Spinners on the Clackamas

Started making my own spinners

Started making my own spinners

I started making my own spinners and I really like it -- saves me money and it has allowed me to adjust the weight of the spinner to match particular water that I want to fish. It's also interesting and fun -- I highly recommend it!

Couple of questions: It looks like the size of the spinner blades (e.g. #3 or #4 french blades) varies quite a bit depending on the manufacturer? Is that true?

Also, what conditions are copper blades and black nickel recommended for?
copper blades and black nickel are good now!!! good in low clear. My buddy has been running black spinners for the last few weeks. not tossen out to much colors other than that
youngbuck307 said:
copper blades and black nickel are good now!!! good in low clear. My buddy has been running black spinners for the last few weeks. not tossen out to much colors other than that

Thanks...that makes sense. I just haven't seen or heard much about those colors and wondered if they were used successfully on the Clackamas.

Thanks again!
Yes thats were he uses them....
You guys were right...

You guys were right...

...they're still in there. Tried copper for a while, but I got this one before work on a slightly tarnished #3 brass blade with a black body. Thanks
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Nice fish Bohemian.

I was fly fishing on Sunday on the Clackamas, it was beautiful. The water was so warm, I didn't care to catch anything, it was just nice being out on the water. I did notice some dark grey crickets and black flies right around the riverbank.

You guys talk about B.C., To a noob, what tackle shop is that and where are they located? Sounds like I need to be educated on how to make spinners as well. Thank you in advance.
Thank you Kob
Bohemian said:
...they're still in there. Tried copper for a while, but I got this one before work on a slightly tarnished #3 brass blade with a black body. Thanks

hell yea way to go man that always nice to hear of someone hooking up
Shallow water...spinners?

Shallow water...spinners?

The other day I saw some fish in shallow riffles (only about 18" - maybe less). I was tempted to use a technique that Jed Davis describes in his spinner book -- running the spinner just under the surface of water, rather than along the bottom. I did get a fish that day, but it was in deeper water very near where I spotted the fish. Any thoughts on how to approach very shallow water with spinners?

wouldnt use one I would change to small drift gear is what I would do. only thing maybe would be to go very small but then agen just my 2 cents
Bohemian said:
The other day I saw some fish in shallow riffles (only about 18" - maybe less). I was tempted to use a technique that Jed Davis describes in his spinner book -- running the spinner just under the surface of water, rather than along the bottom. I did get a fish that day, but it was in deeper water very near where I spotted the fish. Any thoughts on how to approach very shallow water with spinners?


try single siwash hooks, smaller lighter gear and let it drift as best you can.
Tape on spinner blades?

Tape on spinner blades?

Do any of you use tape (green tape or other colors) on your spinner blades? It talks about it in the Jed Davis spinner book, but I wasn't sure if this was still a technique that was in use.

Thanks for all the help!
I took Kyle (from BC) fishing on Monday morning...

I took Kyle (from BC) fishing on Monday morning...

osmosis said:
Hey to be fair he is a nice guy, and will tell you about as fast as you walk in that he can't answer your questions and that hes completely new! He will "Mirror" some of the stuff he hears bill say but thats it for now.
that shop is a great place to learn, so just give him awhile and he'll be on top of it.

We didn't do any good, but it's all a part of the learning process (actually for both of us). And, although I'm old enough to be his dad, we had a nice time. It was good for both of us. He's a nice kid! -- and like Osmosis said I'm sure he'll be able to BS like an expert with all of you soon :)
Glad to hear he is hittin the river and isn't just stuck in there all week!

Suprised no one else commented about tape. Its a tactic that more and more people are falling away from, but I for one carry every single color of lure tape I've ever seen made on my boat when I know I'll be running trolling spinners all day. I have a gallon ziplock stuffed full of tape that I bring in the boat on spinner days.
I love the ability to instantly customize and create spinners on the spot to vary with the conditions (clarity, sun, clouds, depth, ect)
osmosis said:
Glad to hear he is hittin the river and isn't just stuck in there all week!

Suprised no one else commented about tape. Its a tactic that more and more people are falling away from, but I for one carry every single color of lure tape I've ever seen made on my boat when I know I'll be running trolling spinners all day. I have a gallon ziplock stuffed full of tape that I bring in the boat on spinner days.
I love the ability to instantly customize and create spinners on the spot to vary with the conditions (clarity, sun, clouds, depth, ect)

All I have is red tape, and a bunch of sharpies... :D
sharpies/stanford permanent markers and red tape have killed plenty of fish.

Just make sure you are very certain which custom job you have on in case you hook a fish and manage to loose the spinner/plug that way you can make a whole bunch more just like it.
osmosis said:
sharpies/stanford permanent markers and red tape have killed plenty of fish.

Just make sure you are very certain which custom job you have on in case you hook a fish and manage to loose the spinner/plug that way you can make a whole bunch more just like it.

So... Take quite a few plain brass spinners and the sharpies so if I lose one, I can just easily color it up on the bank?
Not much happening for me on the Clackamas...

Not much happening for me on the Clackamas...

Still been working with spinners, but no fish for almost 2 weeks :(
Would it ever be a good idea to go to a 6# test line with the current water conditions?...I haven't been using a leader -- just tying it directly to my 8# line. Any thoughts?
I've been sticking with #8. They dont seem to care with spinners.
Heck we've been running #25 leader in the columbia and are catching more than plenty of fish.

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