for steelhead i always thought it was too small. it says it will take 10lb test. maybe it will work
cams-76 said:anyone have an opinion on this set up before i use it and cannot return it?
Scott M said:Get some pics of his work. I'd like to see one of his builds.
bigboy70 said:Lol sry I get a lil excited and stuff gets jumbled I have a rod that I got for trout its rated 6-10lb test and I want to turn it into a steelhead float rod and was thinking I could fit enough Berkeley fireline 14lb or use there nanofil it would strictly be q float rod its 7ft something and am asking am I crazy for thinking about doing this cause ive seen a lot of fishermen thus year with rods the same size going after salmon