Snagging fish at JC pond

halibuthitman said:
pics? what do these trout look like... super dark?

Some are dark some are Soreheads and there are some that are brighter and silver too.. There are a few pics in my album of some brooders that were caught recently..
OnTheFly said:
Hey Andy, I think you may be under estimating the 'Brood Trout' and getting it confused with something else. From what I understand, a 'Brood Trout' is a rainbow trout that is raised to collect eggs for hatcherys then released in local lakes for people to catch. ODFW calls them 'Trophy Trout'. One example are the trophy trout ODF releases in Harriet Lake located in the Oak Grove Fork of the Clackamas. These fish range from 17 to 20 inches and are great fighters. If you think they taste like a$$ you are mistaken. They have beautilful pink colored meat and taste ten times better than the 20" rainbows I got from a private pond. A friend told me that he ate a brown trout caught in the spring and it had great taste but one caught in late summer tasted like.......well...bad!

Small correction, Brooders released at salish, WW, Junction City, Huddleston Pond etc. are 4-5 year old broodstock from roaring river fish hatchery, they are brooders not trophy's.

Trophy's are 16" plus stockers and are usually posted on the stocking schedule, whereas brooders are not posted in the schedule.

The meat even on Brooders is pink to red.. The 16 incher plus trophys that they stock are better eats than the brooders imo, well at least they look better to eat.. I don't eat either, just salmon and steel..I give all my trout catches to friends and family to eat :)
You can go to your local hatery and feed the brooders. Ussually they are the ones where the coin operated food machines are. I have seen the tank full of big fish one year and then all the bigger ones are gone the next. Why? because they got old and where going to die so the put them in a pond. I will find the pics of brooders i have seen on the forum and post them. The are some of the best looking fish I have ever seen.
Thuggin4Life said:
MMMMM I just ate teryaki/brown sugar steelhead that has been marinating for 4 days. UUGGG you just ate a fish that was fed pellets for 5 years and forced to spawn then dumped in a pond to die or provide entertainment for kids handicapped and elderly. Do you see even a slight difference? Not bragging about having steelhead jsut using it for a comparison. I thought your dad taught you how to fish for the good eats? And If you want to eat a brooder go ahead I wouldn't recomend it but go ahead. Just try to leave some for the inexperianced little fisher or the guy with one leg or the elderly who can barely get down the sidewalk to the pond. I don't know maybe you like to eat soreheads as well who knows some people will eat just about anything but again to each his own.

Back on topic I would report the bastards snagging at JC pond and point and laugh as the cops show up. Or even try to snag them.

a little bit of tabasco will make anything taste good lol
Some ponds around in Oregon get stocked with surplus steelhead...
Do these ponds?
god i swear andy, some of the crap my wife makes, you cannot choke it down without tabasco lol
I know JC does. Man I almost fell out of my chair.
what i do not understand is why someone would snag a brooder, i bet snagging is more common when the salmon are running , god knows i been on suicide watch when i cannot get me a salmon, it is very frustrating, but to me it is not worth it to lose your fishing prividges for a few years
My point excactly. And if you were going to snag I'm sure it wouldn't be a brooder.
solution7 said:
Small correction, Brooders released at salish, WW, Junction City, Huddleston Pond etc. are 4-5 year old broodstock from roaring river fish hatchery, they are brooders not trophy's.

Trophy's are 16" plus stockers and are usually posted on the stocking schedule, whereas brooders are not posted in the schedule.

The meat even on Brooders is pink to red.. The 16 incher plus trophys that they stock are better eats than the brooders imo, well at least they look better to eat.. I don't eat either, just salmon and steel..I give all my trout catches to friends and family to eat :)

Yes the broodstock would be an older fish and it is my understanding they release them after they cannot produce any longer. But tell me this; are brood trout raised or fed any differently than the trophy fish? All I know is that the 'Trophy Trout' that are released in Harriet and Trillium Lakes have pink and firm meat and are fine eating. Go ask Ninja how those fish he caught last September at Harriet tasted.
Iv seen pictures of brooders on here some look real nasty. others looked ok dont know about the meat though. the 16inch trophy trout are good to eat. id guess the best tasting trout would be the ones that grow in the wild, Im sure diamond lake has real good tasting trout they grow very quickly and big.
Snagging Brooders

Snagging Brooders

Some of the PIGS that show up at the pond will snag and keep anything they can. I've seen it happen all too often. I saw an old Russian guy take one that was covered in fungus, at least it was still swimming. I've seen guys take some that were already dead.
Eww, eating a sick or dead anmal doesn't sound like the best thing to do... I take it the brooders are all in there just for fun?
grampa ron said:
Some of the PIGS that show up at the pond will snag and keep anything they can. I've seen it happen all too often. I saw an old Russian guy take one that was covered in fungus, at least it was still swimming. I've seen guys take some that were already dead.

that russian gives me the creeps.... he likes to follow you esp. if ya caught one ..thinks he can come in and take yer spot over and then claims he can't speak english... weirdo..
womanwhofishes said:
that russian gives me the creeps.... he likes to follow you esp. if ya caught one ..thinks he can come in and take yer spot over and then claims he can't speak english... weirdo..

I think I know who you are talking about. I was fishing a spot earlier in the year and some russian guy came over and started casting and drifting a bobber right over the hole I was fishing! He did not speak english, or acted like he did not. I saw him catch several fish and then he would take them to his car and come back for more...I should have called him in, but I could not be sure that he was actually keeping them all, as he had moved away and I could not really see. It is amazing how many people have zero respect for the outdoors or other people.
ya thats him...
Great, all that area and the possiblity of it being just like the newport crab dock!!!

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