She's only 17

JeannaJigs said:
People eat carp?! I just threw up in my mouth.

My Dad was a chef, and he taught me that odors from the hands can be removed by a quick rinse, followed by rubbing them briefly over a stainless steel surface (we had a stainless steel sink, but this works on some faucet necks as well). Hydrogen peroxide works well too.

Igquick, there is such a thing as a stupid question, and here is mine: Are carp and the small b*stardly "sucker fish" in the Willamette that nibble on one's Steelhead bait the same thing, but in a juvenile state? I have had these stupid things actually manage to hook themselves, and they simply allow themselves to be reeled in as dead weight. Do your monster carp fight?


Looks like a fatty, fighter. Nice job! What do you do with them?
@184006ej We have this soap at my place, and it's working really well for some reason; I'll take a look at it.

The thing about your question is that it isn't considered stupid to me. Why it's not stupid to me because MOST fishermen ALREADY ASSUME WHOLE HEARTEDLY that a suckerfish is a carp and there is no point of return unless something crazy happens. So your question isn't stupid because you've invited yourself to step out of the box and not assume.

I have had the same situations as you when it came to sucker fish. Those az turds would SOMEHOW manage to hook themselves on my hair rig. Except my sucker fish would bolt a little before becoming dead weight; but otherwise we went through the same thing lol.

The biggest difference between Common Carp and a typical sucker fish is the fight. I've caught like 5 sucker fish around 2-3 lbs and the fight is minimal. This 17 lber took over 13+ minutes to land, my last two fish I caught being 11 lbs and a 15 lber took over 6 minutes each, and my last winter carp of 6 lbs took like 2 minutes. People who try to muscle them in have a high chance in breaking the line and BENDING THE HOOKS.

I know they look similar when it comes to pictures over the internet, but once you actually catch one of each, it becomes obvious.

So the answer is no, they aren't juvee carp.

@mikeee2352 I just release them so they get bigger. I've read they average an extra 2 lbs per year?
Igquick, I guess that question on eating carp was for me. I do not think I have, I do buy carp from a couple of Asian supermarkets, I guess they are imported.
montym said:
Igquick, I guess that question on eating carp was for me. I do not think I have, I do buy carp from a couple of Asian supermarkets, I guess they are imported.

Im sure Mike would like to see a video of you eating one
Throughout the world and down through history, the carp has been both the most widely eaten freshwater fish, and one of the most esteemed.

This one is not from me, just copied it from

Had been to Bethany a few times, one line for trout and one for carp mostly, no luck with the carp yet. If, scrap that if, when I get one I will definitely post pics that'll make tummies rumble for friends back home.

montym said:
Throughout the world and down through history, the carp has been both the most widely eaten freshwater fish, and one of the most esteemed.

This one is not from me, just copied it from

Had been to Bethany a few times, one line for trout and one for carp mostly, no luck with the carp yet. If, scrap that if, when I get one I will definitely post pics that'll make tummies rumble for friends back home.


Im going to send you a pm montym
montym said:
Throughout the world and down through history, the carp has been both the most widely eaten freshwater fish, and one of the most esteemed.

This one is not from me, just copied it from

Had been to Bethany a few times, one line for trout and one for carp mostly, no luck with the carp yet. If, scrap that if, when I get one I will definitely post pics that'll make tummies rumble for friends back home.


Actually I'll send you a pm later....remind me if I forget lol
igquick said:
Actually I'll send you a pm later....remind me if I forget lol

I never ate one here, but growing up in eastern Europe, yeah, I ate plenty of them, and it was really popular. It actually taste good if prepared right, not fishy at all, think freshwater eel from a sushi restaurant . If you feel brave, and if you catch one from a clean place, take it to any easter european neighbor, they will thank you for it and then you can see how it taste.
cdumitru78 said:
I never ate one here, but growing up in eastern Europe, yeah, I ate plenty of them, and it was really popular. It actually taste good if prepared right, not fishy at all, think freshwater eel from a sushi restaurant . If you feel brave, and if you catch one from a clean place, take it to any easter european neighbor, they will thank you for it and then you can see how it taste.

damn really? Eel sounds good right now

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