Siltcoos and Tahkenitch

i was in tyee camp ground bank fishing today . ileft around 12;30 dam wasn't open yet.
Chrome_Chaser said:
The guys at 2 Bros told me tonight that the Dam is now open.

It may well be open, I was guessing they would open it tomorrow. We took off about 11:30 and it was closed, but yesterday it was almost to capacity as you can see from the picture i took, and today it was a torrential downpour, there was about an inch and half of water in the boat in 3 hours or so. Tomorrow I'll have confirmation of the dam status. Once that dam is open, it's hot...the first 2-3 weeks if the rain keeps coming.
Thuggin4Life said:

I want to see pics of the fish not there blood. How about some details too.
I was gonna hold out and wait a bit lol...but I got nothin' to do but sit here, so here's the pics. This fish came relatively quickly trolling a non blue fox spinner at a depth of about 2 feet. She's not a beast, but hey, it's a tagable adult and I was hungry, so she got the wood shampoo. 25 inches, and full of eggs as a bonus.

The dam is NOT open. It's gonna take another good day of rain I think, though it's very full...and I assure you there are large numbers of fish in there utilizing the fish ladder, like fish are supposed to do.

I think Andy got a fish today too :)
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awesome JeannaJigs glad you got into one.. nice Chromer no less and the way it sounds lots more to come reel soon... congrats again
JeannaJigs said:
I was gonna hold out and wait a bit lol...but I got nothin' to do but sit here, so here's the pics. This fish came relatively quickly trolling a non blue fox spinner at a depth of about 2 feet. She's not a beast, but hey, it's a tagable adult and I was hungry, so she got the wood shampoo. 25 inches, and full of eggs as a bonus.

The dam is NOT open. It's gonna take another good day of rain I think, though it's very full...and I assure you there are large numbers of fish in there utilizing the fish ladder, like fish are supposed to do.

I think Andy got a fish today too :)


If I'm not mistaken the pics show you trolling the Siltcoos River near West Lake, yes? Previously you mentioned fishing up or near Maple Creek, which is on the other side of the lake, so I had a question or two. I'm probably going over to Siltcoos Tuesday, and was wondering if there is a boat ramp in the town of Siltcoos or anywhere on the northeast side. I have fished from Westlake side from my little pontoon boat, but I thinking I want to fish up the Maple Cr. arm (I think it's actually called the Miller Arm) and I'm hoping to save myself the row over to the other side.

I think you also mentioned that you fish from the bank at Siltcoos. Was this over on the east side? I'm kind of wondering if the fish tend to school up near the mouth of the creeks that feed the lake.

Thanks a lot Jeanna, I love your posts,
There is a north ramp. You take the first turn off of 101 when heading south. the one before the west lake turn off. Oh here is a picture of a fish i caught today. Have been dealing with the clean up after a fishing trip and getting a hot meal in.
Teo said:

If I'm not mistaken the pics show you trolling the Siltcoos River near West Lake, yes? Previously you mentioned fishing up or near Maple Creek, which is on the other side of the lake, so I had a question or two. I'm probably going over to Siltcoos Tuesday, and was wondering if there is a boat ramp in the town of Siltcoos or anywhere on the northeast side. I have fished from Westlake side from my little pontoon boat, but I thinking I want to fish up the Maple Cr. arm (I think it's actually called the Miller Arm) and I'm hoping to save myself the row over to the other side.

I think you also mentioned that you fish from the bank at Siltcoos. Was this over on the east side? I'm kind of wondering if the fish tend to school up near the mouth of the creeks that feed the lake.

Thanks a lot Jeanna, I love your posts,

With the high water level, and the fresh fish coming in, the outlet has been where I've been fishing primarily, and yes, this fish was caught in the river. We fished up maple creek on the Northeast side of the lake Friday, but there were not many fish being marked on the fish finder, and so the last two trips, I've voted to not waste the boat gas or time to get up there (takes 30 minutes in a 6 horse) when the fish are right there on the west bank and the outlet. As the season progresses and more fish come in, usually about a week after the dam opens, I head up to fiddle creek. A lot of people fish maple creek, but, I just don't like it. However the fish seem to head up maple creek first for some unknown reason, so that's why we went up there to check it out Friday. There is a boat ramp at the north end, and I think, don't quote me on this, but there is an RV park on the East shore of the maple creek arm, and I believe, that they have a ramp, but I'm not certain of the useability of it, as I have only ever put in at the westlake ramp, if you want to get to the north ramp, take clear lake road, if you want to get to the rv park and Ada, take Canary road. The north ramp is very primitive, and not easy to launch from. In a couple weeks there will be plenty of fish up the arms, and they do school up before going into the creeks. Spinners I have found work best up there when they stop moving and start waiting.

Also, the only place I ever bank fish this system, is at the Tyee Campground, though a person could successfully fish from the docks at Ada. These are really the only two places to fish for them while being bank bound.

Andy got somethin' a little bigger than a perch, and my chrome beauty...don't let his trophy perch fool you.
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Thanks Jeanna. Lots of good info here!
You're welcome!
nice fish folks!
Yeah here's some more pictures of the day. Put in around 6:40 and left the parking lot at 10:30. Even spent some time driving down to the dam to check it out. Seen a member of the forum down there. Nice guy. I think he was driving the green truck? LOL. anyways good day out already planning my next assault.
Looks like a great day of fishing. Great job to the both of you!
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Nice work:clap:
Glad to hear you're starting to lace into them again Jeanna. No more pet skunks. ;)
Thuggin4Life said:
Yeah here's some more pictures of the day. Put in around 6:40 and left the parking lot at 10:30. Even spent some time driving down to the dam to check it out. Seen a member of the forum down there. Nice guy. I think he was driving the green truck? LOL. anyways good day out already planning my next assault.

Nice bright fish!
Thanks for the update

Thanks for the update

Due to the expected rain tomorrow I had a client cancel on me. I guess I have to go fishing!
Siltcoos sounds like a fair bet. I've only kayaked the river and never fished so any last minute tips would be appreciated. Sounds like trolling shallow is a good start. What kind of speed?
I've been enjoying this thread, keep up the good work?
Cheers, Dan
not to fast. if you come across a shallow weed bed just pick you rod up. best thing is to not use rod holders and just hold it. good luck out there man.
JeannaJigs said:
Andy got somethin' a little bigger than a perch, and my chrome beauty...don't let his trophy perch fool you.

Seems like i always get into the trophy sized fish when we go fishing. Trophy perch,koke, and sculpin. big ol f*c$e%'s too.

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