Smoking and steelhead fishing

I smoke but i think it does have an affect because if it didn't you wouldnt see a ton of guides wearing latex gloves to avoid the smallest amount of strange scents and smoke is a litlle bit bigger than a small scent. I dont know about steelhead but they say salmon can smell very good im pretty sure steelhead can do the same. both species travel miles and miles. scent has to have some part to do with it. only my opinion and probly wrong..
thepreditor said:
I smoke but i think it does have an affect because if it didn't you wouldnt see a ton of guides wearing latex gloves to avoid the smallest amount of strange scents and smoke is a litlle bit bigger than a small scent. I dont know about steelhead but they say salmon can smell very good im pretty sure steelhead can do the same. both species travel miles and miles. scent has to have some part to do with it. only my opinion and probly wrong..
whooooooooooooooohh!!! don't assume becouse a guide does it it has any credibility, out of the 5 guides I fished with last year 2 sucked and 2 didn't have any skills on me, above local knowledge of the river. Lots of guys wear gloves to protect their skin, and thats all, anyone using a borax cure should ALWAYS wear gloves when working with it. Nitril gloves have a scent, borax has scent, reel lube has scent, the jello I use for die on my roe has a scent...... smoke is one of the only natural scent on my fishing gear.
Those fish who were caught on butts must have just spawned!!!!


I saw a guide using gloves on a fishing show, to keep bottled scents off of his hands....If I handled shrimp oil every day, I would have to wear gloves..... or sleep on the couch if my girl had anything to say about it.
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Salmon and Steelhead can smell by parts in the 300,000,000,000,000,000. You and I can smell parts by the 100th`s. Just sayin.:lol:
I dont smoke cigs, but I DO smoke herbs (legally. OMMP license) and I don't think it makes a lick of difference for steelhead. I would say that salmon might be more sensitive to odors, but I like fishing with spinners and those fish are usually hitting the lure because they are mad, not because they are hungry or enjoy the smell. Me personally, I wouldn't stop smoking to catch fish.... it takes away from my good times.

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