Siletz chrome

Thanks all for the info., guess I haven't caught enough springers (only one prior to this one) to identify them as easily as you all have. I can say that for the short while I had my hands on that fish, I could feel her power and...wildness? Hard to explain, but it was a special fish. Glad I got her back in the drink quickly and was happy when she shot OFF with seemingly plenty of energy.
It is great that you were able to get her back out there so fast and even better you got to help her out and get that other hook out of her mouth. You are one of the few and lucky with that catch and the video proof to go with it. Great job man.

Nice fish man! The easiest way I can tell if a fish is a springer, up here on the Santiam, is if it doesn't come up and do acrobatics. The MAJORITY of the time up here, is that the springers will stay down, where as the steel will do flips, cartwheels and a whole list of gymnast moves. But that's while the fish is still in the water. Way to go man! That's a good lookin fish for sure. Who knows..... maybe the FishGods will return your gesture with a monster here in the near future.
autofisher said:
Nice fish man! The easiest way I can tell if a fish is a springer, up here on the Santiam, is if it doesn't come up and do acrobatics. The MAJORITY of the time up here, is that the springers will stay down, where as the steel will do flips, cartwheels and a whole list of gymnast moves. But that's while the fish is still in the water. Way to go man! That's a good lookin fish for sure. Who knows..... maybe the FishGods will return your gesture with a monster here in the near future.

One of the reasons I thought it was a summer was because it DID do the whole acrobatic thing as soon as it saw me and the dog-it jumped a good 3 ft. out of the water, went back under then came up with a cartwheel/twist that would make gymnasts jealous! Guess it was reacting to the sight of the two ugly/scary creatures looking down on her:) I know chinook are known for being more lazy and holding near the bottom when hooked but this one had a little extra something...
I just learned something today.. there are CHROME springers in the Siletz. Holy cow. Awesome fish!
Southpaw I sent you a PM
man the body looks like a springer for sure but the head looks like a steelhead! wierd
anyway that rad, i didn't know the siletz got springers but it makes sense that there would be some sort of native run

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