!!Kais said:Tryin to throw Kais a couple bones!
!!Kais said:Tryin to throw Kais a couple bones!
Finneus Polebender said:I will be honest It is a name given to and I am not joking the most trashed out , polluted, unsavory character filled =dangerous little pond in eugene use to have good access hence now the literal landfill so it has been blocked from vehicles must hike in .Little to no bank access and trust me you do not want to roam the banks of this place ,had some strange company today!. Will tell ya but I wont post it because of those who wouldnt heed the formentioned warning the place is that sketchy. PM me
colbypearson said:it sounds like the expo ponds down here in the summer at the back ponds lol kinda like my second home :lol::lol::lol: as long as im in my pontoon boat i dont get too bothered or sketched out but the occasional hobo drug addict insane creep gets to me every once in a while![]()
colbypearson said:actually i may go there next time and take some pics just to show you lol dont worry theres only one confirmed body found i
Finneus Polebender said:Quite certain dead kitty seen more than dead cats ! I should take some pics of its lovely shores we could have us a contest for the worst poster child pond out there thinkin I got her sewn up though!
colbypearson said:ya you probubly will but i will take pics next outing anyways you may be surprised lol right now the expo's got cotton wood on the ponds looks like a fresh coat of snow covering nearly the whole thing its annoying stuff knots up your line can't wait for it to subside
Finneus Polebender said:Headin out tomorrow that stuff was on every piece of water from Hood river to springtown , amazing how easy you pic it up and what a @#$%^&*( it is to get off! I get to hit some more superb private tomorrow think Ill stick with the baitycaster w/the kite string braid try jiggin till topwater mr hyde shows up! Wont even notice the stuf till my eyes jam! Have just started using them jigs have hard time from toon in most of the shallow weed filled ponds here ,not tomorrow though!!!
tomriker said:maybe we'll see some nasty stuff tomorrow on the shores FP? ill bring my binocs to search the shoresdead kittens can be aranged
Finneus Polebender said:Whoa your scarin me now LOL wont miss home a bit ! the binocs are a good idea !
tomriker said:monday night there was an osprey attacking a bald eagle, it was pretty neet to watch the osprey dive bomb the eagle and the eagle turning over in the air and grabbing it with his talons, wish i had a good camera to take picture
colbypearson said:Pm replied thats good stuff the straight up truth you dont have to tell anybody how it works though its kindof nice being one of the few who fish that way![]()
Finneus Polebender said:safe here bud a bass best friend well maybe not always ,but the knowledge ya can't get in college well thats just sacred!