IT was good to meet you all. I also met Shadelady's buddy, Ryan. He is the luckiest and unluckiest kid I've ever met. Poor guy. Gets into a BIIIg buck chinook and the fish starts jumping and flippng and he started calling for help...I grabbed a net headed for the lad, just as I get there the chinook (easily 35..aint no bull) catches mad air. Typically you don't see chinook jump like that unless they are stuck in the belly. This pig was stuck in the mouth, and jumpin like a coho. HE went end over end and it threw the hook out, and got stuck on the dorsal. The kid did the honorable thing and slid the know back hooked chinook into range and I hit the spinner with the net and he said goodbye. It does my heart good to see a young guy like that growing up with strong ethics. Personally I would have netted him and checked his mouth for war wounds then bonked him.
Shadelady congrats on the first nook....Oh my gawd. Just rember to keep your thumb off the spool...OMG..and steer the fish, don't let him steer you...OMG...Don't reel when he's runnin...OMG...And yes thats your fish..OMG! Good Luck, Knock 'em dead!:dance::clap::lol: